Chapter 21: Manipulation

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Cynder woke up to Crystal's cry for food, which also woke up Spyro and Nature. Spyro stood and stretched, remembering the plans for the day.

" Let's take Crystal to the Temple now. The Guardians will feed her."

Cynder agreed as everyone took off towards the Temple. They entered the Entrance Hall, calling for Terrador.

" Spyro? Cynder?"

Nature came into sight, shocking Terrador.

" Nature! There you are! I didn't see you in your Sleeping Chamber last night. I'm glad to see you are safe."

Nature bowed and looked at Spyro. He gathered himself and pushed Crystal towards Terrador.

" Here, watch Crystal for us."

Terrador took Crystal suspiciously.

" Why? What's going on?"

" We are going to confront Malefor."

" You know how to defeat him?"

Nature shook her head.

" We aren't completely sure. But we are to go along with it, he will get defeated somehow."

Terrador bowed.

" Fair enough. Good luck, Young Dragons."

Spyro, Cynder, and Nature bowed before informing Terrador of Crystal's hunger. They then took off to Warfang.

On the way, they thought of how they were to get Malefor near the volcano for an easier defeat.

Nature thought of a plan and couldn't help but laugh at herself.

" Leave me to manipulate him into going to the volcano."

Spyro and Cynder agreed, although a little hesitant. They flew into Warfang. Spyro and Cynder stood on a house, crouching behind the fold of the roof. They watched as Nature flew down to the Ruins' doors.

" Malefor!"

Malefor opened the doors slowly. He flew out with Electro following. Cynder's heart dropped without warning when she saw Electro.

" Spyro! Our son is his servant! His....... Puppet."

Cynder choked on her words as she remembered back when she was Malefor's servant. How much it ruined her life. Now her own son was a victim, a monster.

Cynder began crying uncontrollably as she nuzzled against Spyro, trying to shake the feeling of it all, wishing everything was a dream. But it wasn't.

Malefor turned to Dark Cyan, seeing Nature. His infatuation in her changed him, made him more vulnerable to tricks and.... Manipulations.

" Nature..... Long time no see."

Nature smiled, not slyly or devilishly, but rather affectionately.

" Must I say, Malefor. I've missed you since our last encounter."

She was pretending, acting in a way of seduction. She batted her eyes at him, sending chills down his back. He smiled as he seemed to fall under her control.

" I missed you, too, Nature."

He was more truthful as Dark Cyan. He revealed that he really did miss her. Cyan missed her. Nature grinned and bit her bottom lip, looking up and down Malefor's body.

What she was doing disgusted her, but she knew she had to. Electro, meanwhile, was ignoring everything, keeping a straight face and waiting for a command from his Master.

Nature rubbed her body against Dark Cyan, trying desperately not to gag. She smiled and looked into his eyes. Dark Cyan shuddered as he made eye contact with her. She moved her muzzle closer to his ear, and spoke in a whisper.

" I know a place. If you are interested in..... Me. Follow my lead."

Dark Cyan wanted what she was seemingly offering. He took the invitation, and they ascended into the air, Nature leading the way.

Spyro and Cynder followed behind at a distance as they headed towards the volcano. Electro flew behind Dark Cyan and Nature and had no clue of his parents following.

The volcano could be seen from Warfang. Nature didn't need directions. Reaching the volcano, they landed at its base, Spyro and Cynder once again taking cover behind a rock.

Nature, keeping Dark Cyan in his seduced state, continued her manipulation.

" Stay here, Mal. I have a surprise for you inside the volcano. I'll go get it."

She ascended back into the air and flew up the side of the volcano, activating her diamond in preparation. As she hovered above the volcano's entrance, the heat from inside began warming her silver blue scales.

Nature took a deep breath before entering the boiling mountain, her dream coming true.

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