Chapter 8: Chaos

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The next morning, everyone in the city gathered near the Ruins' entrance, preparing for the funeral. One mole in particular, noticed that Cyan was missing.

" Has anyone seen Cyan around?"

Nobody answered him, so he decided to go check Cyan's house for him. He approached the door and found that it was unlocked. He didn't want to just barge in, so he lightly knocked on the door.

He waited a few seconds after the knock but couldn't hear a sound from the other side of the door. He hesitantly pushed it open, fear grabbing at his heart. He feared that Cyan wasn't there.

" Hello?!"

His voice echoed through the house, but no dragon appeared nor answered.

Perhaps he's still asleep.

He cautiously made his way up the stairs, hoping that Cyan was in bed. He feared he wasn't due to all the missing citizens lately.

He choked and stopped breathing when he saw the empty bed. His heart dropped as he guessed that Cyan went into the Ruins.

The mole rushed out of the house, finding Meril and Merx as fast as he could.

" It's Cyan! He's missing!"

Meril's eyes grew wide as he slowly brought his spaced out eyes to look over the crowd.

" Are you sure?"

The mole nodded his head quickly.

" I'm afraid he went into the Ruins."

Meril smirked at the mole's theory and looked at Merx, who was just as shocked to hear Cyan's missing.

" But there wasn't a roar."

Merx shook his head.

" As much as I don't want a dragon in the city, I think we should go find Cyan, roar or not."

Meril shook his head quickly with wide eyes.

" What are you thinking, Brother?! We've lost our oldest brother, we've lost our search team, even a dragon was lost! How dare you speak of searching for Cyan in the Ruins!"

Meril had lost control of his stress and put it all on Merx, who cowered away from his older brother. Meril quickly realized his shouting and calmed himself. He noticed the crowd went silent when he scolded Merx. He looked at everyone with an embarrassed stance.

" I'm sorry, Merx. I have a lot of stress and you making plans that could risk more lives is not helping."

" It... it's okay."

Meril sighed and looked at the Ruins' doors with a sad expression. At that moment, it dawned on him that Miles was gone. He realized that he would never see Miles again, his older brother was gone and there was nothing he could do.

As he stared at the Ruins' doors, his surroundings disappeared. The crowd went silent in his ears, even though everyone was chattering again. Merx wasn't even there, all he could hear was his own breathing and heart beat.

Tears slowly escaped his eyes as his thoughts of Miles clouded his mind. Soon, the chattering of the crowd and the presence of Merx brought him out of his mental isolation.

" Meril? Is everything alright?"

Meril looked at Merx with a lost look in his eyes. Merx looked at him with concern before Meril completely broke down. He ran to their house, sped upstairs and landed on the bed with grief and mourn taking over his heart.

The crowd didn't acknowledge Meril's escape. Merx looked over the crowd with shock to see if anyone noticed. Nobody mentioned anything, so he left the crowd to find Meril.

He entered the house and called for Meril. Crying could be heard from upstairs. Merx walked up the stairs with worry as Meril came into view. His back was facing Merx, his shoulders jumped with his crying.

Merx approached the side of the bed, placing a hand on Meril's shoulder.

" Meril? What happened back there?"

Meril continued to cry without replying. He rubbed his face into the pillow, wiping the tears off his cheeks.

" Call... call the... funeral off."

He spoke between sniffles. Merx widened his eyes.

" But..-"

" Call it off!!"

Merx jumped at Meril's shouting. Meril cried harder as Merx left without arguing. He walked back to the crowd with hesitation.

" Meril has called the funeral off!"

Everyone gasped and talked about it a little before heading home. Many we're glad to have gone home instead, others closer to Miles were upset at the idea of not having a mournful remembrance for Miles.

Merx waited for everyone to leave before going back home to comfort Meril.

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