Chapter 13: Planning Ahead

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Spyro flew into the den with nothing in his jaws or claws. Cynder noticed and raised an eyebrow.

" What took you so long? Because apparently you weren't getting food."

Spyro looked at her with confusion before realizing that he forgot the food back at the Temple.

" Oh, right, sorry. I got caught up in something and forgot the food back at the Temple."

Cynder tilted her head and looked up and down his body suspiciously.

"... Caught up in what, exactly?"

Spyro looked at Electro and Crystal's sleeping forms before feeling comfortable enough to tell Cynder about Malefor.

" I flew to the Temple to get the food, but instead, a dragoness by the name of Nature asked for my assistance."

Cynder began to panic inside, fearing the worst.

"... Assist in what?"

Spyro nuzzled her to calm her tensed nerves.

" Don't worry, it's nothing bad."

Cynder sighed with relief before allowing him to continue.

" She said that Malefor has returned."

Cynder was nearly shocked, but remembered that they had defeated him.

" But we killed him."

" I know, that's what I said. But she argued that she saw him, and had barely escaped him from the Ruins, where apparently he's planning his attacks."

Cynder found this hard to believe and shook her head.

" But-"

"- But then the lead moles, Meril and Merx showed and told us that it was true. So I took off with Nature and the moles to Warfang to check on the city. On the way, Meril told me about Miles' death in the Ruins, and that their search team had also passed within the Ruins."

Cynder listened intently, desperately trying to fit the pieces together. She was confused, but tried not to show it.

" So, do you believe that Malefor has resurrected?"

Spyro nodded and looked outside over the green valley.

" He's done no harm to the city, other than striking fear into the citizens. I think we shouldn't engage until he makes the first move. That way, we'll know how to attack."

Cynder frowned at the sudden realization that their work in protecting the world wasn't over. She didn't want to fight again, it would be risking Spyro's life and her own.

She looked at Crystal and Electro, a single tear slipping down her cheek.

" Spyro, if Malefor is alive, then our children are in danger."

Spyro shrugged his shoulders.

" Perhaps when Malefor makes a move, we will keep Crystal and Electro with the Guardians at the Temple."

Cynder looked at him like he was crazy.

" Spyro. We can't keep them there. Remember what happened to our eggs when the Temple was raided by Malefor? The Gaurdians failed to protect us, and now that Ignitus is dead, there's no way the Guardians will stand a chance against Malefor's forces."

" That is true Cynder. But where are we to keep them? The Guardians may be old, and missing their leader, but they were protecting hundreds of eggs. Besides, Crystal and Electro aren't eggs. There's only two of them, three Guardians can watch two hatchlings."

" Make that four Guardians."

Spyro and Cynder jerked their heads to see Nature, standing in the cave entrance. Spyro looked around nervously and turned to face her.

" Uh... Nature? How did you find us?"

" I followed you here. I know it wasn't very mannerly, but I wanted to make a plan with you."

Cynder grunted to get some attention. Nature noticed her and smiled politely. She was relieved to finally meet a dragoness.

" You must be Spyro's mate."

Cynder nodded proudly and went up next to Spyro.

" Indeed I am. My name is Cynder. And you must be Nature."

Nature nodded and bowed with respect. Spryo shook his head and decided to bring up Nature's entering sentence.

" Nature, what did you mean by 'make that four Guardians'?"

" I meant that I will help guard your kids. It will be an honor to guard the children of a legendary dragon and his mate."

Spyro shook his head at the idea.

" No, no, no. The Guardians can take care of them. When Malefor makes a move, we might need you to help us in battle."

Nature didn't expect this invitation, but she quickly took it, claiming that that would be an even bigger honor to fight alongside the purple dragon.

She thought about telling them about her secret Diamond Ability. But she hesitated and decided that this wasn't the best time for her to reveal her legendary status.

Cynder looked back at Crystal and Electro with another frown, wishing that they didn't have to leave them under the watch of Guardians that failed to protect herself and Spyro.

" Thank you for offering to protect our children, Nature."

Nature nodded her welcome.

" I've never had children of my own, but I'd hate to see anyone else's family fall apart."

Cynder nodded and nuzzled Spyro. Nature turned to leave when Spyro stopped her.

" When Malefor makes a move, we'll call for you. Meanwhile, stay safe and thanks again."

Nature nodded again and took off, heading for the Temple. She entered the Entrance Hall and looked for the green dragon that asked for her intentions earlier. She didn't remember his name, so she decided to walk deeper into the halls until he appeared.

He eventually appeared, and Nature glared up at him, remembering the meeting with him earlier.

" May I stay here for a while?"

" No. No dragon can live here any longer. The Temple is old, and is bound to fall apart at any second."

Nature grinned slyly at him, knowing the perfect argument.

" Then why do you live here?"

" Because it is part of my Guardian duty to protect the Temple in its last days."

Nature huffed at him, not expecting him to have a counterargument.

" Then where am I to go? Warfang has been taken over by Malefor, it's much too dangerous for me to stay there. Especially after I was nearly killed in the last encounter with him."

Terrador wanted to roll his eyes, but knew that such a disrespectful manner was prohibited as a Guardian.

" Fine. You may stay here for a few days."

Nature grinned at her victorious argument.

" Thank you very much."

" It's my pleasure. The Sleeping Chambers are down the hall and to the left. My name is Terrador by the way, if you never caught that."

Nature nodded her welcome and trotted off to find a comfortable Sleeping Chamber, one that wasn't taken up by another Guardian. She finally found an available chamber at the end of the long hall, longing for a sleep that didn't involve bones for a bed and spirits as company.

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