I Remember Those Two Letters...

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Mika's PoV
Hannah sat on the sofa shaking, her hand resting on the cut. Fortuné kept pacing the room, biting his nails and I stood in the doorway watching them both. I glared at Fortuné and he sheepishly sat on the sofa opposite Hannah. She continued to shake as I sat next to her. I gently put my arm around her and she buried her head in my chest.
"I'm sorry." She mumbled.
"Shhh... It's ok." I comforted her as she started to cry.
"I'm sorry." She cried again. I felt Fortuné's eyes on us. I looked up at him and he retreated to the kitchen.
"Coffee?" He asked on the way out. Hannah nodded slightly.
"Two please Fortuné." I answered in a calm voice.

Once he'd gone, I moved away from Hannah and gently made her look at me.
"Do those cuts hurt much?" I asked, gently stroking around the cuts.
"I've had worse." She shrugged.
"Everything will be ok. He can't hurt you. He's going to prison for a long time, Hannah. He can't get to us."I told her whilst holding her hands.
"Trust me?" I asked as I stroked the side of her face. She nodded timidly and smiled slightly.
Then our lips touched.

We kissed. Passionately. Our tongues tangled with each other and my hands explored all of her body as I rolled on top of her. He kept making out until Fortuné cleared his throat and looked very unimpressed.
"How long have you been standing there?" Hannah asked curiously.
"Long enough. But it's nice to see you... having fun." He said winking and Hannah giggled.
"Just drink your coffee." I joked.

Ding dong!!

"I'll get it." I said as Fortuné sat opposite Hannah. As I headed to the door I heard Hannah and Fortuné laughing. I opened the door slowly and saw an inspector staring at me.
"Hello I am inspector Dixon and this is my colleague, officer Briggs. We'd like to talk to you about David Brown. Can we come in?" She said in a highly professional manner.
"S-sure." I said in a shocked voice.
"You're Mika Penniman right?" She asked.
"Yeah." I said quietly as she followed me into the living room with the quiet officer behind her.

Hannah quickly stood up and the smile faded as she saw the police officers.
"Hannah Brown, I presume?" Inspector Dixon asked, holding out her hand. Hannah took it shakily and nodded.
"I'm inspector Dixon and this is officer Briggs. We would like to talk to about David Brown, your brother." She informed Hannah professionally again.
Then she turned to Fortuné.
"And you are?"
"Fortuné Pennimam." He said defensively.
"Ah, the brother. Were you here when the attack happened?" She asked coldly. I saw Hannah stiffen in the corner of the room. I walked over to her and put my arms around her and kissed the top of her head.
"Yes I was." Fortuné answered equally coldly. 
"Right, we need to take you into the station to have a more formal interview."
"What? Now?" I asked surprised.
"Yes." She replied.
"Fortuné, there isn't enough room for you in the police car."
"I'll drive there it's fine." He said calmly.

Hannah walked over to Fortuné and gave him a quick hug.
"Are you going to be okay?" He asked kindly. Hannah nodded.
"I'll see you later." Fortuné said as he gave Mika a hug too. Then Hannah and I walked out the flat following the inspector and got in the car.

In the interview room.
"So, can you tell me exactly what happened last night?" She asked coldly, showing no emotion. Her attitude matched the room; cold, dark and unwelcoming.
"Hannah got a text from David telling her that he had some unfinished business. We called Fortuné to come over because Hannah got a bit worried. Then David came in and wanted to know where Hannah was. I didn't tell him."
"Trying to protect her?" She interrupted.
"Yeah. Anyway, he pushed past me and was taunting me about an affair that happened about six months ago. I got angry and shouted about when he calved his initials into her arm."
"Can you still see the scar on her arm?" She questioned again, showing no emotion.
"Y-yes. David then started to strangle me and Fortuné helped me get him off. I got away but he pulled my hair and put a knife to my throat and demanded to know where Hannah is and when I didn't answer he threatened to kill me. That's when Hannah came out. He grabbed her and held the knife to her face and told her to go away with him.  She said no and the armed police came in but he took her into the other room."
"Is that all you know?" She asked suspiciously.
"Thank you for your time." She said coldly, staring at me.

Hannah's PoV
I walked into the dimly lit interview room and saw inspector Dixon smiling at me.
"Please have a seat." I sat down quietly and waited for her to start questioning me. I explained everything that happened that night.
"I need to see the scar on your arm because I know he's hurt you before."
I sighed and rolled up my sleeve to reveal the fading scar. She made notes and I rolled the sleeve down again.
"Can you tell me what else he's done to hurt you in the past?"
"Cigarettes burns, punches, slaps, strangled me a few times and well... You know." I said quietly, pointing to my arm.
"And what about your cheek, arm and neck? Did he do those too?"
"Y-yeah." I mumbled.
"Yes. Well, with the evidence we have he'll definitely get a prison sentence." I nodded quietly in response.
"But there will need to be a trial as he's currently pleading not guilty."
"T-trial?" I stammered quietly.
"Yes I'm afraid. We need to contact your mother too. Do you have her contact details?"
"She's going to be so upset..." I mumbled to myself.
"I'm sorry. It's procedure and she has the right to know. So can I have those details please?" She said in a matter of fact way.
I sighed. Just great. I have to alienate all my family.
"07898 989 224. Um home number is 01445 345 863." I said slowly.
"Email and address please."
"JanetBrown01@gmail.com. And 18 Richmond Towers CU24 2QN."
"Thank you. You can go now." She told me coldly. I quickly got up and retreated to the waiting room where both Mika and Fortuné were waiting.

I staggered over to them and hugged both of them.
"They're going to call mum." I whispered in Mika's ear.
"It's not your fault." He replied soothingly.
"Mum always preferred him. This'll ruin her." I started to cry.
"Let's just get you home." Mika said whilst putting his arm around my waist.

Once Fortuné had dropped us at the flat, Mika made me a hot chocolate and cuddled up with me on the sofa, with Mel lying on top of us both. I rested my head on his shoulder and he kissed the top of my head and played with my hair.
"Everything will be ok. I've got you alright. I'll keep you safe and stay with you. You've got me here to protect you. I love you." He whispered as my eyes grew heavy.
"I love you too Mika." I whispered back just as the darkness consumed me, Mika's voice spinning around in my head, and his arms gently wrapped around me protectively.

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