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^^^^ Liam looks so gooooood like 😍😝 ^^^^

Niall's POV

Alone. I was alone. I liked being alone. In the empty, deserted corridors of this horrid place, just crying. I forgot what it was like to be alone since Brian came along. I miss it. So fucking much. Brian is just...I don't know...he's too clingy. 

"Niall!" I sighed and wiped my eyes, sniffled a little and fixed my glasses. 

"Are you okay? I can't believe how cruel people can be!" bodily warmth engulfed me as my face was shoved against his hard chest and he basically choked me with his arms around my neck, probably trying to 'comfort' me. It was not comforting to say the least. Far from it. 

"I'm fine". 

"No you're not! You're crying Nialler! Poor baby!" I frowned and shoved him away. 

"I'm not a baby". 

"You're crying like one" He laughed in mockery and I growled. 

"I am not!" 

"You're now acting like one!" 

"Shut up!" He laughed as others gathered around us.

"Awww what's the matter little ugly duckling!?" I frowned as tears clouded my vision. "Cat got your beak nerd?" 

"What are you doing Brian?" Everything around me became a blur of laughter and insults.

"Who do you think drew this?" He showed the drawing of the "ugly duck" me and I noticed it was on every wall, locker, on the ground. "Now everyone knows you're just ugly and not worth anyone's time, you might as well just disappear". Louis stood next to him patting his back in proudness. This was their plan all along. To humiliate me. My first friend is a lie. 

"Oh don't tell me you actually believed he liked you!?" More laughter echoed and I let the tears fall. Now this hurts. Louis planned this. Louis. Why?

Liam's POV ( ha ;)! )

It hurt to watch him with someone else. I did not like this guy. I really got a bad feeling about him and I truly don't have a clue why. He did not give off a great vibe at all, and Niall can't even see it. He actually looks up to this kid and it makes me feel sick. Like physically sick. I can barely stand seeing them together. My stomach makes this stupid nervous or excited flutter every time I go to school because I know I'm seeing Niall and I don't know why so I called Harry and tried to ask what it means but he wouldn't tell me until I told him why I was asking and I just ended up yelling at him and I hung up so I never actually found out.....I should probably apologise about that...

I've avoided literally everyone so far today and ditched the school - not completely - I mean, people in the school, probably should think before speaking...think before thinking...??? I don't even know maybe I'm going crazy.


I decided to spend lunch at the oval and have some fresh air, alone from everyone, in the freezing cold with my grey hoodie barely making a difference as I shivered and my lips quivered. I know I'm probably not exactly dressed for the outdoors, especially since its -8℃ but what you gonna do? (I made it up i got no idea about UK weather 😂 let alone -℃ anything Australia gives you like 5℃+ and no snow...😪)

I just gotta suck it up and get on with it.

I truly didn't mean to harm Niall in any way, I thought not telling him about the events of that night was helping. I did. I hate myself for hurting him so much. When he found out and came to me, I could see just how hurt he was in his eyes, his expression. It just gave it all away.

I don't bully or hurt people...

But if I could get my hands on this Brian guy, let's just say...It won't be innocent.

He's the only human being I would - quite happily - bully or hurt. In fact, anyone who hurts Niall I would...except Louis...

I know he seems like a bad guy, and I know he hurts Niall...But he...I'm not gonna make excuses so I won't get into it but he's just not okay.

Ever since then, he just isn't the same. He just broke. Like when you're young and there's this one very special vase your mother is very protective of and one day you accidentally knock it and...smash. You feel awful, you watch your mother cry and treat the hundreds of pieces as though they are her life and then it's just gone. There is no fixing it. It was just too broken. So your mother has lost something so very special to her and it broke her a little inside.

Except Louis is much more broken than a little.

It's been six years but he's still suffering so much.

Nothing can fix him, or even calm him down when he gets too angry or upset..unless it's Harry. Yes, it's true. They're in love. Harry is slowly helping Louis and it makes me feel relief. But he's still broken. And he blames Niall.

Because Niall looks exactly like him.

He's related to him.

after all,

It was his brother that did this to Louis.


So....my aunty is now okay...

when she became somewhat okay...

my nanna ended up in hospital and then she passed away last Sunday

the funeral is tomorrow and it's my first so idk when the next update will be

Please understand I've never lost anyone close so it's going to be a really hard time for me. 

Thank you for reading

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- elisha x

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