Chapter 14: Nightmare

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Nature flew upwards with a shiny object in her claws. Her breathing was heavy and her diamond was activated. The intense heat of her surroundings blurred her vision. Her wings beat as fast as they could, desperate to get out of the high temperatures.

Only determination and conviction kept Nature going as she burst out of the volcano, slowing her wing flapping to a more comfortable speed. Tears flowed down her cheeks more than the sweat that covered her body.

The sweat was warm and thick, and to Nature, it didn't feel like sweat. She looked down at her body with effort, seeing silver liquid and her green scales exposing.

My Diamond is melting!!

She cried even harder as half of her green scales were exposed in the sunlight. Only her chest and above were still Diamond. Nature felt her body go weak and she dropped the diamond- covered object in her claws. She watched as it hit the ground below, sounding with a loud thump, but no cracking.

Break the crystal!

A voice hit her unexpectedly, and she felt compelled to break the object that rested on the ground. With the last of her strength and determination, she dived with all her speed and slammed against the object with her Diamond-covered head before her body went limp and she lay unconscious next to a shattered crystal.


Nature woke up with a sudden jerk, pain leaving her head in the blink of an eye. She was sweating from the dream. She looked at her body to make sure her diamond wasn't her sweat.

It didn't look like it, but she activated her diamond to reassure herself. Just then, Terrador passed by the room, noticing her diamond.

He gasped as Nature deactivated herself and straightened her stance.

" You! You're a Diamond Dragon!"

Nature gave him a fake confused look as she jumped out of bed.

" What are you talking about?"

Terrador shook his head.

" I know what I saw, Nature."

Nature rolled her eyes and stretched her claws, scraping the ground like nails on a chalk board. Terrador cringed at the sound but quickly recovered. Nature quietly gave a warning growl.

" If you tell anyone about this, you won't live to see Malefor's defeat!"

" Are you threatening me?"

Nature ignored his question and growled again. She didn't want anyone to find out, and she certainly didn't want to trust anyone with her secret, but Terrador had witnessed her Diamond form, and thus found out. He had to be trusted.

" My threaten will only play out if you let my secret loose."

" I won't tell anyone. I'm a Guardian, I must be trustworthy, for I am very loyal."

" I'm not trusting you with my secret, Terrador. I have no trust in you whatsoever. The only reason you know is because you saw my diamond exposed. Also, just because you are a Guardian, does not mean you must be trusted."

" I respect your choices, Nature. And if you choose not to trust me, then I must gain your trust by keeping this secret."

" I respect your choice as well, Terrador."

Terrador bowed and Nature returned it. She then left the room silently, leaving Terrador in the hallway, still shocked at what he had seen.

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