Chapter 17: Realization

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Cynder lifted her head drowsily off Spyro's back. She looked around with her eyes half closed as she licked her lips in an attempt to rid the morning taste.

Her eyes rested on Spyro, then switched to Crystal. She smiled happily and looked at Electro's sleeping spot, seeing it empty. Her smile disappeared and her heart dropped.

She stood up quickly and looked around the cave for any sign of him. When none showed, she nuzzled Spyro awake without mercy.

" Spyro!"

He turned over and moaned, not wanted to wake up. Cynder growled and nudged him harder.

" Spyro! Electro's missing!"

Spyro jumped up, hyperventilating. His heart dropped at the fact of his son being missing.

" Wha.... What?"

Cynder motioned to Electro's sleeping spot with wide eyes. Spyro's heart beat sped up as he glanced at the empty spot and walked to the cave entrance.

" Spyro, what are you doing?"

" Get Crystal."

" Where are we going?"

Cynder guessed it was to look for Electro, but Spyro had a slightly different idea.

" We are going to go ask Cyan and the rest of Warfang if they've seen Electro. If not, then we will go to the Temple and ask everyone there."

Spyro and Cynder had no idea about Malefor's corruption on Cyan. Nor had they ever seen the new Malefor.

Cynder shook her head in protest, not making an attempt to wake Crystal.

" But what if Electro comes back?"

Spyro looked at the ground, trying to process what she was going at. Cynder looked at Crystal before continuing.

" You go ask around. I'll stay here and keep watch."

Spyro slightly disagreed, but obeyed. He would rather find his son than argue with his mate. Spyro took off over Avalar, thinking to himself.

I'm gonna need someone to help me. Perhaps I'll talk to Nature first.

He flew in the direction of the Temple, eager to hear if Nature had seen Electro. He landed in the Entrance Hall, calling for Nature. She appeared immediately, hearing the impatience in his voice.

" Spyro? What is it?"

" Have you seen Electro anywhere?"

" Your son? No, I haven't seen him."

Spyro cursed under his breath, finding nothing on his son's whereabouts. He focused his attention back on Nature as his heart sped back up.

" Come with me to Warfang. I'm going to ask my brother if he's seen Electro."

Nature choked on her breath when he spoke of another dragon in Warfang.

" Is your brother blue?"

" Well... Blueish-green. His name is Cyan."

Nature shook her head quickly and blocked Spyro from going outside.

" Let me go. Alone."

Spyro gave her a look of confusion.

" ........Why?"

Nature avoided eye contact as she tried to make an excuse for her idea of going alone.

" Because.... It isn't safe. You know.... With the whole Malefor thing."

She had an idea that Cyan was Malefor in his body. But she wasn't certain about it. Spyro rolled his eyes at her lame excuse.

" Nature. Do you know who you're looking at? I defeated Malefor in the first place. I'm the Legendary Purple Dragon. I can take care of myself."

Nature didn't want to tell him about her Diamond Legend. She wanted him to trust her instead.

" Spyro, please. Just trust me. I have my defenses."

Spyro scoffed at her.

" What defenses? You're just an Earth Dragon."

That sent Nature over the top. She activated her Diamond in front of the stubborn dragon, filling him with complete and utter shock. He looked at her with disbelief. He realized that he was in the presence of an even rarer dragon than him.

He backed up out of fear as Nature stood over him in her silver-blue form. She growled with her teeth bared.

" No defenses?! Can you do this?!"

She knew the answer, but wanted him to see his mistake. Spyro shook his head without a word, for he was too scared and shocked to speak.

Nature snarled before leaving, giving Spyro no time to argue or protest. He was left in the Temple, overtaken by complete fear and utter disbelief.

She..... She's a Diamond Dragon....

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