Day One, My Bestfriends

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Dear LetMeSpeak and Pernermer,

 You guys are completely amazing people. I've known you both for years, and both of you are always there for me. Sometimes saying up with me all night. I could tell either of you anything without being embarressed, or worrying about getting judged. Sure we've all had our problems, but in the end here we are.

 LetMeSpeak, you can be such a beautiful person, but you'd never believe me. You're too stubborn for that. We've been through a lot together. We've been alone, hated, and depressed. We've cried. We've fought over stupid things. We've fallen in love with screamo, written poems, and been ourselves. Through everything that's happened between us, we're still mad close, and there's not much else to say. I feel like you're starting to resent me for some reason, though. Hopefully I'm just being paranoid because I'd miss you too much if you stopped talking to me. So don't even think about it you freakin Jewbagel. By the way, how Yummy Yummy is Foot Salad??

 Pernermer, you can be so freakin b*tchy sometimes... I love it! Did you see that coming? Maybe. But it is true. That I love it. When we first started talking, we weren't all that close. That can probably be blamed on a certain evil witch, though. I warned you you would hate her, and I was right. Since then, we've been best friends. Through all our fights, we never stopped talking, and that's really amazing. We barely see each other now since you moved, and I can't stand it. You're even currently in New Jersey or something like that. I'm really hatin on your parents. I miss you to bits and pieces. Regardless of everything, you still know everything about me and I still know everything about you. Sometimes we'll talk all night about nothing, conversations can get pretty strange. Where might that bannana boat be, oh "Queen"?  I didn't steaaaaaaaaaal it or annythingg. Muahahaha.

 We've had the best times, like at a certain party at a certain persons house and things about a certain persons teenage uncle. That was great. You're the best friends I could've asked for, and the sisters I'll never have. I love you, and all the craziness that comes with. Nuuf Said.

        Love, Mel

AN: Those are no longer their Wattpad screennames, and they are no longer my best friends.

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