Chapter 16: Kidnapping

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Malefor flew over the Valley of Avalar with determination in his eyes. The moon in the dark sky glistened off his scales, making him sliver blue in color.

A wide grin covered his face as he neared a cave, slowing his wings to properly land. He quietly landed at the cave entrance, stepping lightly to the middle of the dark room.

He stood over four sleeping forms, scanning them for a specific one. He had night vision, and was able to see the black and yellow creature he was looking for.

He smiled excitedly at the small electric dragon, picking him up carefully as to not wake him. The young dragon woke with a startle, immediately seeing Malefor as danger. His face crunched up into a crying look.

Malefor quickly covered the youngling's mouth, preventing him from crying. Malefor turned around sharply and left without another sound. He flew back over Avalar with the youngling in his front claws.

The youngling, only a few weeks old, was too young to know that he was being kidnapped. He looked down at the ground with the fear of being dropped, and tightened his hold on Malefor's toes.

He seemed to hug his foot when Malefor opened the doors to the Ruins in Warfang with a loud creek. Malefor flew in, closing the doors behind him before landing on the entrance platform and placing the youngling in the middle.

The youngling watched as Malefor circled around him. He looked at him with fear, realizing that his parents weren't around. His face scrunched up into another cry. Malefor growled and pinned the youngling on the ground with one foot.

Saliva dripped from Malefor's lips onto the ground, barely missing the youngling's head. He stared into the small dragon's eyes, striking more fear into him.

" If you make a sound, Electro..." He moved his head closer to Electro's head, his hot moist breath hitting him with a horrible smell of dead flesh and blood,"..... You will never see your family again."

Electro cowered as close as he could to the ground. Malefor lifted his foot off him and stood tall above, casting a shadow even darker than their surroundings.

" Well... You are one young dragon. Might I say, Electro, you will not only do as a perfect servant, but also a bait for Spyro."

Electro tilted his head at Malefor's words. His evil laugh echoed through the Ruins, entering each tunnel and exiting wherever they ended.

Electro turned around and tried running away on his little legs, but instead stumbled over his own feet. Malefor couldn't help but chuckle at his effort to get away. He lifted his arm and reached for Electro, grabbing the back of his neck with two claws.

He lifted him close to his face for closer inspection.

" Your clumsiness will disappear over time, along with your innocence."

He placed Electro back down and looked around the Ruins. Electro began crying for food, throwing Malefor off guard. He growled at Electro, quickly shutting him up.

Malefor lifted off the ground and picked Electro up again, carrying him a few rooms past the Prophecy Room.

The room had a bed made of dirt and straw, and only two torches on opposite sides of the room. Malefor went up to each and lit them up, which only dimmed the room with orange glow.

" Electro, this is your bed. It's still night, we have much to do in the morning."

Electro clumsily walked over to the bed, sniffing its surface. Malefor rolled his eyes and grabbed Electro, dropping him on the cold dirt bed.

" Go to sleep."

Electro laid down obediently and watched Malefor as he went to the opposite side of the room, laying down with his tail wrapping around his body.

Electro, seconds later, got up and walked over to Malefor. He struggled to get over his thick tail before getting comfortable and snuggling against Malefor's large underside.

Malefor growled a warning which Electro ignored. He got up in annoyance and moved Electro back to his bed.

Minutes later, Electro was back against Malefor's warm body, quickly drifting to sleep.

Dark Cyan sighed and grunted at Electro.

" Fine."

He placed his head down on his front legs and drifted off to sleep with his nephew slightly snoring beside him after a long night's kidnapping.

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