Is It Over?

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Hannah's pov
I stared at the door. Emergency exit. If I ran, would they shoot me? Probably. If I ran and got shot, would it be worse than being kidnapped and held captive? Probably. What would that mean for Mika? Death. I couldn't do that too him even if I wanted it now. It wouldn't be fair.

CRASH! Loads of men with guns came running in and I clung to Mika like a barnacle to a ship. The icy blade was upon my neck again and I was being pulled from Mika who just let me go. It was the safer option for him. I realised I was going to be used as a shield... or as blackmail. There were lots of people yelling at each other in French. I stood there terrified. The knife suddenly started to dig in harder than it did before. They were going to kill me. I started shaking uncontrollably and the man pulled my hands behind me so I couldn't move. The man with the gun was pointing it at the French officers. He yelled something and Mika slowly started to walk over to the French officers with his hands up. They didn't shoot at him they instead tried to get him to safety. Why wasn't he leaving? He started to point at me and talk to the officers. Instantly, they all backed off a meter or two and some lowered their guns. I felt my blood run down my neck but felt no pain from the cut itself. Mika said something in French. Yet again I was clueless.

Once they'd stopped he looked at me and the blood sliding down my neck. "They can't speak any English but I've got a plan. You have to try to get free. I don't know how to get you free but you've got to try. I'll give you a signal. You'll be fine." How could he say that?!? I was not going to be fine I was going to die. I have to try.

I stared at Mika as if to say if this gets me killed, don't blame yourself. I'm alright. But instead he winked at me... Then I realised what he wanted me to do. It was complete and utter madness but it was that or die. I kept staring at him, waiting for the signal. He smiled at me. A lot. All the men who had guns readied them and pointed at the terrorists. The knife still in my neck started to sting and my eyes became watery so I couldn't see the details in Mika's face. I saw him nod. That was the signal...

I quickly kicked the knife guy in the private area and the knife quickly slid out of my neck. I immediately ducked down and ran to Mika. The other terrorist grabbed my arm and I screamed. There was a huge bang and the hand loosened he groaned and tried to grab me again. Blood splattered over me as he was shot again. I ran to Mika and fell into his arms. Everything went blurry and dizzy. I heard lots more gunfire and something falling to the floor. I turned to look and saw bodies. I couldn't tell whose. My legs went weak and I felt myself being picked up and I tried to protest but I heard Mika whisper, "Shh... Its ok, I've got you...shhh." And he carried me out almost running. My neck started to hurt like a thousand knifes stabbing at it. Then it went numb.
We were outside now. All I could see was blue flashing lights, people came rushing over to us and tried to take me from him. I tried to struggle when I felt Mika grab my hand. "I'm not leaving you." He said confidently. BANG! CRASH! Smoke filled the air. Everything went silent. My world went dark.

Mika's pov
I picked Hannah up and ran from the building. Once outside I was almost blinded by the blue flashing lights and almost knocked over by the people who came rushing over to us. They tried to take her and she struggled. I let them and and said, "I'm not leaving you." Suddenly there was a huge bang and a flash of light. I threw myself over the trolley bed which Hannah was lying unconscious on. I got a few pieces of debris which hit my head but apart from a cut on my head I was fine. We got into the ambulance and quickly went to hospital where Hannah got her neck seen to. Luckily, she didn't need stitches. I waited outside the curtains for her to wake up. Thank god she's ok. 

Hannah's pov
I woke up in a bed. I don't know whose bed but I didn't care. I looked around and realised I was in a hospital bed in the ED. I sat up and looked around for Mika. He wasn't there. I slowly got up and my neck suddenly killed. I winced in pain and drew the curtains aside and saw him standing there. I sighed in relief and hugged him from behind.

He turned around once I let go and hugged me tight. "Thank god you're ok." He said happily. I smiled into his shirt. "What happened?" I asked worriedly as I saw a small cut on his head. "There was an explosion in the airport. None of us outside got hurt much but everyone inside.... Umm." His voice trailed off. I stared at him for a moment as he looked at my neck. "Your neck didn't need stitches so you'll be fine." I sighed in relief.

After a few minutes of hugging he went and spoke to a nurse and I realised we were still in France. "We can go now." He said with a smile. I walked with him to a taxi when I realised I'd completely forgotten my family! "Mika!" I almost screamed at him in the taxi. He gave me a strange look and tried to hug me. I immediately pulled away. "What happened to my family?" I snapped.
"Don't worry." He responded calmly. "They've gone back to England. They're all safe and weren't there when the explosion happened. They know you're safe and with me."
"Thanks." I smiled at him and took the hug he'd offered me earlier.

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