New Beginning Pt. 1

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I'm shaken awake by Ian who is leaning rather closely much to my discomfort.

"We're at your apartment Brianna."

I look to my left and see the building but realize later on that my eyes had to adjust to darkness.

"What time is it?" I croak, wiping my eyes.

"About 10:30pm," someone in the back answers.


 "Hmm..." I murmur and get out.

Ian opens the trunk and hauls the bags out of it. He takes them both leaving Cait and I empty-handed and silent. He leads the way into the building and they stand at the elevator while I collect the keys to our room.

We ride the elevator up in silence. It's short seeing that we live only on the second floor. I open the door to our apartment and Ian's rests the bags at the counter.

"Thanks," I say.

"Welcome," he said hastily, "well I ought to be going."

I sit in the couch saying nothing as Cait shoots daggers at me.

"Wait, how about I whip us something to eat? I'm sure you're hungry after that long drive," Cait says directing her question at Ian.

Please say no, please say no.

Say yes, say yes!

My mind was saying no but my subconscious pleaded yes. I hate her sometimes.

He looks over at me but I avert my eyes, looking down at my sandals.

"Um, that's very generous of you Cait but it's getting late and I have work tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow Brianna, bye Cait."

"Bye," Cait says but he's already shut the door.

"Well spit it out, what's gotten into you all of a sudden?"

"Not tonight Cait," I say as I walk into the bedroom.

I'm an 18 year old teenager who's in love with her 23 years old teacher who lives in an apartment with her 21 years old roomate. Where are my friends? The parties? Boyfriends? Pranks? The texting 24/7? The looking at my phone every minute to see If I get a message from "the one", whoever that is?m

Do you guys get it now? You see why I have to let him go, let everything go and start over?

Love doesn't always conquer all.

I check my phone, silently hoping that I'd see a message from someone, anyone but instead I see my background and my heart drops. I haven't checked my phone in so long that I forgot I had a second family.

This picture was taken at the park the time Ian and I had taken Ginger out for some ice cream.  Maia had come to pick up Ginger but before she could leave, Ginger had asked her aunt to take a pic of Ian, me and her. We made crazy faces.

My heart clenches at the sight and I start to choke on my tears. Will I ever see Maia or Ginger again?


I awake to loud music coming from the center room. I check the time, 7pm. Two more hours till agony. I rub my eyes and walk out into the inviting music.

"Spencer!" I scream as I run and jump onto his back.

He laughs and drops me in the couch, "Hey Bri."

He kisses my cheek. Cait is in the kitchen frying pancakes, although they smell like burned toast.

"Breakfast is ready," she says turning around smiling with the plate of pancakes in her hands.

"Umm, I'll skip out on breakfast for today," Spence says chuckling.

"Me too," I say giggling.

Cait frowns and shoots daggers at us.

"So how was your trip, heard you hit your head, you okay?" Spence asks.

"Yeah..." I say looking at Cait, I hit my head?

She shakes her head at me, pleadingly.

"Yeah, was a hard bump," I chuckle.

"Anyway," Cait says removing her apron, "I've got work in a few."

That's when I notice she's already dressed in a ditsy floral print dress with a small brown belt around her waist and a brown slip-on. Her hair was done in a high bun and she wore very little makeup.

Spence left my side by the couch to greet Cait at the door. They whisper, nod and smile. He wraps his arms around her waist and gives her a big sloppy kiss on the mouth.

Cait smiles into the kiss and before you know it, she's disappeared and his arms are empty again and I see the longing on his face wishing she were back already.

A cliche relationship. That is all I ask for.

I smile at Spence and pinch his cheeks. He grabs my arms tightly and pushes them away from his face but not before sticking his tongue out at me.

"Aren't you gonna be late for school?"

It was 7:30am.

"I should probably go shower," I say.

"I'll step out. Catch you later Bri."

I smile and close the door behind him.


I am early to class but others were earlier. Somerhalder...was at his seat marking our papers we had given in before the break.

If I were a normal student, like the rest in the class, I would probably be thinking "damn lazy ass teacher couldn't have used his break wisely to mark the lousy papers?"

But instead I was thinking, "he was too busy with me to get anything done."

The sight of him hit me like a brick. He was shaved, looking even more younger and dreamier.

I could pick out the scent of his all too familiar cologne.

His hair, instead of it's usual tangle, was smoothen over to the back.

He looked gorgeous and it took my breath away.

When class started he handed the papers back. I got a B along with a note scribbled in pencil I could hardly see.

-I know you're ignoring me,

doesn't take a genious to figure it out

but the least I should get is an explanation.

No, no I can't. My thoughts are scattered. I'm not ready to explain. I wasn't even prepared to see him.

Just then, the class was dismissed and best believe I was the first to leave my seat, only to hear, "Brianna."

Not a shout but not a whisper either, just loud enough to stop me in my tracks.


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