Your Worst Nightmare.

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Hannah's PoV
Running. Running as fast as humanly possible. Have to get away. But no one can escape reality. I run through the busy streets of London hoping someone will notice that I'm being chased and help me. Nobody does. I run and run until my legs can't carry me any further. Abandoned. The street is suddenly empty. The person following me grabs my wrist and spins me around. I scream but nobody hears; nobody's there. It's Mika. He pushes me to the ground and starts stabbing my chest.

I wake up screaming. Yasmine runs in looking extremely worried.
"Hannah what happened?" She asks panting.
"N-nightmare. That's all." I try to say calmly. She looks at me sympathetically.
"Oh Hannah."
"Don't worry." I say calmly.
"I just need some air." I say heading to the door.
"You're going to Mika's flat aren't you?" Mind reader or what?
"Maybe." I say slowly. "I just want to see him I guess. To see if he is sorry."
"I'm coming with you then. It's a strange time of night to go out alone. But men say they're sorry all the time but they don't always mean it." She warned.
"Fine. But we should get dressed."

So, we get dressed and head out towards his flat. Unfortunately there are no night tubes on today so we walk.
"Why do you want to go back to his flat?" She asked curiously. I shrugged.
"I don't know. I just want to talk to him." I replied quickly. We walked the rest of the way in silence until we got to the flat building. I stared at the building's door and slowly went in, quickly followed by Yasmine. I knocked on his flats door and waited for a response. Nothing. I tried again. Nothing.
"Damn it." I murmured as I looked for my key in my bag and my pockets.
"Here," Yasmine said as she handed me a key.
"Thanks." I replied gratefully. I quickly open the door and go in.

Living room, no. Kitchen, no. Bedroom? No. Wait.
"Yasmine?" I called.
"What?" She replied as she came to the door.
"I'm sorry, love. I know it doesn't mean much but I truly love you. I understand you don't want me so, it's goodbye I guess. Forever. -Mx" I read it out once she arrived.
"Forever?" I questioned. "What does he mean by-" I stopped mid sentence as I realised what that meant. I pushed open the door and looked on top of the wardrobe. Gone. It's gone.
"Hannah calm down.." Yasmine said as she entered the bedroom.

I banged on the bathroom door loudly. No response. I tried to open it but it was locked.
"Mika?" I asked.
No response.
"MIKA OPEN THIS BLOODY DOOR!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as Yasmine stood there in shock. A small noise came from the other side of the door.
"Mika let me in!" I shouted again. Nothing. I took out a coin and twisted it in the lock and the door became loose. I shoved it open and stood still in the doorway.
I saw a bloody razor blade in the sink.

My heart sank.

The shower curtain was drawn. By now my whole body was shaking uncontrollably. A shaky arm reached forward to the curtain  and slowly pulled it back. Mika.

His red sore eyes met mine and a tear escaped his poor eyes. I stood there stunned. He sat half laying down in the empty bath with small bloody cuts on his arms and a large kitchen knife in his right hand. It was clean. My poor Mika. He looked so pale, almost white compared to his usual tanned colour. He just stared up at me as if I wasn't really there as I slowly moved over and took the knife gently from his hand. I placed it carefully next to the sink and went back over to Mika, not saying a word. Yasmine stood in the doorway with her hand over her mouth in shock too. I leant over the bath and gently moved his arms that were covered in blood and cuts and saw his blood stained shirt. I then kissed him on the cheek and saw his lips form a weak smile.
"C-can you walk?" I said quietly.
He simply nodded. I slowly helped him up but he collapsed in the bath again.
"S-sorry." He said weakly.
"It's alright. Yasmine? Can I have some help please?" She came in and tried to help but instead I ended up falling on top of him. He half caught me which softened the blow when I landed head first in the bath. "Ouch..." I moaned as I regained my balance.
"Sorry Mika." I say when I realised I half landed on his stomach.
"We're going to need reinforcements." Yasmine said as she picked up her phone.
"Who are you calling?" I asked worriedly.
"Fortuné, our brother." She said as she left the room on her phone.
"Don't look at me like that Mika. None of this was my fault."
"I know, love it's all mine and I want to make it up to you." He said tiredly. I decided not to speak my mind.
"M-Mika, I love you too but, I umm, I don't know what to think right now."
"Please let me try again. No secrets." I smiled.
"One chance." I say as Fortuné walks in.
I must have stared at him a while but he looked so like Mika it was unreal. Just like Mika but younger.
"Fortuné he's in there." I hear Yasmine say as he comes rushing into the bedroom.
"Fortuné, please help me get him out of that bloody bath." I say in a fluster.
"Nice to meet you too." He retorted.
"Sorry but it's been a bit of a day." I said staring downwards.
"So I gather." He says nicely. I lead him into the bathroom and his face drops.
"Mika?" He says in a shocked voice.
"Hmmm..." Mika mumbled. I walk over to him and lightly tap his face.
"Stay awake... Please just keep those beautiful brown eyes open." He smiled at me again and Fortuné came and lifted him out and helped me walk him to the bed. I gently pulled the covers up and we bandaged his wrists up.

We went into the kitchen and had some Diet Coke. Yasmine explained everything that happened. Fortuné stared at me in shock.
"Why are you giving my idiot brother another chance?"
"Because everyone deserves one. I truly believe that he wouldn't hurt me like that again."
"That I believe." Fortuné said truthfully. "He is kind normally." He added
"And loyal." Yasmine pointed out.
"Usually it's the girls that cheat on him so I expect he feels extremely bad knowing what it feels like." Fortuné said.
"I hope it all works out." Yasmine said.
"I really hope so, you see, I really love that idiot. He's lovely normally."
"Let's call it an early, very early mid life crisis?" Fortuné suggested.
"Deal. Let's pretend this never happened." Yasmine said. I smiled gratefully.
"Yes." I replied.
"Gosh! It's half one. You two must stay the night." I said.
"Oh no we really shouldn't. Fortuné can drive me home and stay with me." Yasmine told me. Fortuné rolled his eyes but gave in as they went to her flat.

I quickly got changed into my pyjamas and slipped into bed beside Mika. I felt his arms gently slip around me and he whispered in my ear,
"I love you so much and I provide I'll make it up to you. I love you Hannah."

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