Chapter 9: Nature

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" Hello? Are you okay?"

Cyan's eyes slowly opened to the female voice. He moaned as he looked up to see a blurred green figure. He blinked rapidly to straighten his vision. Once his vision focused, a beautiful green dragoness with bright, gold eyes looked Cyan over.

" Are you okay?"

She repeated herself, and tilted her head to focus on Cyan's sea green eyes. He moaned again, slowly trying to sit up. The dragoness backed out of his way to give him room. Cyan struggled to stand, pain grabbing his body when his muscles flexed.

The dragoness watched him with wonder as he finally stood on all fours. He wasn't much bigger than her, she was about the same age. Cyan looked over her body, admiring her slender curves. The morning sunlight from outside seeped through cracks in the walls, shining right on her green scales perfectly. Her bright golden eyes looked over his body too.

The dragoness had gold horns similar to Malefor's, markings in the shape of flowers patterned her shoulders. Her muzzle was round, and her underbelly was smooth and golden. The tips of her wing membranes were tipped with gold. The webbing in her wings were brown. Her hind legs had gold stockings. The tip of her tail had a gold and brown leaf-shaped end. Cyan guessed that she was an Earth Dragon, and indeed she was.

" Are you okay?!"

She dared to ask again, raising her voice as to get him to answer. He growled and hissed.

" I'm fine!!"

His sudden shouting rose the dragoness' temper.

" Sorry!! I wouldn't have repeated myself if you had answered the first time I asked!!"

She stood tall as to challenge him. Cyan just growled and stood taller, easily winning the challenge with height.

" Where am I anyways?"

The dragoness batted her eyes and looked around.

" Well, if you walked in here you probably should know. But you are in the Ruins of Warfang."

Hearing her words, Cyan remembered everything that happened.

" Oh, I remember now."

" Good. Now what's your name?"

An evil smile came across his face as Malefor's dark side of him came into play.

" Malefor."

His voice was deep and slow. He looked down at the broken crystal pieces under his feet. He shuffled his claws and scratched the ground, suddenly feeling the power he had been possessed with.

The dragoness shrugged her shoulders and yawned.

" Nice name."

Malefor was taken aback by her calm response. Most creatures would cower at that name.

" Thanks?"

Malefor didn't know how to respond. But in the end it didn't matter. His main focus was on something else. He now had a host, someone who could continue his destiny: To destroy the world.

But during Malefor's reign, he had used Cynder as his servant to help with the demolition of the world, but Spyro had freed her. Malefor's intention now that he had a host was to rid Spyro before attempting the world. But he couldn't do it alone. He needed another servant. He needed someone who wouldn't know what they were doing. Someone who was easy to take control over.

Cyan's jealousy towards Spyro mixed with Malefor's want to assassinate him, creating uncontrollable anger that Dark Cyan (Mix of Cyan and Malefor) wanted to take out on the one who created it: Spyro.

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