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The familiar but cold hospital soon came into view from the window in the taxi, raindrops obscuring its image. The taxi dropped us close to the entrance but the late night air hit me like a punch as we walked towards the lit up hospital. A familiar sight for me. It towered over us as we approached. Hannah continued to cling to my arm, clearly shaken up. I just walked through past the main reception in a trance, shocked from the near death experience for Paloma. I've never lost anyone before. Ever.

We quickly walked up to the intensive care unit and I saw my family waiting in the relatives room.
Mother had red eyes, sore from crying, her hankie was soaked with tears and she looked like death.
Fortuné was sitting next to her, half hugging her. His eyes were less red than her but still red from crying too. You could see the fear in his eyes for Paloma.
Zuleika was sitting quietly in the corner fiddling with her thumbs, trying not to make a fuss.
Yasmine was pacing the room nervously, waiting for any news.
Hannah sheepishly went and sat next to Zuleika leaving me to sit with mother. She kissed the top of my head as the doctor came in.
"Mrs Penniman?" The doctor asked carefully. Mum nodded.
"Your daughter, Ms Penniman, is seriously ill. She's lucky to have survived. It's a long road ahead but the signs are hopeful. I can make no promises however. She may not make it but we remain hopeful. She will need to learn to walk again if she survives. There will be a lot of work involved." The doctor said trying to highlight the positives.
"But will she survive?" Mum asked quickly.
"The chances are slim but there is a possibility." She replied sympathetically. Mum suddenly broke down again. Fortuné's eyes became watery again too as he tried to sooth her whilst I sat there, frozen, staring at the wall.
"If you have any further questions do not hesitate to ask." She said warmly as she walked out.
"Have you seen Paloma yet?" Mum asked.
"No." I replied coldly.
"You should." Mum replied. Hannah and I slowly walked into the high dependency room.

Paloma was lying flat on the bed, pale and tired. The machines she was linked up to were gently bleeping in the background and various drips were flowing into her arms. She looked lifeless, hopeless and dead. She looked dead.
Again, I froze.
I just stared at her; my poor helpless sister. I felt Hannah's hand link with mine and it squeeze me slightly.

When we entered the room a small discussion had been started.
"Fortuné I just want to know what happened." I heard mum plea as we reentered.
"One minute she was there, the next..." He started.
"Mika do you know?" Mum was getting increasingly angry as all eyes flew to me.
"S-she opened the window and fell." I said simply.
"Are you sure? Nothing else?" She questioned intensively.
"I-I tried to catch her." Hannah mumbled.
"So it's your fault." Mum said angrily.
"Hannah didn't-" I was interrupted.
"It's your fault that she's in there. You did this." Mum almost shouted.
"Mum, it wasn't." I said equally loudly.
Hannah stood there crying and shaking whilst the anger boiled up inside mum.
"You've killed my Paloma." Mum shouted.


Hannah fell backwards where I caught her then ran out. Mum slapped her.
"Mum!" Zuleika and Yasmine said in unison clearly shocked as Fortuné and I stared at her in shock.
"Mum-" I started.
"I don't want anything to do with her. Mika, leave her." Mum said harshly.
"Please don't make this situation any harder than it already is mum. Paloma has been involved in a terrible accident, it was nobody's fault." I replied calmly.
"No. It was her fault." She insisted.
"I'm sorry." I mumbled as tears came to my eyes and I left the room in search of Hannah.

I found her outside the main entrance of the hospital, standing in the rain. Her make up had run and her clothes were beginning to become drenched. I got us a taxi and we son got home into the dry.
"Get dressed into something dry." I mumbled as I changed my top. I also put on some new jeans but noticed her still standing there, staring at the floor.

I put my arm around her and kissed the top of her head.
"You'll catch a cold if we don't get you out of these wet clothes." I said, trying to sound cheery. She quickly got into some new clothes and sat quietly on the bed.
"That's another person I've killed." She whispered.
"Hannah no. She's not dead and she's not going to die. It's not your fault. You didn't kill your father either. Alright? None of this is your fault." I said comfortingly.
Then her lips touched mine and we kissed. It was just a small kiss. Just seconds. A break from the hell we'd entered.

Hannah's PoV
We kissed. After the kiss those big brown eyes stared at me for a while. The curls in this hair slowly came back as it dried.
"Pack a suitcase." Mika said slowly.
"W-what?" I asked, shocked.
"Pack your suitcase." He repeated slowly as he got some of his clothes out. I looked at the clothes he was packing and started to go through my clothes. About an hour or two later and we were loading these cases into his car.

We dropped Mel off at the kennels and drove off. We drove in silence. A long painful silence. A silence that gave me a lot of questions.

Mika parked the car in a huge car park and got out and took the suitcases out. He opened my door and offered me his hand.
"Mika, where are we going?" I asked cautiously.
"Away." He said quickly, still holding out his hand.
"Why?" I asked.
"To get away from my mother and Paloma." He replied.
"I, umm.." I tried to quickly run the idea through in my head. Running away with Mika a while ago would have been a dream come true but now...?
"You've got nothing left to stay for. Please come with me. I can't stand it here anymore." He pleaded.
"Fine." I agreed. He helped me out the car and we walked into the airport then onto the plane. Off on a new adventure.

Thanks for your support guys! And thanks for the 200 ish votes and 2k views. It means a lot. If any of you have any ideas you'd like me to look at for the story is be very grateful. Thank you to MIKAFREAK24 for some inspiration!
Oh, and the picture at this top shows Paloma's flat- where she fell from and landed. Just click on it to see the whole thing.

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