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Mika was out again when I woke up. Great. I wandered around the room wondering what I was supposed to do? I sat on the bed and looked at the phone, the one we decided to use to keep in contact with Fortuné. Mika's phone.

I looked down at it and saw a few missed calls, voicemails and texts from Jodi. Suddenly I had an overwhelming sense of déjà vu. My hands began to tremble as I suddenly remember the pain that name had caused us before.

I slowly unlocked the phone and read the texts.
'Hey Mika. I've got a new idea for a song- I'll call you.'
First text. Perfectly normal. I sighed in relief.
'Love, you're late.'
Second text; more suspicious. I'm just being paranoid. He wouldn't do this to me. Not again.

Then I listened to the voice mails.
"Ok, so here's my idea for the song. It's a love song but you're saying how you can't fall in love with them. I'll talk to you later. Bye Mika."
The way she said his name made me shiver with disgust. But that was just me being jealous or too protective.
"Hey. Can I take you out for dinner later? Just you and me. Like old times eh?"
I quickly turned it off. 'Like old times' like the time they cheated? Is that what she meant?

I snapped out of my trance when the phone began to ring.
"Hello?" I questioned trying to sound positive.
"Hey, Hannah, love. It's Mika." His voice was happy and giggling slightly. The happiness in his voice made me smile slightly.
"What's up Mika?" I asked curiously.
"Look, I'm going out tonight with the guys. Is it ok with you?" He asked.
"Y-yeah." I mumbled as my heart sunk.
"Are you sure?" His voice was slightly concerned.
"Yeah. With Jodi right? Go have fun." I said, trying to sound happy but I had a hint of bitterness in my voice. "I'll be fine."
"Alright bye!" He said and hung up before I could reply.

I just won't eat tonight. Not because I'm lazy. Because there must be something wrong with me. Especially if Mika is with her again. He's so skinny and I'm, well, not. But not fat either.

Then the phone rang again. My heart rose up to my throat with hope.
"Hello?" I said sounding hopeful.
"Hi!" Fortuné's voice filled my ears and my heart sank.
"Hi Fortuné." My voice didn't sound the way I intended it to. I wanted him to think I was ok. Not sad.
"What's happened Hannah?" He asked concerned.
"Hannah I can tell." He prompted.
"I'm just being paranoid again." I said making out it was nothing.
"About...?" He prompted again.
"Mika and Jodi." I whispered.
"He wouldn't do that again." Fortuné was quick to dismiss my fears.
"I know. I can't help it I suppose. I just miss you so much. I hate being trapped here in this room. It's like a prison. I'm alone all the time." I replied sadly.
"Come home." He asked, voice shaking.
"I-I..." Then the flood gates opened. I sat there sniffling and crying for a while whilst Fortuné whispered soothing comments like he would if I were there. Right now all I want is a hug with him.

"I would come home but Mika... I really can't leave him here alone." I said shakily once I'd recovered.
"He wants to be out there."
"Yes but I feel like I'd be letting him down." I said already feeling bad. "He might g-go with Jodi if I leave."
"No. No he won't. He loves you and after last time he'd never do that to you again." He told me confidently.
"I- maybe I will come home." I replied slowly.
"Please do. You can stay with me! And Mel is clearly missing you. And we could-" I cut him off as he started to babble too much.
"Fortuné. I'll have to wait for Mika to come back..." I mumbled as I tried to pack my suitcase.
"Alright, when does he get back?" He asked.
"Ummm... I don't know."
"The last flight is at 10pm. Your time." Fortuné informed me.
"Book it." I said quickly.
"Done." He said happily.
"Only one ticket yeah? He probably won't want to come." I replied suddenly sounding less happy.
"You'll get here at around midnight if I've got that right! Ah I can't wait. I'll see you later! I'll pick you up! Bye." Then he was gone.

I quickly shoved all my clothes and things into my suit case and tried to call Mika. No answer.
"Look, just call me when you get this." I said sternly then hung up.

I sat on the bed and looked on his phone at the photos of us. I felt a tear run down my cheek as I looked at one of him kissing my cheek whilst staring weirdly at the camera.

Then I picked up my phone and it started to ring. Mika. I ignored it and began to gather my bags. I made my way to the door but it flung open and Mika stood there, breathless, staring at me, hurt in his eyes.

My knees went weak and suddenly I was being cradled in his arms. He gently placed me on the bed and crawled on next to me, wrapping his arms around me, still staring into my eyes. He kissed my cheek and snuggled his head into me.

"Why were you leaving? Do you really want to go that badly?" He asked concerned.

Mika's PoV
I waited for her response, barely breathing. I know that I can't keep her here, but I don't want her to go. But I can't force her, she's clearly unhappy. As soon as I'm done with the album I'll come home. About a week I suppose.
"Y-yes." She mumbled timidly. I sighed, slightly disappointed.
"Alright." I replied quietly, trying to hold back the tears.
"Mika please don't be upset. I just can't take it anymore. I'll keep in contact, call you everyday. I'll stay with Fortuné so I'm not alone and-" I interrupted her sudden explosion.
"I'm not upset. I'm shocked. And it's okay you can go. I do want to keep in contact and it's great that Fortuné wants you to stay there. I'll stay with.... Jodi?" I said slowly.
She looked at me for a moment before replying.
"And you won't... Do anything stupid?" She asked suspiciously, clearly trying not to upset me.
"Me and Jodi are history I promise." I said sitting up and taking her hands. "Just friends. I love you and only you alright?"
She nodded. I smiled.
"Right, we don't want you to miss your flight! Come on!" I said pulling her up and carrying her stuff outside.
I kissed her on the lips passionately before she headed into the airport, on a plane and to a different country. Without me. But she still loves me. And soon we'll be together at home properly.
Just a few songs away...

Hey guys!
Sorry I haven't updated in ages but I'm up to my neck in revision as my first exam is on the 17th may. And they aren't over until 17th June so I'll be inactive and might not update much at all.

I hope you like this and I have got ideas for the next chapter or two so it'll be easier to write them.

Please comment and vote; I love hearing from you.

HP- xx

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