Chapter 3: About the Move

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Cyan flew out to go tell Spyro and Cynder about the move. He was the only one who knew about Spyro and Cynder's cave, and although he was insecure, he was honest and trustworthy. He never told anyone about the cave and never will.

He flew into the cave, cautiously landing as to not wake up Spyro and Cynder. They woke up anyway, as Cyan lowered his head in shame.

" I'm sorry to wake you."

Spyro yawned, revealing sharp, glistening white teeth.

" It's fine, Cyan. What brings you here?"

Spyro's eyes were droopy and half closed. Cyan lifted his head and managed a fake smile.

" Terrador relocated me to Warfang. He stated that the Temple couldn't take any body else living there so he moved me to live in Warfang without warning. I'm just letting you know so you know where to find me."

He mumbled the last sentence, which seemed to be misheard by Spyro and Cynder. Cyan bowed down and turned to leave before Cynder stopped him.

" Thank you for letting us know, Cyan. We will visit you often."

Cyan's heart fluttered and burned as she spoke to him with her beautiful, soft voice. Cyan was in love with her, but didn't want anyone to find out. As he stood there looking at her, Spyro came into view, and the flutters disappeared. The burning sensation took over his heart as he forced himself to look away.

" No... no problem."

He took off as fast as he could, wanting the burn to fade away. His jealousy of Spyro was partly from Cynder, and almost every time he saw them together his heart filled with resentment.

Cyan cried as he flew back to Warfang. He couldn't help but think about Cynder and Spyro, and how little significance he had in the world.

He hated himself for being so insecure, but most of the time he couldn't help it. It would only take one mistake or flaw of himself to be pointed out for him to completely break down.

People would encourage him, tell him how important he was or how handsome he was. But no matter what, only the bad comments would effect him.

Cyan arrived in Warfang, the moles in the city once again shied away from him as he passed through the alleys to get to his house. He opened the door and went straight to the second floor to find a round bed with red cloth as a blanket, and sheep's wool as pillows.

He looked over the bed with glossy eyes and jumped in without hesitation. The window he faced revealed an orange and purple sunset, of which he ignored the beauty of and instead cried himself into a decent slumber.

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