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"Ma' you ready?" I walked into her room and stopped in my tracks, my mouth open and eyes wide.

"What? Do I look okay?" I could only nod as she turned to look at herself in the mirror.

"You look amazing" As nervous as I was about today, mum just made me feel so much better. Knowing she's planning on having a good time and just seeing her smile was all I needed.

"Alright well, we better get going then...Don't want to be late!" She grabbed her little bag and we walked down to the door, getting in mum's car and making our way to the mansion.

I'm dressed in my best clothes. Of course. My navy blue shirt that I have buttoned up all the way, my nicest pair of jeans...I know people will still be looking us up and down in disgust though.

Why are those poor scums here?

Who would want them to attend their event?

Ugh, they're related to a murderer

Do the Payne's know scum has arrived?

It kept going.

Those aren't thoughts or memories...no. We've arrived.

They are actually saying those things.

They're whispering to one another.

I try to ignore it and I grab Mum's hand, leading her over to Mrs Payne.

"Oh Niall dear it's wonderful to see you!" She pulled me into a hug and I smiled as she pulled away.

"Nice to see you too...This is my mum Maura". Mum shyly smiled and Mrs Payne pulled her into a hug.

"It's so lovely to meet you Maura!" she pulled away and looked to me. "Niall how many times do I have to tell you!? Call me Karen!" I looked down, blushing. "I'm not sure exactly where Liam is, but Louis and Harry are just over there so he shouldn't be far". I looked over to them and flinched, nodding. "Maura, come! I'll show you around". Karen dragged mum away and I stood awkwardly, trying not to let the looks get to me.

I am used to it, but being in my best possible clothes makes me feel so downgraded. Like I don't belong here at all..Not even in the slightest.

"Hey". I jumped and looked to my left to see Liam there, a small, warm smile on his face but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Hey...Everything okay?" I frowned and looked him up and down...His shirt nicely fitted and tucked into his black slacks, his shiny black shoes to match and the sleeves of his shirt rolled up...I ran my eyes over his legs, moving to his arms and looked quickly down to his hand. I grabbed it and examined the tape. "What happened!?" I saw him avoid eye contact but send a glare Louis' way.

"Nothing". I gave him a 'you really think I'm gonna believe that' look and he sighed. "Just had an argument with someone last night...I didn't hit them I punched my wall..I think I need to learn to control my anger". He chuckled but I didn't find it too funny. I hate the thought of Liam being hurt.

"Who was it?" Liam didn't reply and I sighed.

"Would you like a drink?" He didn't wait for my reply before walking over to the table with all the drinks.

"Li, please talk to me?" He looked around then grabbed my hand, dragging me into a small looking hut beside the pool. He pulled the blinds closed and let out a breath, leaned against the wall.

 He pulled the blinds closed and let out a breath, leaned against the wall

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"I hate these things". He pulled me over to sit on the bed and I looked around.

There is a bathroom behind us, a small kitchen with just a little fridge and sink with cabinets...The blinds are white shutter and gives you all privacy you'll ever need, the bed is unbelievably soft, covered in white sheets...so so comfortable I could drown in it. It feels like another, tiny house. Like it's still bloody more expensive than our house no question.

"Louis got hurt last night at the game and Harry like outed them...I went down to see that he was okay and he just...He wasn't Louis. He has been such an asshole lately and I don't know what has gotten into him..Like he thought so low of me that I wouldn't care that he got hurt and he was angry because I wasn't talking to him but like he put you in hospital and it just made me so angry and he still doesn't get that he isn't the only one who lost someone that day and it still hurts me too and-"

"Liam I'm so sorry...I don't want to come between your friendship okay? I'll leave you alone from now on, I'll go grab mum and I'll go home I'm so sorry I never wanted to cause this for you oh my god Liam I'm so so sorry okay I'm going to go..." I stood up but was pulled back on the bed and Liam placed his hands on my cheeks, lightly brushing his thumb over my lips.

"I don't ever want you to go anywhere, do you understand?" His eyes were so serious yet so sincere and I could only nod. "Good, because I think I'm falling for you Niall Horan". With that, he pressed his lips to mine and I instantly kissed him back, our kiss wasn't soft or slow, it was hard, rushed and our noses and teeth are clashing...We obviously couldn't care less though.

He gently pushed me to fall back on the bed and he followed after, our lips not leaving each other as we scoot up on the bed and Liam hovers over me, his muscled, buff arms on either side of me. He runs his arm down my side, slipping his hand to my bum and squeezed, making me gasp and giving him opportunity to shove his tongue in my mouth. He brushed his crotch against mine and I moaned lightly, pulling at his hair, earning a moan from him. 

He kissed lightly down my jaw, lightly lifting my shirt and running his hand over my chest, nipping at my neck. My back is arching in pleasure and I can't even describe the feeling. He unbuttons my shirt and I run my hands down his back as he kisses down my chest, making my way to his bum and slipping my hands under his waistband, pushing him down to meet my crotch again. He comes back up to kiss me again and I keep my hands on his firm bum, both of us moaning as our clothed crotches lightly brush. 

"Liam I-OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK!?" Liam jumps off me and I pull my shirt closed, staring at the roof, afraid to look at who it is. I didn't recognise the voice and I know Liam would have since he got up and is standing before them. "What is going on!?" I can tell it's a girl...I can feel my cheeks burning and I just know I'm as red as a tomato. 

"Hey Lil!" I could tell by Liam's voice that he was nervous..I decided to sit up and quickly button up my shirt. Liam pulled me to his side and I looked up. She has long brown wavy hair, green eyes, similar features to Liam.. "Ni, this is my cousin Lily...Lily, this is Niall". She looked me up and down, making me feel really self conscious. 

"Well...This is news". Liam blushed and looked down, scratching the back of his neck. 

"Yeah...Ah, sorry you had to find out like that...I kind of have only told mum and dad so..." She looked back at me, examining and frowning.

"Is this the kid who killed Ruth?" I think I'm going to be sick. 

"LILY! No jesus fucking christ!" I'm definitely going to be sick. "That was really insensitive Lily...I don't appreciate you talking about Niall like that...It has nothing to do with him and it really isn't your concern now is it?" Her frown faded and she gave Liam a sympathetic look, then turned to me. 

"I'm so sorry that was so rude of me! Hello Niall, I'm Lily". She held her hand out to me and I cautiously took it. 

"Hi". Liam wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my temple. 

"You okay?" He whispered for only me to hear and I nodded, giving him a reassuring smile. 

"It's nice to meet you too Lily". 

"Liam I came in here because your mum was looking for you". He nodded and grabbed my hand, pulling me to the door and as soon as he opened it his hold was gone and he walked a bit faster, not looking back.

Why did he let go?



Omg my mac keeps correcting hiii with his and its driving me crazy!

Hope you enjoyed!

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