Ah, Hospitals.

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When we got home Hannah was smiling so much. I however felt terrible; seeing them again really hit me hard, seeing how much damage I've done hit me harder, seeing how much hate was in the room almost killed me. Hannah was the only thing that made me stay and now tomorrow I've got to see poor old Paloma again. I hope she forgives me. I don't think I could survive if they didn't, especially her.

I slid into bed quite quickly whereas Hannah was very slow to, as if she was too tired to go any faster. I looked up at her, slightly worried.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes." She replied quietly.
"What have I done?" I asked convinced it was something I'd done.
"Nothing, I'm just tired." She replied as she crawled in next to me.
"Alright." I whispered as I wrapped my arms around her.

In the morning I woke up way before her and managed to creep out of the bedroom and even get changed without her waking up. I went and took Mel on a walk, meeting Zuleika on the way. She smiled at me in a forgiving way which made me smile back feeling slightly at peace with her.
"Hi." I said nervously.
"Hey Mika." She replied slightly coldly.
"A-am I forgiven?" I asked unsure.
"I suppose." She told me reluctantly. I pulled her into an extremely tight hug. "Stop strangling me Mika." She said sarcastically.
"It's called a hug, you should try it more often." I replied equally sarcastically. Then she pulled me into an even tighter hug.
"I'll see you later." She told me.
"Are you coming to the hospital?" I asked hopefully.
"I can't. I've just been actually. Fortuné can't either so it's just you and mum." She told me sadly.
"What about Yasmine?" I asked nervously.
"Nope. Sorry." She said apologetically.
"Just me and mum." I sighed. "Great."
"You'll be fine."
"She hates me." I mumbled.
"Grow up Mika. She loves you. Just be nice." She said kindly.
"Bye." I said glumly.
"Cheer up. Bye!" She smiled and walked off in the other direction.

I walked quickly home, beginning to worry. Mel followed quickly behind me, panting heavily. As soon as we got in she went to have a huge drink. I flopped on the sofa, head spinning with worry as I thought what Paloma and mum would be like together. Horrible probably. I'd be the one in hospital by the end I guess. 

Hannah came into the living room, rubbing her eyes, smiling sleepily at me. Her smile fades slightly when she saw my muddy shoes by the sofa.
"You been out?" She asked, still half asleep.
"Dog w-a-l-k. Please tell me you're coming to the hospital with me?" I pleaded.
"What's it worth?" She smirked at me mischievously. I scrunched my face up trying to think.
"Dinner? Out? Somewhere nice?" I managed to get out. She raised an eyebrow.
"Anything else?" I could tell she was laughing slightly.
"Sex?" That's when we both burst into fits of laughter.
"Of course I'll come with you. I want to see Paloma." She sounded happy.
"Good." I replied with a sigh of relief sand kissed the top of her head.
"I'll get dressed then." She said, getting up and heading to the bedroom.

Hannah's PoV
I wore a pale green shirt and light blue jeans with some cream shiny slip on shoes. Mika smiled nervously at me the whole way there. He also drove incredibly slowly. It was as if we weren't moving at all.

We walked along the same old corridor towards Paloma's room. Mika was nervously scratching his arms but stopped and became calmer when I took his hand. Before we went into her room I stopped Mika and looked him in the eyes. Those beautiful brown eyes were full of concern and worry and fear. This was definitely not what his mother saw or Paloma for that matter.
"Mika, stay calm. Everything will be alright. I'm here for you. Remember that." I told him calmly, hoping that today would go better than last time.

Her room was exactly the same, the only difference; Paloma looked better, healthier. She smiled kindly as I entered the room but the whole hospital seemed to freeze over when her and her mother saw Mika. They both shot icy glares at him. He sunk back behind me like a small child behind their mother, hiding from everything scary to a small boy at a young age.

"Hi!" I said cheerily, trying to break the ice.
"Hey!" Paloma said, sitting up in the bed.
"What have the doctors said?" I asked curiously.
"Physiotherapy in a few weeks then a couple of weeks after that she can come home." Joanie said excitedly.
"Really?! That's great news." I said surprised as I went closer to Paloma and, tried to, hug her, leaving Mika standing nervously in the doorway like a shell shocked child.

"Y-yeah. That's g-great Paloma." Mika stammered as he slowly came further into the room.
"Is it though Mika?" She asked bitterly.
"Yes!" He said, clearly hurt by what she said.
"Whatever. You're just acting. You do it all the time for TV cameras. What makes you think I'll believe you now?" Paloma said harshly.
"Because I'm your brother and I care. I just freaked out, panicked and ran. I can see now that it was a mistake." He told her apologetically.
"That's not what our family is about, running away. I really don't care if you were worried and panic. You're nothing to me." She spat.
"Paloma-" Mika started.
"No Mika! You're nothing to me. You just left me. You wouldn't care if I died. Get out!" She shouted.

Mika, trembling like he seen a ghost, ran. I looked out the door and saw him running quickly down the corridor, wiping his eyes in the process.
"Paloma!" Joanie and I said in unison and shock.
"Hoe could you say such a thing. That is not what our family is about either. Mika has been trying to apologise and make up for his mistake and you treat him like this? I give up." She burst into a fit of anger. I stood there also now shell shocked.
"Tell Mika I'm sorry and I forgive him." Paloma instructed me.
"Alright. I'll see you soon." I said making a quick exit.

I quickly ran towards the car park only to see Mika zoom past me in his car. He forgot me. I went to call Fortuné but remembered that he was busy. So I called Yasmine.
"Hello?" Her chirpy voice came from my speaker.
"Hannah!" She half shouted happily.
"I need to ask you a huge favour..." I began.
"What?" She asked suspiciously.
"Mika has just, kind of... Gone. Please can you pick me up from the hospital car park?" I asked.
"Sure. I'll be there asap." She said then hung up.

She soon arrived and all we talked about were clothes. We soon got to the flat and I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw Mika's car outside. I thanked her and ran in.

Mika wasn't in the living room so I instinctively went to the bedroom. He was lying on the bed crying.  A lot. My heart broke at the sight of this. I sat on the bed behind him and gently rubbed his back. He shot up quickly, his red eyes staring at me in a panic. Then he grabbed he tightly and hugged me, he just held me like this sobbing slightly.
"Mika," I began.
"I'm just a load of crap." He mumbled, still hugging me. "I've let my whole f*cking family down, I left Paloma to die and I left you at the hospital. I-I-" Then he broke down completely.
"It doesn't matter. Mika Paloma was out of order saying what she did. You mother even said so. She, they forgive you." I told him. He stopped crying. He looked up at me. He smiled.

"Now," I said smiling, pulling at the bottom of his shirt and kissing his neck. "Let's have some fun."

Sorry for not updating. Hope you like this chapter. What should happen next?

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