Chapter 10: Escape

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Cyan and Nature had decided to explore the Ruins to pass time. They walked through a tunnel that was found below the lowest section of the Ruins.

They walked alongside each other, peering through the darkness. Lava pits rested along the path, emitting just enough light for them to see ahead and each other. They continued to get to know one another, and bonded over the littlest time.

Dark Cyan continued to think of a fortress, and someone to use as his servant in the upcoming war he wanted.

They eventually walked into a room, piles of leaves filled each corner of the room. Torches aligned the walls. Dark Cyan went up to the wooden hangs and blew fire that he adopted from Malefor's spirit. He lit up each torch, then circled back to the room's entrance next to Nature.

The light revealed more doors leading into other hallways, the walls of the room were covered in indentations. Nature grew fascinated and approached the first wall, reading the stories that had been engraved. The words were in a language only dragons could read. Symbols represented the letters, and Nature read them out loud.

" The Legendary Purple Dragon, born every ten generations, has power that no other dragon can wield. They behold within their power, four main elements: Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Earth. Though some Purple Dragons have been able to master more elements, even those elements aren't as strong as the main four."

" Prophecies state that the Purple Dragons' Destiny is to create destruction upon the world to make way for a new planet. A planet full of healthy, perfect societies of which the Purple Dragon would rule."

Dark Cyan followed Nature to the next wall, listening to her soft, beautiful voice as she read.

" One Purple Dragon in particular, was raised within these here Ruins of Warfang. He was trained to use his abilities wisely, to use them for good as he would pursue his destiny. But this dragon one day realized his true strength, the true power that he could use to do more than create a new planet. He let the power of evil take him over, and was forced into exile after he changed for the worse."

" He made a fortress, and made an army of Apes, who would help him with the demolition of earth. He planned the destruction of the world for another ten generations after his corruption, then The Year of the Dragon came, a year where another Purple Dragon was to be born."

Dark Cyan and Nature moved to the next wall. This wall was peculiarly bigger than the rest, which only benefitted for the fitting of more story.

" The Purple Dragon sought out the next purple dragon's egg and found that it had been laid in the Dragon Temple, a place of solitude for females to lay their eggs in and leave without anymore needs. The Evil Purple Dragon sent out his army of apes to destroy the egg, but failed as the Fire Guardian, Ignitus, was able to bring the egg to safety...."

Nature continued to read aloud, speaking of Gaul, the Ape King and the Well of Souls that The Dark Master trapped himself in. The walls spoke of Spyro, and Cynder, when she was The Terror of the Skies.

It mentioned everything, every detail, every death and savings. It even mentioned how Cynder drained the Elemental Guardians powers to activate a Crystal used to free The Dark Master from the Well of Souls.

It felt as if Dark Cyan and Nature were down in the Ruins reading the walls for hours.

As Dark Cyan listened to her, a major idea struck him so hard his attention dragged towards the writing on the walls from before.
He started walking towards them to read over again. Nature noticed his wandering and hissed.

" Are you even listening?!"

Dark Cyan ignored her, and continue to read over what she had already comprehended. Nature growled and rolled her eyes.

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