Till death do us part.

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Mika's PoV
One week till I'm in lovely Italy! Oh it'll be so nice to feel the warm sun on my skin and the warm breeze on my cheeks. Paloma seems to be doing well and Hannah and I aren't arguing.

In fact, this is the best our relationship has been; we're always together, she's being romantic and I'm trying, she kissed me, we make love- the perfect couple. But I'll miss Hannah more than any words or songs could say. I honestly don't know how I'll cope without her.

When I get back I'll take her to Paris for a romantic weekend and when we have dinner in a little restaurant and I'll propose! I'll go down on one knee as the moon comes out, take the little red velvet box from my pocket, tell her she means the world me me and that I can't live without her, open the box, show her the beautiful blue diamond that matches her eyes and hope she says yes.
"Yes Mika..."

Anyway, back to the present. I've got to make the most of her until I go away. Currently, she's out with Paloma shopping. I can't say I'm jealous. I like shopping but Paloma and shopping is quite scary.

Mum is looking after Paloma today at dinner time so I'm asking Hannah to come to the restaurant at the end of the road for dinner. I'll leave a note by the kettle later. But now... I think I'll rescue her from the shopping trip.

I called her.
"Hello?" Her voice seemed tired.
"Mika I hate shopping now." She moaned. I laughed. "It's not funny it's painful."
"Yeah I know.  I'm on my way. Which shop are you in?"
"Harrodsburg, third floor, lingerie department. Hurry up." She shouted.

After ten minutes I was there. They both looked quite fed up. I hugged Hannah and got a kiss on the cheek which made me melt into her and never want to let go. When I did Paloma was mocking us in the usual big sister way.
"Can we now get out of here?!?" Hannah begged.
"Sure." I said.
"Freedom!!!" She cheered as we went out. Paloma looked at her strangely.
"She sure hates shopping..." She commented harshly.
"You're not the best shopping companion. " I replied. She hit me with her stick. "Hey... That's not nice!" I joked.
"Oh shut up Mika." She laughed.

"Hannah I gotta go to arrange some last minute stuff for the tour.  I'll be back for dinner. Have coffee whilst I'm gone." Then I left.

I can't wait for tonight.

Hannah's PoV
Paloma was asleep on the sofa so I hid in Mika's room, hoping she'd leave me alone.  She did. Then I eventually came out and made myself a cup of tea and saw a note by the kettle.
I've booked us dinner at the place at the end of the road. It's for seven. Please don't be late- I won't for once. Love you- Mxxx

Ah! It's 6:30 now!!!! I rushed around getting changed and doing my makeup. Ah now it was seven. I half ran down the street to the restaurant then my phone rang.
"Where are you?"
"Sorry Mika I just need to cross the road." I told him.
"How far away?"
"I'm jus-"...

Mika's PoV
"Just what? Hannah?" Now all I could hear was a car horn. "Hannah?!?" I screamed down the phone.
The waiter came over to me with a concerned expression on his face.
"My name is Andy and I'm your waiter. Are you alright?" I ignored him and ran outside and what I saw killed me inside.

A bus had stopped in the middle of the road and blood surrounded it. Then I saw her, blood covering her face, clothes ripped bruises scattered on her. Hannah.
"HANNAH?!?" I screamed and ran into the road towards her, tears streaming down my face. The waiter, Andy, held me back as I struggled to escape his firm grip. "NO, LET ME GO!! SHES MY GIRLFRIEND." I cried. He did and ran after me when I ran to her.

I held her bloody head in my lap, her blue eyes were open and staring up. Her body was limp.
"Hannah? Hannah?" I repeated shaking her gently.
"She's gone." Andy told me after taking her pulse.
"No, no she's not. We're going to get married. I was going to propose. She's not... Dead. No..." Then I broke down completely. Andy closed her eyes.
"I'm afraid she is."
"I was going to propose..." I repeated my shouting turning into broken whispers, my hand touching the small box in my pocket.
I put the small ring on her finger.
"We were going to be married..."

The end!
Thanks to you all.
Hannah died. Mika cried. The rest is in your imagination.
Thank you.
HP-- xx

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