Airport Nightmare Pt 1.

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Hannah's pov
Airports.... Boring. Life. Boring. My life... What's worse than boring? The airport in question is in France so I can't speak to anyone but my family. Boring. All the walls are plain white and there are some immaculately clean glass walls separating different sections of the airport. Too clean and posh for me.

'Ding-dong!' Yet again another announcement! Yay! Let me guess more delays? A gruff mans voice suddenly filled the airport. I looked around and saw a man with a gun. The speakers were blasting the gruff voice in a foreign language; one I didn't recognise. Something was wrong. The man with the small gun looked around at us and his eyes fixed on me; I slowly turned and faced him. He held the gun up but wasn't pointing it at me. He wasn't wearing a police uniform. What the hell? He's going to shoot someone and nobody noticed. Nobody saw. It felt like time had frozen around me with only the gruff mans voice on the speakers, the gunman, and the man that the gun was aimed at still moving. The man in question was pulling a brightly coloured suitcase behind him and he had big bushy brown foresty hair. He was wearing an unusual outfit but even if he was in trouble with the fashion police, that was no reason to shoot him.

Without thinking I dropped my suitcase and ran across the open plan space and pushed the curly boy out the way. BANG! I hit the floor just beside him. He looked at me confusedly but then we noticed the whole airport was screaming as the glass behind us was shattered. Suddenly, the reality of what was happening kicked in; a man, probably a terrorist, was shooting around us like crazy. I got up and dragged curly boy into a concealed corner of the airport, probably one of the safer places in here. He didn't move. He still held on to his suitcase and stared at me. He leant against the spotless white wall right in the corner of our hiding place and stared in front of him: at me. Poor guy was probably in shock; I should be too.

Silence. The gun had stopped a while ago but it had only just kicked in. An eerie silence that made me the most uncomfortable I'd been ever filled the whole airport. No planes coming in or going out. No screaming tourists. Nothing. It was worse than my first exam or parents evening. I was scared to move for fear he'd find us. Paranoid. That's just me. I wasn't facing curly boy anymore. I was staring into the distance to see if the gunman had gone.

BANG, BANG, BANG!!! I jumped out of my skin as I felt a hand grab me round my waist and a hand over my mouth whilst the gun fired again. I nearly screamed. But the hand stopped me. Thank god it did or I would have killed us both. I realised I was sitting on curly boys lap and I could feel his warm breath on my neck. His voice tickled my ear as he whispered: "Shh... We'll be fine. Just stay here...shh..." I instantly relaxed and moved myself next to him.
Reassurance was exactly what I needed. Positive thinking just on my part wasn't going to be enough this time. Thank god he was here. A complete stranger was better than no-one.
I looked up at him and tried a smile. A very small frightened smile. His smile was the same, goofier maybe. His arm was still around me and it felt nice, safe. I didn't care who he was but he was making me feel safe, that's all I needed now. I leant my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arm around him. I felt him nervously playing with my hair. I didn't mind, if it helped him stay calm I couldn't care less. I closed my eyes and tried to think of a happy song or place or any song, any place, something to take my mind off here. Nothing. I'd momentarily forgotten everything. I drew pictures and my name on his back with my finger as we sat there in silence waiting, for death or for freedom. 50/50 chance really.

Mika's pov
What the hell just happened? One moment I'm standing waiting for my flight to London and the next I'm laying on the ground with this girl on top on me. Then the gun started firing. She dragged me into a corner. She saved my life. Wow. I stared at her and saw her bright blue eyes fill with fear and her rosy red lips form a straight line. She was terrified; I was too. Her hair was in a neat brown Bob with a small side fringe. She wore a red checkered shirt with matching converse. She slowly turned around to see what was happening. BANG! BANG! BANG! I saw her jump when the gun fired again and quickly pulled her back to me with my hand over her mouth to stop her from screaming. She was tense. Frightened. She was sitting on my lap and I slowly removed my hand from her mouth and whispered in her ear: "Shh... We'll be fine. Just stay here...shh..." She seemed to relax and flop on the floor besides me. I kept my arm around her and stroked her hair. It was soft and smooth and made me feel better too. She smiled at me nervously and I smiled back. She rested her head on my shoulder. It felt nice, safe. Then her hand snaked round my waist and I continued to play with her hair. We waited...

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