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Last night was just...


I can't even describe it in words.

Of course I heard what Liam had said.

Being my cowardly self pretended to be asleep.

I know I'm close to feeling the same...but I'm not positive I do.

And I didn't expect it.

And when we were at school, Liam wouldn't stop looking at me.

In class, in the hallways, in the cafeteria...

I was getting looks from everyone else too of course. Just not the same looks I'm getting from Liam. It's like I'm a piece of meat he can't wait to eat up. I don't even know what could possibly be going through his head.

I mean, I can't exactly just stop thinking about last night either.

Fuck he was good.

Like I've never felt so good in my life.

But I'm not staring away at him like I want to eat him.

It's a nice night in weather for the football final. It's a touch of a cold breeze with warm night air and I feel as if I'm in bliss. 

Until Liam sat beside me and every single pair of eyes turned to us and not one person would look away. I feel unbelievably uncomfortable with these thousands of eyes on us. Even the people from the other school like, is it that obvious I'm a loner?

Like they don't even know me! 

"Hey guys!" Harry sat beside Liam and the eyes didn't leave us. "What's up?" 

"Had a bit of an eventful night with him last night if you know what I mean" Liam winked and nudged Harry while I stared at them with my mouth wide open. 

"Oh...Had quite a few of those with Louis". He winked and I felt a blush creep up my neck. Liam turned to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into him and kissing me on the head. 

I can't breathe. 

"Yeah, fucking good he is, I swear I'll never forget it Haz!" He kept his arm around me, my chest tightening with each passing second, every breath I took. I felt him move slightly. "You alright babe?" I let out a startled choke and began to cough, Liam rubbing my back. I nod and sit up, looking up to see no one watching us anymore and the game had started. 

We're at the back so no one behind us would've seen. 

We're all good. 

"THAT'S MY BOYFRIEND!". Harry jumped up as Louis scored a goal and everyone just looked at him with disgust, looking back to the game. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. 

"And you're mine". Liam whispered in my ear and I blushed as he began kissing at my neck. He moved up to my lips and gently caressed my cheek, kissing me softly and keeping it clean. I enjoyed it of course. It wasn't rushed or forced in anyway, just soft and sweet. 

It was like we were in our own world. 

I run my fingers through his unbelievably soft hair and I feel him move with a groan, both of us looking to Harry who is hinting at the game we should be watching. I rolled my eyes and Liam hugged me closer, both of us moving our heads to watch the game and stop kissing, as much as we hated the thought. 

Being in his arms, in public, was something else. 

I feel so safe and warm and...I don't even know. 

His arms are like a box of bullet proof steal with softness and a wonderful smell surrounding me. 

That sounded dumb. 

"Guys we're going to win!" Harry got up and ran down to the field, the siren going and Louis jumping into Harry's arms, Harry spinning them around. 

It was great to watch them be so happy and free. 

I want that. 

"Babe lets go down now". I nod and walk down, feeling Liam close behind me as we make our way to Harry and Louis. 

"Good job Louis". He hugged me and hugged Liam as he congratulated him and stood by Harry. 

Liam grabbed my hand and pulled me to his side, holding me close. 

"Liam what are you doing...?" I froze as we looked to see Hunter...one of the guys on the basketball team. "Why are you touching the nerd?" He looked at me and grimaced. 

"Why is it any of your business?" Liam gently moved me behind him. 

"Don't tell me he's gotten to you too!" He laughed. 

"What's that supposed to mean!" Liam stepped forward and I grabbed his arm to hold him back. 

"Oh please! He got into Harry and Louis' heads! They weren't gay until Harry was talking to Neill! Now you're touching the fag....Tell me it's not true!" 

"Liam". It was barely a whisper, but I know he heard it. 

"Liam...Do you even know who you're touching!? He's a nerd! He's gay! His brother killed people! His brother killed your own sister! He's probably going to kill all of us too! He probably helped to get his brother released! He doesn't deserve anyone in this world! He's so unloved and unwanted he might as well go kill himse-" 

It happened really fast. 

One second Hunter was yelling in Liam's face and the next he was clutching his nose as Liam shook his hand. 

"You know what!? I wasn't entirely ready yet but I don't even care anymore". Liam pulled me and placed his lips on mine, a lot of force on the kiss and his rough lips crushing mine. "I love you Niall". He gently ran his knuckles over my cheek and turned to everyone staring at us. "If any of you ever say or do anything to Niall again, I will make sure more than what I did to Hunter will happen to you, don't underestimate me". He grabbed my hand and pulled me off the field, Harry and Louis following close behind us as we went to the carpark. 

"Liam". He turned around to look at me as we stopped walking. 

"Yeah?" He gave me a soft smile which was the most comforting and heart warming thing I could ever see. 

I feel so lucky right now. 

Liam just completely stood up for me in front of almost everyone in the school. 

Holy shit. 

He literally just threw away his whole reputation for me. 

He just came out. 


"I love you too".



hope you liked it!

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