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A Dark, Dark Cell...

Eren groaned as his eyes slid open, his vision slightly blurry as he rubbed the tiredness out of his teal orbs. His eyes widened as he shot up and prepared to jump out of the bed, only to be met with the loud, clanking sound of metal. Looking down, the brunette noticed that both his wrists were encircled in iron cuffs, the long chains attached leading down to the bedposts. Glancing around his surroundings, Eren noticed he was in a dark cell only lit by the light of a few torches. The teen felt slightly panicked at the thought of being trapped in this place before the previous events came flooding back to him.

'Trost District... I wonder how everyone is doing? Did the mission really succeed?' His head snapped up and his eyes met with those of the Corporal.

"C-Corporal Levi?!" He silently cursed his voice for stuttering as he raised his hands in a shaky salute, earning only an eye roll from the shorter man.

"Tch.  You're finally awake, brat."  Eren looked around, the position of his hands relaxing.

   "Where am I?"  The raven-haired man answered not a moment later.

   "Underneath the base.  There will be a trial deciding your fate tomorrow."  Teal eyes widened in panic.

   "What?!  But what about Trost–?"

   "You tell me about Trost."  Levi cut Eren off.  "The mission was successful, but people are wary of your... ability. Tomorrow, it will be decided whether you are handed to the Military Police to be killed, or to the Survey Corps to live." The brunette shuddered, but nodded silently.

"I will do..." Eren's whisper went almost unheard by Levi as he turned away to leave, "whatever it takes, to defeat all the Titans."

Levi secretly smirked as he left the underground prison.

The Courtroom

   The next day, Eren was lead to the courtroom and secured in the middle of the room by a tall, metal pole sliding around his handcuffs.  Glancing around, he realized Armin and Mikasa were standing off to one side, right next to Mikaela and Yuichiro. The brunette noticed how both Armin and Mikaela were holding back Mikasa and Yuichiro, as they both looked ready to spring into action at any moment.  A small smile worked its way onto Eren's face.  Despite the fact that he had only known Yuichiro for a few days, the blackette was ready to jump to his defense in a moment's notice.

   "You are Eren Jaeger, is this correct?"  The teal-eyed boy was snapped out of his thoughts when a booming voice resonated throughout the courtroom.  He nodded, staring incredulously at the man who was supposed to be the judge.  Even Eren was intimidated by the man's harsh look and no-nonsense demeanor.

   "My name is Darius Zackly, and I am your judge for this trial.  Today, Eren Jaeger's fate will be decided.  He will either be taken into the custody of the Military Police for experimentation, or he will be handed over to the Survey Corps, and survive."  The courtroom was silent.  "Nile Dok, step forward and give your reasoning."  Eren watched as the Military Police officer stepped forward and cleared his throat.

   "The benefits of Eren Jaeger in the custody of the Military Police are high in numbers.  Eren's new ability causes strife within the walls, and that may lead to Civil War– which is the last thing we need right now."  Eren noticed how Nile's voice began to rise slightly.  "Despite how Eren saved Trost, he should be executed, for his abilities are uncontrollable and potentially dangerous to all of us!  He should be executed right now!"  The officers flanking Eren suddenly raised their weapons, watching Nike closely for the command to shoot.  Eren's eyes widened in surprise and he tugged weakly at his chains.

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