Chapter 22: The Defeat

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Nature dove into the deep depths of the volcano, searching for the crystal. The color of it was unknown to her, and she feared that it was red, the color of the lava surrounding her.

She struggled to keep her diamond active as she descended deeper into the volcano. Her eyes were watering from the intense heat. Her wings began to ache as she caught sight of a shiny, red object resting on an isolated lava rock.

Nature smiled weakly as she grabbed the crystal with her front claws. It was burning hot, but yet it failed to sting her claws because of her diamond. She turned around and began flying upwards, eager to be out of the volcano.

Dark Cyan was waiting patiently outside when he felt a sudden ache in his muscles. He looked to the top of the volcano to see Nature fly out with the red crystal.

It was weakening him. He suddenly realized that this wasn't a date for him and Nature, it was a trap. He immediately turned into a threatening state, baring his teeth and growling.

" It was a trick!"

Spyro and Cynder flew out of hiding. Spyro growled and snarled at Malefor, remembering that Cyan was part of him. Cynder's cheeks were stained with tears, yet she looked brave and the very least upset.

" How did you find that one out?"

Malefor saw them and growled, looking at Electro.

" Electro! Get them! I'll take care of Little Miss Manipulator."

Electro swiped at Spyro and Cynder, who were able to dodge the attack. Cynder tried her best to bring Electro back from the evil state he was in while Spyro kept him at a safe distance, only hurting him as defense. 

Nature breathed heavily as she hovered above the volcano's entrance, sweat dripping off of her and onto the crystal. At that moment, she remembered her dream, and that her sweat was actually her diamond melting from the volcanic heat.

Her diamond scales were melting off, severely bleeding. Nature screamed in agony as she dropped the crystal, watching it hit the ground without breaking.

Break the crystal.

The same voice from her dream spoke to her in reality. Nature, barely fighting through the pain, kept her diamond active for the next part. In her dream, she rammed the crystal with her diamond-covered head. She took this as a hint and dove down with all her remaining speed and strength.

Malefor tried reaching the crystal, but much to his prevail, it was his kryptonite. Nature head-butted it before he could get to it. She laid there, knocked out in a puddle of blood and melted diamond.

The crystal had broke, and turned to liquid. It mixed with the melted diamond and blood. Malefor saw Nature passed out and nearly lifeless.

He gasped and Cyan's spirit completely broke through. Cyan was in complete control now, as his heart sped up and his mouth dropped at seeing Nature. He rushed over to her, crying and begging for her to wake up.

Drink the puddle.

The same voice that Nature had heard spoke to Cyan as well, and to his own surprise, he knelt down and consumed the mixed puddle of blood, melted diamond, and broken crystal.

He then suddenly felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, like a bullet ripped through his flesh. He screamed in agony as Malefor's spirit seemed to die off, Cyan decreasing rapidly in size.

Spyro and Cynder didn't notice anything. Electro suddenly stopped fighting and began shaking in pain. He turned pale and collapsed on the ground, his size shrinking to his normal self.

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