Chapter 7: The New Malefor

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Everyone in the city rushed out into the streets, surrounding the doors to the Ruins. Cyan didn't go with the crowd, but instead flew to the top of a building to get a better view.

Everyone discussed the second roar while Meril and Merx made their way to the front of the crowd. They turned around and waved their arms in the air.

" Everyone! Stay calm!"

The city took longer to quiet down than last time, shocked that the roar came again. Meril exhaled slowly to relieve his stress the best he could.

" I bring sad news. Our leader, Miles, has been missing for quite a while. If he was alive, he would've returned by now, but seeing that he is still not present, we must assume that his survival was negative."

Everyone gasped, many began crying immediately. Meril looked at Merx with a hopeless look before continuing his short speech.

" Those roars, I have figured, is a representation of the death of anyone that enters the Ruins. Everyone must never go down there, in fear of not coming back out. I have not found what could be down there, nor do I plan to. All I know is that our search team and Miles is assumed passed."

" We will hold a funeral for the missing victims at dawn tomorrow. Everyone get some rest, I know it will be troubling to sleep with the recent incidents haunting your minds. Sleep the best you can, and we will all meet here at dawn."

At that, everyone left to their houses. Cyan stood atop the building peering down at Meril and Merx as they walked away to their own house. Once they were out of sight, Cyan looked at the Ruins' doors from afar.

Maybe I could find them.

He ascended off the building and flew to his house, deciding to investigate the Ruins that night.

That night came quickly to Cyan, and after all the moles in the city were asleep, Cyan headed towards the entrance of the Ruins, and unlocked it. He stepped inside and was surrounded by darkness.

The door closed behind him and nothing could be heard except for his own heavy breathing and heart beating.

The platform of which he stood on had two dragon statues on either side of the door, both with deactivated Ruby Crystals inserted in the little pockets made just for them.

The statues themselves resembled Malefor as a young dragon, before he turned malicious. Cyan guessed that the Ruins were still being built as Malefor trained here.

He walked to the right of the platform. The only way to reach any of the sections was flying. As Cyan lifted into the air, small dirt pebbles fell from the ground ceiling. From the platform, Cyan could see a dim red glow emitting from the darkness on the right lower section.

Where could they be?

He thought deeply as he looked at the glow. As he flew down to meet it, a picture on the wall caught his eye. The picture looked much like Spyro, being purple with yellow horns. Cyan's heart skipped a beat when he realized that it was Malefor, how innocent he looked before he changed.

He was studying the picture when a chilled breeze blew behind his neck, sending crawls down his back. He looked in the direction the breeze came from to see the Red Crystal. Black Crystals surrounded it, almost like guards.

Cyan gulped and began to approach the mysterious gem, which glowed brighter and brighter the closer he got.

He was able to slip past the Black Crystals and come within inches from the Red Crystal. The Crystal was quite large, about as big as full grown Malefor. Cyan smiled at the gem, admiring it's beauty and shine. His curiosity wasn't satisfied, until he lifted his upper body and placed his forepaws onto the glass.

Suddenly, he felt a strong force. It filled his heart with sudden fear and he tried to pull himself off the gem, but failed to do so. It seemed like something was holding him onto the gem. He couldn't look away, his eyes focused on the core, which revealed the purple dragon's evil face.

The dragon laughed excitedly with a deep voice.

" Finally!! A dragon with power and strength!! A perfect host!! No more curious moles!!"

Cyan's heart sped up along with his breathing. He should've been confused on what the dragon had said, but he instead tried desperately to yank away from the gem. Soon, large clouds and hurricanes of red and black surrounded him and the crystal, swirling around like tornadoes.

" Help!!"

Cyan was on the verge of tears now, as he cried for help. Remembering that the doors had closed behind him, he knew nobody would be near.

The tornado continued to swirl up to the ceiling, completely encasing Cyan with the Red Crystal. The Crystal suddenly shattered, the purple dragon's figure rising out and filling Cyan.

" Ahhhh!!!"

Cyan felt a sudden strike of pain, as his body grew miraculously to the full grown size of Malefor, his scales turning a dark blue. His voice grew deeper and more stern, his eyes turned solid white.

Pain struck his body as it changed to look like Malefor's. Cyan cried for help and for the pain to go away.

Minutes of transformation went by before Cyan, the new Malefor, fell unconscious onto a pile of broken glass.

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