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The day of the trial. Just hell for Hannah. She has to not only face all her family who don't believe her, but she also has to relive all the moments of abuse he caused her. She has to stand up and openly tell everyone what he did. In front of him. And there's nothing I can do to help. Nothing.

I sat at the island in the kitchen slowly sipping at my coffee whilst Mel ate her breakfast. The whole house was silent. It was dark too, even with the lights on, partly because the dark clouds were gathering and partly because we were scared; everything seems darker when your frightened of something. 

Suddenly I heard Hannah scream in frustration and a bang. I slowly walked towards the bedroom, quickly followed by a very nosey Mel. She was sitting on the bed staring at the phone on the floor which, remarkably, wasn't smashed. I sat next to her and tried to put my arm around her but she shook it off.
"What's happened?" I asked softly, trying not to make it worse.
"He's still pleading not guilty and I still have to stand up in front of everyone and try to prove him wrong. Nobody's trying to help." She said irritatedly.
"Hannah, they've got all the evidence they need this is just a formality. You'll be fine and he'll be put away for a long time." I tried to reassure her.
"Yeah." She mumbled back.
"Is that what your wearing?" I asked pointing to a black feminine suit on the wardrobe with a white shirt and long black trousers. She nodded.
"It goes well with your suit." She smiled looking me up and down.
I was wearing a dark tweed suit with a navy bow tie and black shiny shoes. My hair was gelled to make it look neater than normal but also keep it curly and different. Fortuné and Paloma were coming to the trial as support to Hannah but that was it. Just the four of us. Mel was going to be looked after by Yasmine.

I walked out into the kitchen again and heard the doorbell.
"I'll get it." I called to Hannah.
"I'll be ready in a minute." She answered back.
Fortuné and Paloma were standing at the door looking very formal. Fortuné was wearing a navy suit with mat black shoes and a white shirt with a green tie whereas Paloma was wearing a grey suit with a skirt just above the knees with a pink shirt. She wore black shiny high heels.
"Hi." She said smiling.
"Is Hannah alright?" Fortuné asked.
"Nervous." I said concerned.
"That's perfectly normal. I hope everything goes ok." Paloma said politely.
"Same." Fortuné agreed as he closed the front door.

We headed into the kitchen where Hannah was waiting.
"I've still stayed away from windows." Paloma said sarcastically.
"Haha! Very funny." Hannah replied equally sarcastic. Fortuné gave her a strong hug.
"You'll be fine. He won't hurt you." He said reassuringly.
"Thanks." Hannah said politely after he stopped hugging her which, took a while.
"We should get going." I pointed out as I checked my watch, then my phone to double check. We all bundled into a taxi quickly, Hannah never letting go of my hand.

Hannah's PoV
The court building itself seemed to be trying to intimidate me before I even entered it. Once I did enter it, the size astounded me. I felt like I was two inches tall. The whole room was covered in wooden panelling including the floor. There were plain benches in the allotted area for the jury, sectioned off by wooden rails. The judge had a huge leather seat made higher than the rest and had a wooden box around it as if we weren't good enough to be in the same room. The defendants box looked very plain and dull when compared to all the engravings on the judges box. The witness box was also quite dull but had more decoration that the defendants box. The public gallery was to the back of the room, away from all the different boxes.

I went and sat in the public gallery whilst the trial started. I saw my mother come in and sit on the opposite side of the gallery, not daring to look at us. Mika sat to my right, tightly holding my hand, Fortuné sat on my left and Paloma sat next to him.

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