Deadly Nightmares.

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Hannah's PoV
Running. My legs unable to carry me further. I get to the flat and bolt the door which, in turn starts spinning until it disappeared. I run to the bedroom and there are no windows. No escape. David suddenly appears in front of me. He has a knife. He's pointing it at me.
I hear a scream, Mika's scream. Blood suddenly appears on the knife and drops onto the wooden floor.
There's suddenly blood on my shirt. A deep cut running along my stomach. He glares evilly at me.
Mika appeared next to me. David plunged the knife at his stomach and Mika fell forward, gasping for air as David was held him up. Then David moved away to the other side of the room as Mika shakily turned to face me and removed his hands from his stomach. It was bleeding a lot so that it came through his white shirt and was even dripping. His brown eyes were wide and his mouth was hanging open from shock and pain. His shaky breathing was slowing rapidly. Blood slowly poured from his mouth as he fell to the floor and David pushed me into him. He stabbed me in the back. Over and over until...

I woke up with a start, gasping and sweating. I turned to see Mika sleeping peacefully beside me and Mel snoring in her basket. I sighed in relief. We were safe. Mika's eyes suddenly flickered open and stared up at me. His eyes slowly adjusted to the light as he woke up a bit more. He sat up and put his arm around me.
"Morning love." His voice was quiet and tired.
"Morning Mika." I smiled, trying to forget the nightmare; trying to forget the image of Mika being stabbed by David.

He was still staring at me, smiling like an idiot. I kissed him gently on the lips, just randomly, out of the blue, because I needed to get the image out of my head.
"What was that for?" Mika asked curiously.
"For being alive." I said slowly, thinking of the nightmare.
"Ah. I'll have to stay alive for a very long time then." He flirted. I kissed his cheek and he smiled again.
"Will you make me a cup of tea?" I asked trying to sound innocent.
"Sure." He replied cheerfully as he jumped out of bed and headed to the kitchen.

For the rest of the day my head was filled with thoughts about David hurting mum or Mika. I couldn't focus on anything. When we went to bed Mika kept staring at me as I stared at the ceiling.
"Night love." He whispered stroking my cheek.
"Night." I whispered back. Almost instantly I heard soft snoring. Then my world went dark too...

The flat door was opened slightly. I pushed it fully open and it creaked loudly like a screeching woman. The flat was dimly lit and silent. Silent apart from a kind of whimpering from the bedroom. I slowly opened the door to see Mika kissing someone on the bed, making big out and having sex. Enjoying it. Cheating on me again. I can't breathe.
He stopped. The person on the bed disappeared as he turned to face me. "You realise I never loved you." His voice was cold and emotionless, but almost fuzzy like he wasn't really there.
I felt a hand on my shoulder. A cold, unwelcome hand. I saw Mika start to smirk. The smirking soon became laughter, cold painful laughter.
"I can now finally get rid of you." He said staring at the hand on my shoulder.
"M-M-M-Mika..." I stammered pathetically as I felt a cold blade on my throat. He just grinned evilly standing just in front of me, almost touching me.
"Shhh, shhh, shhh..." Mika whispered in a taunting voice, his finger sliding down my lips.
I shivered.
"It'll all be over soon." He whispered again.
"Mmm." The voice behind me agreed. David. I felt the knife removed from my neck and I was pushed towards Mika. He caught me as the knife was pushed through my back into my stomach. He smiled evilly at me, as though he was satisfied with this. He pushed me back towards David who pushed me to the ground.
David then shot Mika. He fell down in front of me, already dead.

Mika's PoV
I woke up to Hannah kicking me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. It was still dark. Hannah started whimpering and kicking again. Then she screamed and her eyes flew open. She was breathing heavily as though she'd been running.
"Hannah. It's okay I'm here." I said, trying to comfort her. She seemed to relax.
"Shhh..." I whispered trying to calm her but instead she tensed up.
"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked kindly.
"Nightmare. That's all." She said trying to make out it was nothing.
"Can you tell me what happened?" I asked calmly.
"No... I don't really want to." She whispered, getting slightly upset.
"You've been having nightmares for a while Hannah." I started and she gave me a strange look.
"I've noticed Hannah. It's been upsetting you and I want to help. Was it David or...?" I asked, my voice trailing off.
"David." She answered slowly. I nodded, waiting for her to continue.
"You were cheating on me and he was in the flat. You kept saying you wanted me to die and David was behind me and stabbed me. You didn't care. Then he shot you." She said very quickly as if she wanted to forget it.
"Was that this dream?" I asked slowly, looking at the clock realising it was 2am. She nodded again.
"What about last night's?" I asked.
"David was in the flat. He murdered you in front of me and then stabbed me in the back repeatedly." She replied quickly again.
"You know he can't hurt us. He can't." I said gently holding her hands under the covers.
"Mmm." Hannah mumbled tiredly.
"Let's try to sleep and talk about it in the morning?" I suggested.
"Mmm." Hannah mumbled tiredly again. With that she laid down and I rapped my arms around her. She fell soundly asleep quite quickly. I, on the other hand didn't. I thought about David. I thought about Hannah's nightmares. I thought about what I could do to protect her. Until the darkness took over...
Thank you to everyone who has read and voted for my story. It means a lot. Thank you to MIKAFREAK24 the cheating idea in the second nightmare. If anyone has any further suggestions for future chapters I'd love to know.
Thank you again.

Also... Please watch the music video at the top. It's not Mika but it's a really good French artist [it has English subtitles] and the creepiness of the video gave me the whole 'nightmare' inspiration.

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