Chapter 23: The Diamond Dragon

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Everyone flew into the Temple. The Guardians had been waiting at the entrance for their return. They cheered as Spyro, Cynder, Electro, Nature, and Cyan landed, all smiling from ear to ear.

" Mommy!"

Crystal trotted up to Spyro and Cynder. They each took a turn in nuzzling her.

Nature looked at Cyan, who had a sickly look on his face. She grew worried immediately.

" Cyan? Are you okay? You don't look so good."

" I don't feel so good either."

He grew dizzy and passed out. Nature choked and began panicking. She nudged Cyan, nearly in tears.

" Cyan!! Cyan, wake up!!"

Everyone in the Temple watched with fear and worry as Cyan levitated into the air, glowing. Literally. The light that came from him was so bright everyone had to block their eyes with their wings.

A few seconds of blinding light later, Cyan fell back to the ground. He lifted his head with bright eyes. Everyone looked at him and gasped.

Cyan's body was completely covered in silver blue scales. Diamond. He stood up and looked at Nature, who looked at him with frozen shock.

" Why are you staring at me like that?"

Nature gulped very loudly.

" You....... You're a Diamond Dragon."

Cyan turned his head and looked at his own body, nearly screaming. Nature looked up and down his body with utter confusion.

" But... But how?!"

Cyan turned and looked at her.

" The puddle you were laying in. It was a mix of diamond, blood, and crystalline liquid. Your diamond, binding with the crystal liquid, made me diamond when I drank it."

The word "binding" smacked Spyro in the face with familiarity. Suddenly, Ignitus's last lesson came back to him.

When a dragon dies, he does not truly leave this world. His spirit lives on, binding itself with nature, offering hope for the future.

Spyro freaked out, flapping his wings with excitement.

" That's what Ignitus meant!"

Nature and Cyan looked at him with confusion. Spyro laughed and cleared his throat.

" The last lesson The New Chronicler told me was something about a spirit binding itself with nature. Malefor's spirit bonded with your diamond, Nature. Thus, creating a meaning for his lesson!"

The puzzle all seemed to fall into place. Nature and Cyan were overjoyed that they were both diamond dragons. They were both legends.

Eventually, Cyan asked Nature to mate with him. Becoming mates, Cyan realized that he was truly loved. He was no longer depressed, or ashamed of himself. He was confident, proud of himself. He wasn't jealous of Spyro anymore, because now, not only did he have the element of water, but he had the Diamond Ability. Something that Spyro didn't have. Cyan and Nature began a family, a new generation of legendary diamond dragons.

Although Cyan's life began with depression, it ended in love and legend. For he was a Diamond Dragon.

He was a legend.

OMG OMG OMG!!! IT'S DONE!!! IM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW, but kinda disappointed because I'm done..... Lol. Anyways, I really, really hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. And please give me feedback and tell me what you thought of it and who your favorite character was.

Im sorry if it seemed too fast in the end, but there wasn't really anything extra I could've added to make it longer. I'm proud of the storyline, how it ended and everything.

I'd like to give a shout out to some Watters that helped me along the way, and who kept me going with this fanfiction:

SanjaSimic for all the votes and comments and everything in between. The support and feedback you've given me have really helped. I appreciate everything you've done, and I thank you so much.

4Dragons for the critical feedback and support. Your critical suggestions and corrections never offended me in any way. It helped me a lot with this fanfiction, and I want to thank you for everything you've done.

NathanJackson6 for the votes and comments. Your comments kept me going, kept me updating regularly. Thank you for that.

I have eelonskey drawing Nature for me, so I'll put that up soon.

Once again, thank you everyone who has read, voted, and commented on my story. In the comments for this final chapter, tell me who your favorite character was and why. Also, tell me what you thought of the storyline and everything else. Thank you so much!!!

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