Chapter 1: Surprise

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Cyan stood up from his nest, stretching and yawning. He looked around his Sleeping Chamber, feeling depressed with how lonely he was in the Temple.

He sighed and jumped out of the nest, which was covered in soft blankets made from sheep wool.

He thought of Spyro, his younger legendary brother. He thought of how Spyro had Fire, Electricity, Ice, and Earth as his elements. Cyan frowned, walking up to a mirror.

He frowned at himself, lifting up his paw and forming a ball of water. Negative thoughts about himself flooded his mind as he examined the water in his hand. It showed his reflection; he didn't even need a mirror. It swirled and levitated above his paw.

His element was Water, and he felt he had no use for it. He sighed again and looked at the door, hearing loud thumps from the other side. The door opened, and Cyan acted like nothing was wrong. He normally tried to hide his feelings and insecurity about himself, but everyone could see his depression anyway.

A large green dragon with dark golden horns stepped into the room, staring down at Cyan with a seemingly angry look that he always had.

" Cyan, Spyro and Cynder are here to talk to you. They have a surprise."

" Thank you, Terrador. I'll be in there in a second."

Terrador, the Earth Guardian, walked out of the room with a slow walk. It was clear he was an elder, he nearly limped and his legs shook under his own weight. Cyan inhaled nervously, thinking of what the surprise was.

He looked at himself in the mirror once more before walking through the door. He then walked out into the Entrance Hall, seeing Spyro and Cynder standing, talking to each other about something Cyan couldn't comprehend.

He approached them, and managed a small smile through his depressed face.

" Good Morning, Spyro, Cynder."

Cyan had a huge crush on Cynder, but he tried not to make it obvious. He wasn't very good at hiding any of his feelings. 

Spyro and Cynder stood close together, maybe a little too close. It seemed as if they were hiding something. Cyan craned his head to look behind them, but failed to see anything peculiar.

" So... What's the surprise?"

He really didn't want to ask such a question, it made him sound desperate.

Spyro and Cynder smiled eagerly and separated, revealing two baby dragons. One was male with black scales and yellow horns, the other was female with blue scales and white horns.

Cyan looked at them with wide eyes, a little confused with how this was a surprise. Spyro chuckled at his small confusion and walked up behind the young dragons.

" Cyan, meet your new Niece and Nephew!"

Cyan's mouth dropped slowly as he looked between Spyro and Cynder.

" When did this happen?"

The new parents laughed. Cynder motioned at the female young, who quietly whimpered into the male's ear.

" Her name is Crystal."

Cyan went up to Crystal and sniffed at her, taking in her scent and creating a small bond. Crystal giggled and rolled over onto her back, showing her underside to Cyan. He managed a small smile and felt happy for once in his life as Crystal reached up and grabbed the tip of his muzzle with her tiny paws.

" She's adorable."

He separated his muzzle from her paws, then looked over at the male, who slept heavily with short snores of peace.

Spyro went over and nuzzled the young male awake, whispering to him about something nobody else could hear.

" This is Electro."

Electro. The name had a nice ring to it as it echoed in Cyan's ears. He sniffed at Electro, who backed away at the sight of Cyan, seeing how big he was compared to Spyro. He seemed afraid, and it made Cyan feel depressed again. He got closer to Electro, only to have him back away even farther.

Cyan frowned and moved away, letting Electro come to him instead. Electro sat for many seconds, staring at Cyan with wonder. When he finally felt comfortable enough to meet his uncle, Electro slowly stood up and took cautious steps towards Cyan.

Cyan stood as still as he possibly could, and moved slowly when he did make action. Electro would stop every now and then, much like a house cat stalking a rodent.

When he finally got close to Cyan, he looked up at him, meeting with Cyan's eyes. His eyes filled Electro with comfort, and he giggled. He placed one of his paws on Cyan's much larger paw and looked up at him, seemingly proud that he made such an accomplishment as placing his paw on his uncle's.

Cyan finally smiled again, reaching down and licking the top of Electro's small head. Electro jumped back at the sudden warmth from the tongue, and fell onto his back. He looked up at the ceiling with interest, like he didn't know what just happened. Cyan moved his head between Electro and the ceiling, and looked into Electro's small, golden eyes.

Electro giggled happily and rolled back over  onto his legs. His tail was erect and his eyes gleamed with joy. Cyan lowered his head to Electro's head level, and Electro rammed at him with his tiny, still-growing horns.

Electro fell back at the impact, and shook his head of the dizziness that overtook his vision. Cyan started chuckling at Electro's try for head butting. 

" Strong little guy."

Spyro and Cynder nodded and nuzzled Electro and Crystal. They yawned at their parents touches. Spyro looked at Cyan, who watched as Electro began to fall back asleep.

" The little ones are getting tired. Cynder and I must take them back home."

Cyan's smile suddenly disappeared, and he looked at the ground. For once, he felt happy while in Electro and Crystal's presence. He honestly didn't want them to go yet.

" Oh... okay."

Spyro nuzzled his brother, then picked up Electro and flew out with Cynder carrying Crystal close behind. Cyan watched them leave, then began to walk back towards his Sleeping Chamber.

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