Chapter 4: The Ruins

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~Two Weeks Later~

Miles, the lead mole of Warfang, decided to check on the Ruins underneath the city.

The Ruins of Warfang, a place of darkness only lit by the lava pits and torches that were rarely visited to light. Once used as a Training Area for Malefor, the Ruins hold many secrets and tunnels yet to be explored and discovered.

The Ruins were made to be unlocked from the inside only, which only acted as a way to keep things out.

Though, recently, the worker moles of Warfang had been able to remake the doors to be opened from the outside as well. And since Malefor was gone, it was now safe enough to actually go down into the Ruins unlike the time of his reign.

Miles decided to explore the Ruins for a little, only to see what was down there and what effect Malefor's reign had on its old cavities and corridors.

At dawn, whilst the citizens of Warfang were still deep in their slumber, Miles snuck out to face the doors of the Ruins.

The doors were made of steel, two dragons were engraved into the hard metal, each put into a design to where their tails and muzzles touched. The bodies of the dragons were long and flexible, the dragon on the left created an S shape while the right dragon was backwards.

Miles ignored the delicate art of the dragons, and used both of his small hands to push each dragons' left middle claw into the door, unlocking it with a simple click.

The doors automatically opened, darkness was revealed with dim light given by the lava pits in the deep depths of the Ruins.

Miles carefully stepped inside after a quick glance around to see if anyone was watching. The doors automatically closed behind him, and with short panic, Miles pushed on the doors a little to reassure himself that he would be able to get back out.

He sighed with relief as the doors opened slightly, revealing that they would come back open. He turned around and admired the cold darkness surrounding him.

The platform of which he stood on was gold with a round design, which could hardly be seen in the dark surroundings. On each side of the door, there stood two dragon statues, four in all. Each dragon was exactly the same, all containing a pocket in their base.

Each pocket wielded a red crystal, of which was used to activate the doors to open. Miles inhaled nervously, and decided that he didn't want to go any further into the Ruins.

Maybe it's still not safe enough.

Miles turned to leave when a cool breeze of dust and dirt brushed past the back of his neck, sending chills down his spine. The breeze almost seemed to whisper to him, but he couldn't comprehend it's words.

The breeze left as quickly as it came, but Miles didn't ignore it. The breeze seemed to be calling him as it showed a direction deeper into the Ruins. Miles faced it's direction, walking to the edge of the platform where the breeze seemed to be speaking.

Miles looked down into the depths of the Ruins, seeing nothing but darkness within the lower left region. Something was drawing Miles to that region, but with nothing to take him there, all he could do was lean over the edge of the platform to see as far as he could into the darkness. As he peered into the cold shadows of the Ruins, a dim, red glow caught his eye.

The breeze eventually came back whilst Miles was hypnotized by the glow. The breeze actually picked him up, Miles kept his stare on the glow, completely oblivious to the breeze. It carried him, bringing him closer to the red glow.

He landed on the hard ground with a soft touch. He faced a giant red crystal, surrounded by smaller black crystals. The red crystal stood where weights once rested in a white plate.

Miles was drawn towards the crystal with unknown force as he slowly crept forward. Close enough to touch the crystal, Miles stared into its clear surface with an agape mouth.

A dragon's face revealed itself within the crystal, a face of evil and maliciousness. The purple face stared into Miles' eyes with a deadly glare. The black crystals shook and pulled out of the ground, spinning around the red crystal and Miles.

They spun faster and faster, until they shattered, sending black glass shards shooting through the air like angry bullets. The dragon growled and hissed at Miles, his deep voice filling the Ruins with spine tingling horror.

" I need a dragon!!! Not a weak, pathetic mole!!!"

His final word threw Miles off the ground, pulling him out of his hypnotized state. Miles flew far into the dark depths of the Ruins, hitting a wall with a loud crack before falling into the dark void of the Ruins, landing with a loud thump, lifeless, never to be seen again.

The purple dragon face roared out wth anger, filling the newly dead silence in the Ruins.

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