That's When I Knew Pt. 3

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We pulled up at the house and the music was pumping really loud. The place was crowded and the stench of alcohol and cigarettes was strong in the air. Cait cheered and practically jumped out of the car. She loves a good party.

“Sweet,” Seige said as he got out on his side of the car. I rolled my eyes. Ian smiled at me and cut the engines. We both got out of the car.

“Brianna, baby,” D said walking up to me and kissing me possessively, “I thought I told you I’d come pick you up?” he asked eyeing Ian gingerly. 

“Yeah, but you also said I could invite some friends and well Ian had a car, so…”

“I see. And who’s this?” He asked turning to Seige. Oh, shit, Seige! This is gonna be harder than I thought.

“I’m Seige, Ian’s younger, hotter, brother,” Seige said offering D his hand. They shook briefly. 

“Nice to meet you, well enjoy the party. Come on, baby,” D said tugging on my arm, “let’s mingle.”

I could see Seige raising a questioning eyebrow at his non-too-pleased brother. At the same time, Caitlyn grabbed Ian’s arm and tugged him gently in her direction as she winked at him. 

“Hold up, what’s um…happening here?” Seige asked looking in our direction then theirs.

“We’re going to party and mingle,” I said cheerfully. 

With a raised eyebrow, Seige nodded and said, “Okay, don’t wait up. It’s time to work my magic,” he said as he popped his collar and headed off in the direction of a group of half-naked girls. I rolled my eyes and at the same time I catch Ian rolling his too. He looked at me and we grinned. 

Okay, since that’s out of the way, maybe we can have some fun after all. 

It was after midnight and I was already drunk. Jeez, my vision was blurred and I couldn’t find D’Ablo anywhere. Great, just great. 

“Brianna, Brianna, are you drunk?”

“Ian, hi! Maybe,” I giggled and wobbled.

“Whoa!” he said as he caught me, keeping me up, “are you feeling okay?”

“I’m fine, jeez!” I said and I feel something building up inside me. Oh no! I’m gonna throw up. I cover my mouth quickly and grabbed my stomach.

“Come on, we need to get you some water and you need to sit down for a while,” he ordered.

Oh no you don’t, Somerhalder! 

“I’m fine!” I snapped. 

“For the love of God, Brianna, just listen for once and do as I say!”

My eyes widen in anger. Who the fuck does he think he is? There it is. The sickness and I bend over and hurl all over his sneakers. Oh no. 

He narrowed his eyes in frustration and suddenly he’s swept me up in his arms and carrying me towards the car.

“Put her down,” Someone said, more like growled.

“She’s sick, she needs to rest for a while. Where the fuck were you when she needed you?” Ian shouted. 

“What? A man can’t take a piss?”

I could see Ian shake his head, “The fuck does she see in you?”

I saw D’s smirk, “Why don’t you ask your girl that?”

“What?” We both say in unison.

“What does Cait have to do with this?”

“Well, she’s been keeping me busy.”

And for the first time I see Ian react. He launched himself at D’Ablo yelling, “What the fuck did you do to her?”

D’s smirk is permanent, “Why don’t you ask her?” 

Ian’s chest moved up and down quickly in anger. He pushed D’Ablo away from him though not before he threw him a punch. No! Don’t hurt him! “What is wrong with you? He cheated on you with your best friend!” My subconscious sneered. I felt hurt. Ian disappeared inside of the house.

Stubbornly I got out of the car to help D up. Hot tears oozed down my cheek. I wiped them away with the back of my hand.

“Brianna…” He started.

“Did you, did you do anything?”


“Which is it?” I snapped.

“Yes, but I didn’t have sex with her,” he admitted gingerly.

I slapped him hard across the face. How dare he! How dare she! 

His chest began to rise and fall angrily, “What about you? Huh!”

“What are you talking about?”

“You and that Ian guy, his brother’s not stupid you know.”

Seige! He wouldn’t. He doesn’t even know the truth. 

“You’re lying.”

“Am I? He walked in on us making out earlier,” he smirked at the thought, “so he went to get Ian first but apparently couldn’t find him cause he was too busy looking after you, instead he found Cait and told her that her boyfriend was making out with you. Cait finding this untrue told siege and I quote, ‘Ian would never do that’. 

I’m finding the story easy to believe though I never saw Seige nowhere near the kitchen earlier.  

“So Seige goes, ‘Ian’s Brianna’s boyfriend’ and you can fill in the pieces. Let me hand you this, I never thought you’d have the audacity to cheat on someone but apparently I never meant anything to you in the past 3 weeks,” He scowled. 

“That’s not how it…” Cait’s loud screaming cut me off.

“Let me go! Don’t touch me you two-timing little bastard!”

Oh shit.

Her eyes suddenly landed on me and she went bizarre as she jumped me, knocking us both into the hard iron of the car.

“You little slut! I thought you were my friend, you little shit! I hope you die and rot in hell!” She yelled at me as she threw me like trash on the ground. I hit my head and I clutch it tightly as I cry out in pain. This is all going so wrong. She gets ready to jump on me but is held back by D and Ian. Seige leaned down quickly by my side. His words are slurred and I barely catch on to what he’s trying to say.

“Bri…na…are…okay? Can…hear…me…?” He asked as he scoops my head into his arms. My vision was getting worst as darkness was closing in. 

“Shit!” I heard Cait swear as she kneeled beside Seige, “Brianna, I’m sorry. Please answer me.”

It’s a wonder I heard her words and the last thing I heard was Ian saying, “Fucking hell!” and my vision darkened as my senses shut down.

TO BE CONTINUED……will these chapters ever end? Smh. COMMENT.

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