Pick Your Love Up Off The Floor.

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Hannah's PoV
When I get back to the flat Mika is waiting for me.
"Hey." I say as sit next to him on the sofa.
"Hi love." He replies as he wraps his arm gently around my waist and kisses my cheek. I don't flinch away. He notices and smiles at me nicely. He then gets up and goes into the bedroom. When he doesn't return I go to the study to see my first ever published book that was sent today. But before I can open the parcel Mika grabs my waist and picks me up bridal style. He carries me through to the bedroom and lays me on the bed and gets on next to me so he's facing me.

I raise my eyebrows as he stares into my eyes. Music starts to come from my phone. It's Mika's voice but I don't recognise it. Then I realised that he stolen my phone and put the song on it. His lips slowly curl to form a smile as the song plays.

"It's an apology." He says slowly. I smile and kiss him on the lips. I then get up and run to the dining room, leaving him sitting there alone.

Mika's PoV
I just played her a whole song which I wrote as an apology and she runs off. Like before. But, this time, she comes back with a small plastic bag and throws it at me.
"Open it." Say says with a smile on her face. I pull out a decent size book with colourful flowery drawings all over the front. 'A special bunch. By The Green Dodo. Illustrations by DaWack.' I smile as I realise it's Hannah's book. I open the book to the first page and see the curly font say 'book dedicated to my magical Mika-xx' and underneath in purple glittery pen it says 'Apology accepted!' I kiss her again as I carefully put the book down on the bedside table and roll on top of her, not breaking the kiss. She stares up at me as I move her hair out of her face. Her lips form a small smile as she continues to stare up at me in a trance.
"I love you." I leant down and whispered in her ear consequently making her shiver.
"I love you too Mika." I smiled as I realised she said it. She loved me again. I'd won.
She rolled me over and rested her head on my chest. I played with a few strands of her hair and twisted them around my fingers as Hannah drew pictures on my chest, her head slowly rising and falling with my chest. I closed my eyes as a heavy weight lifted off my shoulders. Finally I could relax.
"When does your book come out?" I asked Hannah as my thoughts wondered from my album to her work.
"Tomorrow." She said happily.
"My album is released tomorrow as well." I said excitedly.
"We could have a joint celebratory party with both our families." I suggested. Suddenly Hannah sat up and stared at me as the idea played in her head.
"Y-yeah... That might work."
"But, well, my brother is a bit overprotective and might be a bit, umm, weird." She said slowly trying to think of the right words.
"Why wasn't he at the hospital when-"
"New Zealand with his friends." She interrupts me.
"Oh. Well maybe we could invite him and your family as a kind of celebratory, getting to know each other party thing?" She laughs and kisses my cheek.
"That could work."
"Leave it to me!" I say sounding a hundred times more confident than I feel.
"Just don't let him get to you." She says sounding a bit concerned.
"I won't." I tried to reassure her. I wasn't sure I would be able to though.

Hannah's PoV
It's so sweet that Mika wants to help publicise my book along with his album at the party. And it's kind of him to invite my whole family. I just hope that David behaves himself. He has a tendency to ruin my relationships but hugely insulting the poor guy's family. But he doesn't know much about myself and Mika so hopefully can't have anything bad to say. He doesn't know about Jodi so I'll be fine... I hope.

"So who do I need to invite?" Mika yelled from the kitchen (he was making coffee).
"My mum, brother, Aisling my cousin and ummm... Jamie my other cousin." I called back.
"Can you write down their numbers?" He asked as he handed me my coffee.
"Sure." I wrote down their names and numbers and what relation they were and Mika quickly read through the list.
"David, brother, Janet, mother,- what about your father?"  I swallowed hard and stared at him for a minute worry slowly taking over his face.
"He died. A few years ago now." I quickly mumbled. His look turned from worry to sympathy.
"I'm sorry Hannah."
"It's ok Mika. I've got you now." I smiled.
Mika continued with reading out the list. "Cousin A-sling?" I sighed.
"Mika it's pronounced Ashling. Everyone says it wrong." He smiled and tried again.
"Aisling. Ok, and Jamie, also a cousin. Is that it?"
"Yeah." With that he kissed me quickly on the lips and went off and made the phone calls.

He came back in looking stressed.
"Mika? What's happened?"
"Your brother doesn't seem to like me before he's even met me."
"He's always been like that especially since dad..." I sighed.
"He's not going to ruin this. Even if he doesn't like you I love you. So, he doesn't matter alright?" He smiles and kisses my cheek.
"Alright." He said calmly.
"The party is next week and everyone who we care about is coming and my dumbass brother won't ruin it for us. Because all that matters is that I love you, not him." He smiled nicely. 
"The same can be said for you." He smiled.
His lips brushed mine as he kissed me passionately and guided me towards the bedroom.
Our relationship saved.

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