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I couldn't bring myself to let go of Niall as his mum gasped and broke down in horror. Harry called the ambulance and they were on their way, I knew I would have to let go. But I couldn't.

How could Louis do this?

Niall has never done anything wrong.

He couldn't hurt a fly.

He didn't kill Zayn. Greg did.

Niall is not Greg.

I know that. I just felt he was when he hurt me. I'm not sure why. Maybe because I knew Greg hurt Zayn.

Niall is unconscious and I can't bring myself to look away, grasping his hand in case there is any sign that he's gaining his consciousness back.

Louis ran off after he had realised what he had done.

I'm not really thinking about him at all though.

He doesn't deserve it.

I know he went through shit and lost his brother, but that isn't Niall's fault.

Niall was only our age. He probably didn't understand what had happened either.

We were all too young to understand.

It wasn't fair.

Sure, Louis lost his brother, but so did Niall.

That I know of...

"Liam, you need to let go". I shook my head and held him tighter. "He needs help".

"C'mon son, we need to take him to the hospital". I looked up to the paramedic and nodded, reluctantly handing Niall over.

They put Niall on the bed and rolled him in the back of the ambulance, a distraught Maura climbing in before they closed the doors.

I needed to follow them, make sure Niall is okay, I don't care how long I have to wait.

"Liam, give me the keys". I clutched the keys in my hand and looked to Harry who had his hand held out. He nodded in assurance. "I'll drive you there. You can't drive Lii, not like this".

I got in the passenger seat as Harry got in the drivers, starting the car.

The ride was silent, I'm sure it's because one of us would start a fight about how I should feel on how Louis acted. But I get that. He's Harry's boyfriend. I don't blame him for wanting to protect Louis at all costs.

But I can't.

Not when it comes to Niall.

"I'm going to go home, good luck, just message me if you need me". I nodded and got out the car, making my way to the reception.

"Hi, how can I help you". They lady sitting at the desk had brown straight hair, falling down to her shoulders, glasses to magnify her blue eyes and a thin build. I smiled slightly to her.

"I'm looking for Niall Horan?" She frowned.

"Are you family?" I nodded, not knowing what else to do with the intense stress that began to fill me.

"He's in the Emergency Department, section Blue, bed 25". I nodded in thanks, rushing to the department and trying to find his bed.

He lay in the shitty bed, with the shitty blanket to keep him warm, his face much cleaner than before but still looking terribly sore. I wished I could fix this. That I could somehow have stopped any of this from happening.

"Maura" She looked up from Niall and smiled slightly.

"Liam dear, how did you get in here?" I shrugged and stood on the other side of the bed.

"Might 'ave lied...How's he doing?" She sighed and looked back down.

"broken rib, dislocated shoulder, bumps and bruises, 15 stitches, his lip split...I think that was it. Nothing really major, no internal bleeding thank god. I just don't know what I would do if I ever...Oh god!"

I grabbed Niall's hand and looked to his sleeping face, the stitches and bandages already done.

I hate to see him in pain, I know he's probably on a lot of morphine but it hurts me.

Niall is an angel.

"You really like him, don't you?" I looked to her and back to Niall.

He has the most beautiful personality, his eyes are the colour of a clean ocean, his hair so soft and perfect, his smile so bright...

"I do". She smiled slightly.

"He likes you too. I can tell. You're good for him y'know? I haven't seen him so happy in years". I smiled to myself.

"He said no". She frowned and I figured I should elaborate.

"I asked him to be my boyfriend, he didn't accept". She nodded.

"Liam, it's not that he doesn't like you, I just think he's been hurt so many times, he's afraid you're going to do the same everyone else has. To humiliate him". Wow, she knew? "Yes, I know. I'm not blind darling. As much as he tries to protect me from the truth, I know what a punch bruise looks like".

"I would never dream of doing that to him".

"I'm not saying you will, but please don't. He's been hurt way too many times, way too many people have left him and not cared. He needs stability, someone he can go to when I'm gone. Someone like you".

"Maura, he is the most adorable, sweetest, kindest, funniest most handsome boy I have ever laid my eyes on. I promise to never hurt him intentionally".

"Thank you".

Niall began coughing and Maura rushed to grab a nurse.

"Water". I glanced around and saw a jug along with a cup of water. I grabbed it and handed it to him.

He winced as he tried to grab the cup and I pushed his hand back down, placing the cup to his lips. He gulped down a couple of sips and closed his eyes.

"Thank you". I nodded and sat on the seat.

"Hello Niall". A nurse with blonde hair tied back, nursing scrubs making her look professional and a grey long sleeve below to keep her comfortable, walked in.


"You took quite a few injuries, your most painful, probably the only one you're feeling, one was your broken rib. You'll be on bed rest for a few weeks and -"

"I have school!" The nurse gave him a sympathetic smile.

"I'm sorry Ni, what they say goes". Maura apologised and Niall groaned annoyed.

"Yes, you'll need bed rest, along with your right shoulder in a sling from the dislocation and you'll get your stitches out in a few weeks as well, we'll check how you're going then to see if you can go to school and take the sling off". She wrote a few things down on his clipboard and left the room, Maura following her probably to ask more questions.

"Yes". I frowned and looked to Niall who had his eyes closed.

"What?" He smiled, as much as he could, and opened his eyes.

"I'd be happy to be your boyfriend".



I'm super duper tired but I wanted to update for you!

I hope you enjoyed!

Make sure you vote and comment!

- Elisha :)

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