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The gym was cold as people swarmed in. I hated to be at school so late. the atmosphere was horrible. I never liked being at this shit. I'm not school team go go material. I couldn't care less. I just want to make my mum proud. I need my attendance to be close to perfect. I just need to sacrifice my precious time to watch some stupid game in the cold lifeless gym. Well, not exactly lifeless given the buzz in the room but from me, I'm not buzzing. I want to go home and read. I've been dodging Liam all day and Louis didn't come to school so half my day was okay. I didn't get a beating so I guess it couldn't get any better than that.

I think maybe Liam means only good things but then I remember I'm the ugly fat nerd and I just shrink into myself. I tense up and begin to think too much. My mind races of all the things I've been called and all the things anyone has teased me about. It never ends.

It never really bothers me but once I start to think about it all then it affects me a lot.

The buzz around the gym only got louder as the first whistle blew and the ball was thrown up. It was kind of hard to watch Liam play. He kept looking up at me and messing up. It made me feel at fault that he was messing up and I hated it. I wanted nothing to do with these sports. I didn't even want to be here let alone be blamed that we lost. He missed, and missed, and got the ball taken from him, then missed again, then passed to his opponent and I could see the frustration and upsetting feeling on his face. It was clear as day. It was eating me up inside.

I felt guilty.

I hate this feeling. I didn't want to feel like this. Why does he affect me so much? Why do I care so much?

He gives me butterflies. Like fluttering around in my stomach. My hands get clammy and I fidget when I know I'm going to see him. I'm always nervous yet excited. Does it mean what I think it means? I don't want to. I don't need this.

The half time siren went and I looked to the score as Liam hung his head as if he was feeling defeated. The score is 23 to 48 and I knew he felt at fault. It hurt me to see him upset. Especially with himself.

I don't know what came over me. It was odd. A strange feeling. As the team walked out the room to the change rooms I followed and stood in a side hallway. I didn't want to be seen by the other players. That could end horribly.

I didn't even know what I was doing. I'm just standing here, waiting. I don't know what I'm going to do or even say. I just need to do something because seeing him like that is hurting. Their cheering began to echo through the corridors as they walked past me and I spotted the familiar hunk. I grabbed his arm and pulled him aside, making him gasp then look at me in surprise. I paused, looking at him for a couple of seconds, taking in his appearance then looked to his lips.

I only kissed him in the pool yesterday, well, he kissed me...But that was also my first kiss. I don't even know how it came over me.

But next thing I knew I was kissing him. I was actually kissing him! I initiated this! What is going on? Now our lips are moving, what the fuck, wait, what am I even doing? Am I doing it right? I feel clumsy. I must be. His large hands cupped my face as he deepened the kiss, making a low groan come from the back of my throat. This is new. He pulled away, a frown etched on his face and I placed my hand on his cheek.

"What.." He was breathing heavy. "What was that?" I took a deep breath. "I thought you were angry at me".

" 'm not". I shook my head and looked up into his big brown eyes. "I need you to kick those Frogs asses". He stared at me in shock then smiled slightly. "I'll meet you after the game right here".

"Niall I-" I put my finger to his lips.

"I want to try. But first, you have to smash those lilipad jumpers". He laughed again and nodded, walking away. I leant my head on the cold wall, taking a few deep breaths and walking back out, taking my seat again.

Within the first 30 seconds, Liam had the ball and slam dunked it, jumping up and down with so much energy it made me smile. He helped score, and scored himself so many times, smiling so big every time. I felt so accomplished. I just wanted to scream out 'I did that! I fucking did that!' if only they knew. The score is now 52 to 53 and the frogs have the ball. I began to get nervous as the seconds ticked down with only one minute left. It went quickly, but within 30 seconds, there was a foul and Liam had two shots. If he missed two, we lost, if he got one, we will draw, but if he gets both, we win.

Liam is under that much pressure I wish I could go down there to give him the confidence he needs.

He looked up in my direction and I smiled, giving him my support. He nodded and bounced the ball, getting ready to throw. He jumped and flicked his wrist as the ball hit the back board and went in the hoop. The siren went and everyone tensed as they watched Liam have his last shot, the shot that tells us if we win or lose. He threw the ball, it bounced around the ring, as if in slow motion, making everyone even more stressed. I didn't like it. I've never cared so much about sport, let alone basketball. What is going on?

The ball went in and everyone jumped up, cheering, the players running to Liam and ruffling his hair, lifting him from the ground. He looked at me and mouthed 'wait for me' and I nodded. His smile was so worth it. What is wrong with me?

I like him, don't I?


I made my way to the corridor we were in before and waited as players slowly left, still cheering and chanting Liam's name. I waited at least 20 minutes until Liam appeared in front of me, standing flush against me, freshly showered and dressed in jeans, a white t-shirt and navy flannel. He pressed his lips to mine again, taking my bottom lip between his, biting at it lightly and I moaned, feeling my face heat up from my reaction. He smirked and pulled back.

"Hey Horan". I shivered as he whispered it beside my ear, his hot breath brushing over my neck. "You think I can ask you something?" I nodded, taking a shaky breath, unable to speak. "What do you say to a date?" I stared at him in shock as he pulled away completely, smiling down at me. "Great, I'll pick you up Saturday night at seven". He walked away, his bag sitting on his shoulder and jeans hugging his ass and legs perfectly. I could see his muscles flexing through his flannel and t-shirt, making me groan.

What just happened?


Okay so I feel like this chapter turned into a HSM3 kinda scene


oh well

Hope you liked it

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- Elisha

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