Chapter 19: The Chronicler

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" How do you know, Nature?"

Cynder's eyes darted around nervously, impatient for an answer. Nature took a deep breath as she thought out her answer.

" I flew to Warfang to look for your son when I heard something coming from the Ruins. I listened from outside the doors, and heard Malefor mention Electro."

Cynder stomped her feet in outrage.

" That devil!! He kidnapped my son!!"

Cynder, blinded by utter rage, nearly flew out of the cave when Spyro stopped her.

" Cynder! We must have a strategy!"

Cynder looked at him with fear and anger in her eyes. But, as she looked into his amethyst eyes, tears began surfacing her green ones. She clenched them shut, causing some tears to squeeze out and run down her cheeks.

She looked away and began sobbing.

" I want my son back..."

Spyro nuzzled her.

" I want him back too, Cynder. Don't worry, we will get him. But we can't just rush down into the Ruins without a plan."

Cynder nodded reluctantly, and looked out over the valley with glistening eyes. Spyro sighed and turned away, facing Nature.

" So.... What's the plan?"

Nature shrugged her shoulders.

" I don't know yet. But... When we do take your son back, we should defeat Malefor too."

Spyro agreed with her, trying desperately to think of an efficient plan. After mere minutes of silence, Nature broke in with a gasp and wide eyes.

" I had a dream the other night! I'm not sure what it meant, or what it was even about. But I do know that someone in the dream told me to ' Break the crystal,' but I had no idea what that meant. The dream ended with me passed out."

Spyro tilted his head as he tried to comprehend her dream.

" I've heard that some dreams can tell the future."

Nature smiled excitedly.

" Maybe it was! Perhaps it has something to do with Malefor?"

Spyro nodded, thinking harder.

" Where did the dream take place?"

" In a volcano."

Spyro's eyes went wide.

" The Volcano of the Destroyer!"

Nature looked at him with much confusion. Spyro noticed her stare and gathered himself.

" I mean, the volcano in your dream is real. During Malefor's first reign, a giant lava creature was summoned by him to create a ring around the earth and end in a volcano that leads to the center of the earth. It was called the Destroyer. Now, the dead, burning body of the Destroyer still lies within the boiling depths of the volcano."

Nature was intrigued by the story, but shifted uncomfortably. She still had no idea what her dream meant.

" But..... What does the Destroyer have to do with my dream?"

" It might not have anything to do with your dream. But.... Perhaps we should go ask The Chronicler."

Nature lifted an eyebrow.

" The Chronicler?"

Spyro nodded and looked at Cynder, who had soaked cheeks.

" My father figure, Ignitus, known as the Fire Guardian, is the new Chronicler. He can help us."

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