Chapter 6: The Search

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The next day, Miles was still missing. Merx began pacing back and forth in front of every citizen, who had been called to a meeting that morning. Meril stood behind Merx, thinking to himself as the crowd in front of them discussed the recent missing of Miles.

Cyan was in the crowd as well, behind everyone who all kept their distance from him. He cried inside, not being respected at all.

Merx turned to face the crowd, flailing his arms in the air to get everyone's attention.

" Citizens of Warfang!"

Everyone went silent, a few moles shushed others. Merx sighed nervously and put his arms down.

" Meril and I will send out the city's search team to go look for Miles. Meanwhile, I need everyone to stay calm, and know that we are desperately trying to find our leader."

Everyone agreed, and returned to their houses in wait for news about Miles. Cyan didn't leave, but instead went with the crowd until he found a hiding spot to listen and watch as the search team were given their orders. Six moles stayed behind at the meeting, revealing that they were the search team.

Meril and Merx didn't notice Cyan, who hid nearby in a bush. Meril looked over the team before coming up with a plan.

" We are assuming that Miles went into the Ruins early one morning. We need you guys to go into the Ruins and find him. Don't stay down there for long though, be back by sunset."

The six moles agreed, and were excused to the Ruins. Meril and Merx stood and spoke about the recent happenings. Cyan came out of hiding, watching as the Ruins' doors closed behind the search team.

" They might need a dragon with them. I should go with to keep them safe."

Meril jerked his head to face Cyan, a little shocked to see that he was hiding.

" Young Dragon! You can't go into the Ruins. Our search team can handle this."

Meril and Merx walked away, leaving Cyan looking at the doors to the Ruins with doubt in his mind.

But what if they don't make it back?

Cyan figured it was best to wait and see if they come back. If not, he was going to go down there, given the choice or not. He silently walked slowly back home, hesitating with every step he took.

Meanwhile, the search team stood on the other side of the door, timid of the darkness and what might be in it. The lead searcher, Broyal, looked around and sniffed the cold, moist air.

The team chattered until Broyal hushed them. When he turned his head to hush everyone, a glow in the distance caught his attention. He walked towards the edge, everyone watching his movements. Soon, everyone saw the glow, and seemed hypnotized by it.

Clouds of dust and cold air rushed behind their necks, sending chills down their spines. The dusted air looped back around and picked everyone up, bringing them to the red crystal, where the purple dragon head was waiting in the shimmering glass.

The black crystals that once surrounded the red one, had grown back to retake their place as guards. The purple dragon looked over the crowd, the black crystals beginning to break out of the ground.

The dragon suddenly got angry as he finished his overlook, and the black crystals spun around until they broke once more in utter rage from the dragon within the red crystal.

" Pathetic moles once again??!! A dragon must be my host!! A dragon has the strength and power that my spirit must possess!! Moles are useless!!"

His raging scream threw every mole in different directions, sending them to their quick death. The dragon roared loudly once again as he complained and raged about the moles' presence.

" There's the roar again!"

Merx jumped out of his bed, putting his book down and throwing the blankets off the bed. He turned to Meril, who was also standing with the blankets off the bed. They looked at each other in shock, fearing the worst.

I know this is a short chapter for having been soooo long since I last updated. I'm sorry for the wait, but I am trying to write through a writers block that I've had since around Christmas.

I try to update for you guys, and I know you say to take my time, but I even go crazy if I can't write XD. My writing for this chapter was probably not my best, but it's the writers block effecting my writing. Tell me what you think about the story so far and how you think this chapter is. Thanks!

Thank you for all your patience, and I'll try to update the next chapter as soon as I can. Bye! :3

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