Chapter 2: Relocation

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Cyan looked at himself in the mirror again, wishing that he was loved by somebody. Sure, Spyro loved him, but he's his brother. Cyan wanted a dragoness to have as his own, like Spyro had Cynder.

Cyan thought about this and decided it was time for him to go look for someone instead of sitting around feeling sorry about himself.

At that moment, Volteer walked in with some news.

" Cyan? Terrador has told me that you mustn't live here anymore. He states that the Temple is old and near its fall, and that having dragons live here is wearing it down even more."

" But the Guardians live here, why is it different if I live here?"

" I don't know, Cyan. But Terrador has already made arrangements with the moles over in Warfang to have you live in the city."

Cyan nodded his head sadly and sighed.

" When do I have to leave?"

" He says the sooner the better."

Cyan nodded and followed Volteer out into the Entrance Hall, finding Terrador talking to three moles. Terrador noticed Cyan's presence and stopped talking.

" Cyan, this is Miles, Merx, and Meril. They are the rulers of Warfang. I have made arrangements for you to live in the city. Take this as a gift, not an offense."

Cyan gave a fake, but quick, understanding smile. He honestly didn't want to move, but perhaps a new place would be good for him.

Miles approached Cyan, bowing down to him.

" I have much respect for dragons, especially the brother of Spyro."

Cyan unnoticeably rolled his eyes, irritated that he was only respected because of his legendary brother.

" Thanks."

His reply was sarcastic, but seemed to be missed by the half-blind mole.

" My youngest brother, Merx, is a mole of intimidation for dragons. Ever since Malefor and Cynder's reigns, he's never been the same about dragons. He believes every dragon has an evil side, of which can come into play at any time."

Cyan looked over at Merx, who avoided eye contact with the blue dragon. Cyan silently laughed to himself.

" I can't argue with that."

Miles nodded and pointed to Meril.

" Meril is the second in line for the throne, before Merx. He has no fear for dragons, but has no respect for them either. Most dragons tend to not get along with him, though Spyro and Cynder seem different to him. He respects them."

Cyan groaned with annoyance.

" Nice to meet your brothers. Now if I am to live in Warfang, it's probably best to get there before dark."

Miles nodded and led his brothers and Cyan to Warfang after a quick goodbye to the Guardians.

Meanwhile, Spyro and Cynder were resting in their cave while they watched Electro and Crystal sleep.

When a dragon dies, he does not truly leave this world. His spirit lives on, binding itself with nature, offering hope for the future.

Ignitus' last lesson echoed in Spyro's head. He felt that this phrase had a deeper meaning, but couldn't figure it out. He decided to leave it and focus on the current time.

He and Cynder watched as Electro and Crystal slept, little tiny snores filled the silence. They nuzzled each other before getting more comfortable and peacefully napping in each other's warmth.

Cyan arrived in Warfang with the moles with him, and most of the moles shied from Cyan, never seeing him before. Miles excused Merx and Meril from the escort. Merx willingly left, wanting to be away from a dragon.

Miles lead Cyan to a two story building, with a weathered roof, and beautiful flower beds at the base of the house. Candles dangled from each corner of the roof, each with chimes dangling from their base.

The front door, obviously made for a mole, was small and round. It bore a brown color, with green horizontal stripes. Small torches hung on either side of the door, both unlit.

Two windows were seen next to the torches, blue curtains covered them on the inside.

Cyan admired the house whilst Miles opened the small door with a creak.

" After you, Young Dragon."

Cyan politely bowed and pushed through the door with force. Once inside, he looked around in awe at how well the moles in the city decorated houses.

The first floor had a small table and two chairs, placed perfectly in front of a fireplace. On top of the fireplace, there rested two vases with twin lilies settling in water.

Above the fireplace, a picture of a mole similar to the looks of Miles caught Cyan's attention. He walked over to it and glared at its canvas.

" Is this you?"

Miles couldn't keep from laughing at Cyan's observations.

" No, no that isn't me. That is my grandfather. He built this city in honor of Dragons. He loved Dragons, and made a goal as a young mole to build a Dragon City to return the favor to Dragons, who have protected our kind for so long."

Cyan was intrigued by the history, and couldn't help but think of his home city, Sanctum.

" Does the city Sanctum ring a bell by any chance?"

Miles smiled at the name. He did recognize it.

" That was my grandfather's home city. Sanctum was built for dragons as a safe haven for the years of doom that was predicted to come into play. My grandfather was the only mole that lived there after his mother had died from old age. As a kid, living in a city full of dragons made his love for them blossom."

" He saw how much Dragons needed help, he saw how much Dragons sacrificed to keep others safe. He realized that Dragons were important for survival... but... his attachment to the dragons in Sanctum came to an end in his adulthood when it was raided upon by evil forces. All of the dragons died, but he had escaped. He then began working on this city, and it sure came out amazing. Every house has a picture of him."

Cyan nearly hesitated before deciding to tell him that he survived too.

" He wasn't the only survivor."

Miles looked at Cyan with confusion. Cyan sighed hesitantly.

" I survived the raids."

Miles stood in awe at Cyan's fact.

" But no dragon could've survived that!"

" Apparently a dragon could. I did."

Miles shook his head and looked back at the picture.

" You can stay here for as long as you need. The bed is upstairs."

Cyan noticed his sudden subject change, but ignored it.

" Thanks. I might go tell Spyro and Cynder about the move so they know where to find me."

Miles nodded and quickly left the house. Cyan watched as the door closed before he looked at the ground with a frown.

" Like they'll ever want to find me."

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