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(Some stuff will unfold..kinda..be prepared ;)! )

He went to close the door in my face but I put my foot in the way before he could. I can see it was a touchy subject. He looks very nervous under the anger that's there.

"What the fuck do you want?" He spat out the words like they were venom. I stepped back a bit and took a deep breath.

"I just wanted to apologise for what I said earlier". He stared at me for what felt like an hour and frowned.

"Is your face okay?" I rolled my eyes, well, tried to anyway, and scoffed.

"Fuck no". He kept frowning.

"Why didn't you change your glasses? That crack must be annoying to look through". I glared at him and crossed my arms.

"I just came here to apologise for being rude earlier today. It was wrong of me to say something like that. I'll go now". I turned to walk away but felt a warm, large hand wrap around my wrist and I was pulled back, probably too hard, as I fell on Liam with a loud 'ooof'

I looked up at him as his strong arms were enveloped around my torso and his lips were turned upwards, a small amount of pearly white teeth showing as the slight sign of wrinkles near his eyes became evident. He let out a little laugh and helped me stand, taking a step back. 

"Would you like to come in?" 

Come in?

To his house?

Did Liam Payne just ask me if I would like to come in?

I must be dreaming.

Did I pass out on the couch when I got home? I must be. There is no other explanation. 

If this is a dream...which it is, let's not think this shit is actually real...then what's the harm in saying yes? Right? 

"Okay". He smiled slightly wider and motioned with his arm for me to come in, I took my scummy shoes off and followed him to what seemed to be the kitchen...Jesus this is huge. 

"Would you like a drink?" Why not? 


He went to the cupboard and grabbed two clear glasses. 

"Water okay?" I nodded and he proceeded to fill both glasses with the clear crystal water I have never seen before. It tasted like heaven too. What sorcery is this? "Come and we'll sit in the lounge". I followed him - being very careful not to spill the water - and he lead me down the long hall, turning right at the end to a very open room with two long couches, a 80 or so inch tv. Jesus. Xbox One! He must have noticed my excitement. "You like video games?" I just shrugged and placed the glass on the coffee table. I've never played video games before. We don't and never have owned a gaming system. I've heard so much about them though. 

(I just saw a spider crawling on my roof and freaked the fuck out but anyway carrying on..)

"Let's play one?" I just nodded and watched him grab two remotes, handing me one. "I'll put one of my car games on, they're pretty easy". I shrugged and somehow figured out how to go on this weird ass remote. 

We played for about an hour and I began to admire what Liam's like. He's nothing like I thought at all. He's sweet, caring, funny, handsome...I smile to myself. I think I've been staring for too long. He's noticed. It's just a dream

"I have a joke" I looked at him in indication that I'm listening. "Okay, so, what did Taylor Swift say when she went down the slide?" I frowned. 

"You listen to Taylor Swift?" He blushed.

"C'mon! What did she say!" 

"I don't know. What did she say?" 

"Weee-eaaaa!" He threw his head back and let out a loud bark of laughter and I chuckled at how funny he found such a hideous joke. Wow he's amazing. Wait, what? "Louis' stepbrother taught it to me. Bloody brilliant he is!" I frowned. 

"Louis has a stepbrother?" His face paled and he coughed as though he was choking. 

"Shit". It was a very low whisper, but I heard it. "No. Sorry I got mixed up". 

"But you just said-"

"Would you like to come up to my room?" He was suddenly very close to my face and I moved back a little. Rushing much? He wants me to go up to his room? Is he serious? This better be a dream. I know, it could just be a friendly gesture....but it didn't sound like it was so much friendly as it was seductive....


"Your eyes are so beautiful". 

And off I go. 

Let's run out of this place, shall we? 

Grab my old, horrid shoes, open the massive door and bolt. 


Bye bye. 

Once at least a block away, I slowed to a walk and pulled my shoes on, thinking back to what just happened, if this isn't a dream. Louis has a stepbrother I'm not supposed to know about? Is this why he attacked me? Do I have something to do with this stranger? If so, what? And why don't I know about this human? And was he making passes at me or just trying to get me to forget what he said about Louis and a stepbrother? That's kind of messed up if that's the case...

Who would do something like that?

I guess him? 

Let's just go home. I don't need this shit. 

Walking through the front door was different today. Mum was home. She's literally always at work and her being home was one of the most rare things to happen. I miss her, so much. I do wish she was home a lot more but I could never ask her of that. I know she feels it's her duty to give us the best. I wish I could do more for her. 

"Hello baby!" I smiled and hugged my mum, closing my eyes and cherishing this rare moment. 

"Hey ma". 

"I have tonight off, do you want to go out for dinner?" 

"But we don't have the mon-"

"Oh hush. Go upstairs and get ready, we'll go in twenty!" I smiled and raced up to my room, changing into some slightly decent clothes - the only good clothes I own - and going back downstairs to see mum holding a present in her hands. 

"What's that?" She handed it to me and smiled. 

"A young boy said to give this to you. I told him you're here but he had to go". I frowned and looked down, opening the small box to see a pair of fresh glasses, matching mine with no cracks. 

I grabbed the small note under them. 

I thought you might need new ones. 

Sorry for acting all weird before...

I did really enjoy hanging out with you...Can we do it again? 

I would love to get to know you better.

Liam xx

I'm definitely dreaming. 


It's slightly shorter than normal but I couldn't add much more...

Merry Christmas!!!

It's Christmas Day here in 1 hour and 20 minutes...

so yah...

also, Louis is not 24...I don't care what you say bc no. 

It's currently 28ºc and I'm dying :))))))

Hope you enjoyed!!

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