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Forest of Giant Trees

As Mikaela opened his eyes and glanced around, he couldn't recall ever entering a... forest?  The trees were huge, and would've taken any human quite a while to climb without help. They looked quite... surreal. Before he could analyze anything else, pain racked his body, and he clutched at the wound in his stomach, letting out a cry of pain.  'At least Yuu-chan won't worry–'

   "Mika!  Are you alright?!" Mika glanced up only to see Yuichiro running towards him at full speed, completely ignoring the wound in his arm.

"Stop straining yourself, Yuu-chan you're hurt." Yu only seemed to seethe in anger at these words.

"I know, Mika! But my cut isn't as deep as yours is."

"But you forget, it'll heal on its own time, since I have regenerative abilities, Yuu-chan." Mika slowly uncovered the wound on his stomach, only to reveal that it had become half its original size. The reason it hurt so much was because his body was working overtime to heal the puncture. Yu dropped to his knees next to Mikaela and hugged him, crying in relief.

   "I thought I had lost you again...!"  The reunion was cut off by an all-too-familiar voice.

"Well, well, what a touching family reunion." Both boys turned to see the vampire noble Crowley standing a few meters away. Mika instantly jumped to his feet, ignoring the pain and standing protectively in front of Yu. Crowley raised his hands playfully in defense. "Oh, don't worry traitor, I won't hurt your family. I just want to know how the humans have built such a powerful device that was able to send us here– wherever here is." A confused look adorned both Mikaela's and Yuichiro's faces, and Mika shook his head.

"If something that important was being built, the humans would have no way of concealing it from all of us. Besides, where would they get the power to build something like that?"  The noble thought about it for a minute, before shrugging.

   "Well, I suppose you're right~  But that doesn't mean that the vampires were the cause of it either."  Silence reigned as the three thought about how they could've been transported here. 'Wait, why is this a peaceful atmosphere?! The vampires are our enemies, especially Crowley!' Yuichiro's head rang with the angry accusation, and he readied himself to attack the noble. His thoughts were suddenly cut off by a loud yell.

   "Filthy vampire, die!"  Yuichiro would recognize that voice anywhere.

   "GUREN!"  In a flash the boy was up off the ground and racing towards where he thought he heard the voice come from.

   "Yuu-chan, wait!"  Mikaela was right on his heels,  keeping pace with his family member easily.  The blond kept his senses partly trained on Crowley in case the noble decided to attack.

They soon came to a clearing and surveyed the battle that was taking place.  Guren was facing off against Krul, who looked like she had completely lost her sanity, while Yu's teammates were fighting other vampires– one of which was Ferid Bathory.  They both made the decision to help Guren since Shinoa, Mitsuba, Yoichi, and Kimizuki were killing the weaker vampires easily– aiming to take on Ferid as a team.  Swords clashed and wounds became more severe as they fought with all their might– and Mika and Yuu joined in.

   "Mikaela!  Yuichiro!  Where have you been?!"  Guren's voice rang through the clearing as the blond and blackette clashed swords with Krul, working together to catch the Vampire Queen off-guard. Since they both had serious injuries, they weren't as successful as they had hoped– but it was enough to fight Krul if they worked together.

   "We don't know!"  Yu was the one to reply, "We're just as confused as everyone else here!  Where are we anyway?!"  An insane laugh bubbled out of Krul's throat as she leaped backward to one end of the clearing and spread her arms wide.

   "HAHAHAHAHA!!  Either way, we vampires will annihilate you humans, and we will be the victors!  There's nothing you can do about it– wherever we are!  HAHAHA!!"  Everyone was a little freaked out by Krul's behavior, but weren't paying much attention since the ground was... shaking.  It felt like an earthquake, yet at the same time, felt like someone's footsteps were pounding the ground.

   "What is that?"  Guren's voiced reached Mikaela's ears, but the insane Vampire Queen didn't notice anything, caught up in her vengeful laughing.  Suddenly, the thumping stopped, as did Krul's laugh as she realized everyone was silent.  Frowning, she took in the terrified look on everyone's faces before taunting,

   "Aww, you can't handle the thought of losing to a superior race?~"  'But that's... not right...' Even the vampires were scared she could tell, and she wondered what was wrong with all of them.

   Yuichiro wasn't looking at Krul, he was looking behind her.  "Umm... Really, what the hell is that?!"  Apparently everyone else was wondering the same thing.

Mika's P.O.V

   The thing looked almost human, if you don't count its height.  It was about 10 meters tall, and had the creepiest smile on its face– if you even considered that a face.  As I looked upon the beast, I observed the lipless (and somewhat-skinless) face that was smiling down at Krul, who was still oblivious to the creature.  A cold chill ran down my spine at the hunger shining in its eyes.

   No one cold react when the creature reached down and picked Krul up, who screamed at the sudden feeling of being lifted off the ground. Turning the Vampire Queen to face it, the creature seemed to smile even wider at her if possible, but what it did next was truly terrifying.

It... ate her. I shielded Yuu-chan's eyes, who for once didn't protest– but it was too late. He just stood there, an empty and sick look in his eyes, and concern welled within me. 'That was certainly a very... gruesome sight.' The creature seemed to swallow Krul before all of the vampires in the clearing shouted in rage, charging forward to challenge the beast. 'They're only doing that now?' The humans watched as the giant surged forward, taking down vampires left in right at an alarmingly fast pace.

"Everyone, in the trees! Climb high– go, GO!" Grabbing Yuu-chan, I listened to Guren's order without protest this time, using my heightened abilities to leap high from the ground. It was straining with the injury on my stomach still healing, but I managed, thinking only of my last– and closest– family member.

Getting Yuu-chan to safety was my top priority, but once that was done I aided the rest of his squad in getting to the higher branches of nearby trees. Once I got to know them, I realized that they weren't the humans that had been using Yuu-chan, and supposed they were all right enough to get a little closer to. I had just gotten the last member– Shinoa– into a tree when the footsteps of the creature started again. I was afraid to look back at the scene, but once I did, I nearly gagged.

The once-green clearing was now painted red. Some of the bodies of vampires were scattered about, but weren't exactly intact. Blood was smeared all over the creature's lips as it continued to smile– a smile that seemed to hold all of the evil in the world... one that would never disappear. The blood everywhere sickened me– it only brought back the realization of what I had become.

Glancing over at Yuu-chan, I was glad to see that it looked like he had regained his senses, at least somewhat– although I didn't exactly know if that was good or bad. Looking back down at the giant, I analyzed it. 'We have to kill it... but how? I hardly think it has normal weaknesses...'

Taking a deep breath, I waited until the creature was looking somewhere else than me, before jumping out of the safety of the tree.

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