Chapter 20: The New Servant

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Cynder rolled over to face the entrance of the cave when she heard wings flapping from outside. Crystal sobbed against her underside, missing her brother.

Cynder watched as Spyro and Nature landed in the cave. She could tell they had news by the looks in their faces. She sniffled, revealing that she had been crying the whole time they were gone.

" Did you find anything?"

Spyro nodded.

" We talked to The Chronicler. We must retrieve a crystal from The Volcano of the Destroyer. He said he will guide us from there."

" A crystal is gonna get our son back?"

Nature bared her teeth and stepped between Spyro and Cynder, inches away from the black dragon's muzzle.

" No! It's gonna defeat Malefor! Some things are more prioritized than getting Electro back!"

Cynder stood up and stood as tall as she could, trying to be taller than the towering Nature.

" How was I supposed to know that the crystal was gonna defeat him?!"

" Maybe if you quit asking about your son, you'll find out!"

Cynder growled as she tried to keep her tears back. She didn't want to show any weakness.

" If you had a child that went missing, you'd prioritize them too!"

Spyro stepped between the dragonesses, ready to give them both a lesson.

" Both of you! Stop the shouting! We are all under a lot of stress right now! Don't take it out on each other!"

Nature smirked and turned away. Cynder looked down and began sobbing. Tears surfaced her eyes.

" I'm just a mother. Losing my kids is my worst fear.."

Spyro nuzzled her in comfort.

" I know, Cynder, I know. We will get him back eventually. For now, we need to have the Guardians watch over Crystal."

Spyro turned around to see a bright purple sunset blanketing the green land outside. Nature also noticed the colorful scene, and turned to face Spyro and Cynder.

" Looks like we'll have to wait till tomorrow."

Cynder looked up from her sobs and bared her teeth at Nature.

" Tomorrow?! But-"

Cynder noticed Spyro's glare and shut herself up. She curled up beside Crystal and thought to herself. Spyro turned to Nature, who held her head high in pride.

" Cynder and I must get some sleep now."

Nature remarked his implement in her leaving, but ignored it.

" Perhaps I should stay? I mean, you wouldn't want Crystal to be taken too. We don't exactly know what Malefor's intentions are. Protection is mandatory."

Spyro honestly didn't want her to stay, but he saw where she was coming from, and couldn't find the right argument. Instead, he accepted.

" Fine."

Nature smiled and walked around to Crystal's other side. She ignored Spyro's protective stare and lied down. She could tell Spyro didn't want her there, but she was stubborn.

Spyro sighed and snuggled close to Cynder, placing his neck on hers.

Meanwhile, Malefor and Electro were awake in the Ruins. Malefor's eyes were white with victory as he used his evil power to corrupt Electro, who was crying in pain.

Malefor laughed as Electro grew into massive size, his age growing rapidly.

" Stop!!"

He screamed for mercy with his new adult voice. Malefor refused, giving him all the power he could. Electro continued to scream with severe pain as his body was filled with dark magic.

Only minutes went by before Malefor stopped. Electro collapsed on the ground, passed out from the pain. Sweat covered his black scales. He breathed heavily as the evil magic coursed through his body.

Malefor laughed victoriously as he waited impatiently for Electro to wake up.

An hour came and went before Electro finally woke up. He slowly got on his feet. His legs trembled with weakness. His yellow eyes drooped with exhaustion.

Malefor walked over and took Electro's chin in his paw, lifting his head to examinable height.

" Electro...."

Electro looked directly into Malefor's eyes. His jaw struggled to move in Malefor's hold.

" Yes, Master?"

Malefor let go of his jaw and lifted his muzzle to the sky, evilly laughing in satisfaction of having Electro as his servant.

His laughter died down as he looked at the Ruins' doors.

" Come morning, Electro, we will find your new powers."

" Yes, Master."

They lied down and quickly went to sleep, eager for morning to come.

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