Chapter 12: Nature Meets Spyro

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Nature flew over the Valley of Avalar with her Diamond deactivated as to keep it a secret. The walls in the Ruins told her where the Temple exactly was. She figured that somebody there could help her in some way, and if she was lucky, she would find Spyro first.

The Temple soon came into view. Nature's eyes narrowed as she entered the Entrance Hall. She looked around and cautiously took a few steps when Terrador entered the hall. He noticed her and widened his eyes.

" Who are you?"

Nature quickly straightened her posture and kept a straight face.

" I'm looking for Spyro."

" I asked you a question."

" Fine. My name is Nature and I'm an Earth Dragon."

" Very well, I can see that you are indeed an Earth Dragon. What are your intentions? Reasons for entering the Dragon Temple?"

" Is Spyro around? I must speak with the Purple Dragon."

" No, he hasn't been here for a few days. He's probably at his home with his new family. But, why must you speak with him so badly?"

Nature glared at Terrador.

" Why should I tell you?"

" Because I'm the Earth Element Guardian. I am the leader of-"

"- The Earth Element, not me. So if you will excuse me, I must find Spyro and tell him-"

"- Tell me what?"

Nature turned around to see a purple dragon standing behind her. Her face lit up at the sight of him.

" You must be Spyro."

Spyro gave her a confused expression.

" I am..."

Nature smiled slightly and turned to face him.

" I must speak to you... privately."

" Well, I only came to grab some left over sheep for my family. I didn't expect to become part of a talk."

Spyro looked over her shoulder at Terrador, who was just as confused.

" Terrador?"

Terrador looked down at Spyro with a serious glare.

" Her name is Nature. I have no idea-"

"- I can introduce myself, thank you very much."

Terrador noticed her attitude and shut himself up. He walked out of the room without another word.

Nature grinned at Terrador's leaving before returning her attention to Spyro.

" Spyro, I have very important news for you."

Spyro nodded for her to continue as he began to walk towards the freezer, where leftovers were available. Nature trotted up beside him and looked at his profile.

" I have come to find you after reading about Malefor in the Ruins of Warfang."

" He's already dead."

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