His Amazingly Strange Flat.

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Hannah's pov
I got dressed into my button up pale green and white checkered shirt and pale blue skinny jeans with green converse to match my shirt. I buttoned it up so it covered most of my cleavage and did my light brown hair in a neat Bob. Mika put on a bright red top with glitter on it with a blue sparkly jacket and white skinny jeans. He had some blue sparkly high tops to match the jacket. He ruffled up his hair and he was done. I had no idea what was going to happen once I got home again but I was sad to leave here.

We got a taxi to another airport and got on the same plane and even sat next to each other.
"Where do you live?" I asked curiously.
"London." Short reply.
"Near Kensington?"
"Yeah, why?" He got more interested.
"My parents house is near there."
"You still live with your parents?" His voice sounded sympathetic.
"Yeah." I replied in a dull voice.
"Come home with me." He blurted out as more of an order than a question.
"Why?" I asked a bit stunned. I only met him yesterday and we had already kissed and... Other stuff.
"Because living with your parents is boring and living with me is fun and I like you." I blushed a bit again. He was so sweet.
"Okay. Thanks." I smiled happily. I leant my head on his shoulder and let him play with my hair for the rest of the plane ride. I drifted off to sleep with his voice humming in the background. Paradise... at last...

Mika's pov
Hehehe... I asked her to live with me and she said yes! How amazing is that? I can't believe she still lives with her parents so maybe this could be fun for her. And her parents house is in London too! She leant her head on my shoulder and I hummed to her again. A song I'm working on... Maybe for her. She'd like that. She fell asleep and I played with her hair.

It took a while to get to the airport. I sat there and watched her sleep. She was so peaceful and sweet as she slept; always keeping a small smile on her face as she did. I wonder what she was dreaming about? Anyway once we got back I tried to wake her but failed. So, I kissed her cheek. She smiled and slowly woke up.

Hannah's pov
I felt something soft on my cheek when I woke up. Mika.
"Hmmm.." I mumbled and noticed Mika's lips on my cheek.
"We're home love." He whispered. I smiled and sat up and waited to be told to get up.

Once we had got off Mika went to get his car and I got our bags from the collection point. I waited outside the entrance until a small red car pulled up in front of me. I put the bags in the tiny boot and sat in the passenger seat.
"Where to, madam?" Mika tried a posh voice but failed dramatically.
"Wherever you like!" I said excitedly.
"My amazingly strange flat?"
"Why not?" This just felt so surreal. I had a boyfriend. That's new. I was going to stay at his flat. That's new too. I've slept with him and kissed him. All new things to me. If felt like forever sitting in that small stuffy car with Mika's eyes often falling on me.
Finally we got to his flat. An ordinary looking building from the outside. The inside hallway leading to his ground floor flat looked normal too. Once inside it was like I'd entered into a whole new world. First thing I saw, Donald Duck bike leant against the White shiny piano. The living room had cream colour walls with cream panelling on it. Green velvet sofas were sitting opposite each other with a small coffee table in between. Huge sash windows were on the wall behind one sofa. The dining room had deep red walls again with sash windows.  The table was a circle with a neat white table cloth on it. The study was a mess at first sight with papers, drawings and lyrics scattered around on the table and some chairs. His kitchen was spacious and light. The walls were white and the worktop shined like crystal. His oven was a shiny silver and he had an island with some stools for entertaining. I then found his bed room and placed his bag on the bed. What a room! His bed had a wooden overhead frame with some shoes hanging from it and a self made Union Jack hanging behind the headboard. It had some scarfs hanging from the frame near the headboard and some toy theatres where around the room. There was a mirror with a golden frame on the left wall of the room near a decent size window.

I sat on the bed and just stared. This place was amazing. I got so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice Mika come in and lie down behind me. He suddenly grabbed my waist and pulled me onto the bed. He kissed my neck and wrapped his arms around me so that his head was in line with mine.
"You like my flat?" He asked softly.
"Of course!" I smiled back. He nuzzled his face into my neck and whispered
"I love you." In an incredibly sexy voice. I giggled and rolled over so I was facing him.
"I think I might love you too." I said awkwardly. I never was a romantic but he seemed to like it.
"You might... Hmm. I'll have to change that." He whispered. His lips softly touched mine then it turned into a full kiss and grew more passionate with every second. His hands went up my top and mine went up his.

Unfortunately, my stomach let out a huge roar like grumble which, consequently, interrupted our fun. It was already 9pm and we hadn't eaten all day. Mika went into the kitchen and cooked some macaroni cheese. How the hell was he so talented; he could cook better than Jamie Oliver! Well, I thought he did. Once we'd finished I made him let me wash up. It was the least I could do.

After I'd done I went into the living room to see him sitting in the candle light, bottle of red wine on the table with two big glasses and a big bowl of popcorn. Oh, and a blanket! How romantic! I sat down next to him and he played the film. An old black and white one. This was just perfect. The candle flickered and the wine went down quickly as did the popcorn. Once we finished them I leant my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me. Under the blanket, Mika's arm around me, in this wonderful flat, it's the safest and most comfortable I've ever been. I wish it could last forever.

Mika's pov
My favourite film. My favourite wine and my favourite girl. Just perfect. I think my attempt at being romantic worked as she seemed quite happy. Hannah shared the popcorn very fairly and always made sure she topped my wine glass up too. She was so kind. How did this ever happen?
She gently laid her head upon my shoulder and hugged me so I took the opportunity to wrap my arm around her from the back. I didn't notice but she must have fallen asleep during the film. So, I gently picked her up and when she started to stir I hummed a song that I'm working on called I see you. She relaxed again as I gently put her on the bed and took her jacket off. She looked so peaceful. I quietly took my top off and slid in next to her. This was so perfect. But I don't want to tell her the way I see her...

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