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Wall Rose

   "Ugh, that was the longest climb of my life!"  Yu lay face-down on the top of the grey stone, lightly coated in sweat.  "Why did they have to build this stupid thing so tall?!" The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the landscape.

"Yuu-kun, how else would they keep the Giants out if they didn't build it high?" Yoichi was the most out of breath, as his body was the frailest.

"But why don't they just kill the Giants and not build a wall that's a thousand feet tall?" Yu rolled over onto his back and stared up at the sky, which was starting to turn a bright grey under the light of the sun.  Mika chuckled at his brother's exaggeration.

   "The wall is good protection Yuu-chan.  Did you expect them to make it easy for Giants to climb, not to mention humans?"  The black-haired teen groaned.

   "... Stop making so much sense, Mika."  The blond chuckled again, and glanced around. Every 50 feet or so, a canon was anchored, pointing downward over the outside of the wall. 'Probably just another defense system.' Looking over at Guren and Shinya, Mika noticed they were peering over the inner side of the wall.  The width seemed to be 20 feet across, which was ample space to do plenty of things.  After Yu had finally gotten to his feet, the teenagers headed over to the two higher-ranking officers. 

   "What is it, Guren?"  Yu got to them first along with Mika, and his jaw dropped in amazement at the sight before him.  "It's... a city."  The black-haired male gazed down at the buildings that were being lit up by the rays of the sun.  They weren't as modern as Yu was used to– which puzzled him.  'Wouldn't they have been more comfortable in apartment buildings or something?'

   "But I thought most of the population outside the Army and the Vampire Extermination Unit were killed?"  Mika glanced at Guren for an answer.

"And why aren't all the buildings like the ones in Nagoya?"

   "Well, that's what was believed."  Shinya answered the blond, completely ignoring Yu.  "Then again, it seems we are in a completely different region where Giants threaten humanity, so I'm willing to keep an open mind."

"He's got a point..." Yu glared at Kimizuki who just smirked back at him. Before they could start a fight, however, Guren and Shinya gathered everyone together and the group sat close to the edge.

"So, let's run through the facts." Guren stated, glancing around at everyone.

"We're in foreign territory." Mikaela put a hand under his chin, and studied the city below.

"We were transported here by some burst of light," Shinya commented.

"There are Giants." Yuichiro pointed out the most obvious fact.

"There seem to be no vampires as of yet." Kimizuki said.

"The people here built a wall to protect themselves." Mitsuba stated.

"We don't know what will happen if we reveal vampires to these people..." Yoichi seemed worried more about the strangers than anything else.

"Aand the Giants have no–" Shinoa was cut off by a blushing Mitsuba.

"Shinoa!" The purple-haired girl smiled evilly.

"What did you think I was going to say, huh Mitsuba~?"

"Cut it out, you two." Guren gave the two a stern look, before addressing everyone else again. "Coming up here was a good choice, I believe, but we still don't know how hostile the humans will be to us. We'll wait here for now, and hope no trouble arises." The rest nodded, agreeing to the plan. They were all startled when a loud rumble cut through the air. Yu clutched his stomach, blushing profusely while Mikaela raised an eyebrow.

"Sounds like someone's hungry." A smirk crawled on Kimizuki's face at Mika's words.

"Wow, that was your stomach, Yu? I thought it was an earthquake."

"Shut up, idiot-Kimizuki." Yu's blush became more evident until Guren announced,

"I think we could all do with some food.  Search around this area and see if you can't find some." Heading in different directions, the group searched around the cannons and in the boxes, until–

"Everyone! I found something!" The teens, along with Guren and Shinya, gathered around Yoichi who was struggling to pull a heavy object out of a box. Yu stepped forward and helped him, earning a grateful glance from Yoichi.  The two boys both lifted the object– which turned out to be a good-sized slab of meat.  Everyone's eyes widened.

   "Woah...  These people sure are careless if they just leave meat chunks lying around..."  Yu stared at the meat– which was cooked and everything.  His stomach growled again.

   "I don't know...  It seems suspicious to just leave a slab of meat out here– cooked and ready to eat– unsupervised."  Guren looked at the food, as if preparing for it to get up and tap dance.  When it did nothing after a minute, Mikaela commented,

   "I don't think there is anything strange about the meat, Yuu-chan, there are no signs of poisoning."  Trusting his brother's words, Yu tore off a small chunk, and cautiously bit into it.  His mouth watered after just a taste of the delicious food. Everyone else followed, and they all favored the taste as well.

   "This... this is delicious–"  Yu was about to take another bite, as were the others, when a loud crash resonated through the air.  They all looked down at the city surrounded by walls, and saw a column of smoke rising from the gate leading to where they had come from.  After peering more closely, Mika let out a sigh and gently slapped his forehead in irritation.

   "What is it, Mika?"  The blond looked over at the group and said one word that explained the whole situation.



   "Wow, these humans sure are pathetic~"  Ferid was currently slaying one Survey Corps member at a time, leaving some only barely alive.  The Garrison Regiment was nowhere in sight, scared off by the chaos caused by this new stranger. Commander Erwin, Captain Levi, and Squad Leader Hanji were watching from the roof of a nearby building, baffled by the stranger's strength.

   "Ooh, I wonder how he's so strong~  And he doesn't even use a sword."  Levi glared at the mad scientist.

   "I don't care if he's using a sword or not, Shit-glasses, he's killing my men which makes him an automatic enemy."  The Captain swooped down from the building, leaving the brunette and blond up on the roof.  Hanji sighed.

   "He never changes does he, Erwin?"  The Commander didn't reply.


   The Shinoa Squad raced along the top of the wall– Guren, Shinya, Yu, and Mika in the lead.

   "When we get there, I am so going to kick his–"  Yu's sentence was cut off by Mika.

   "Okay, now a black-haired man is fighting Ferid."  He seemed stunned.  "They seem to be on the same power level...  But how can that be possible?"  Guren looked over at Mikaela in disbelief.

   "Really?  Then they must have some pretty powerful people in this dimension.  And speaking of powerful, is Crowley with him?"  Mika glanced over the edge.

   "No, he's not.  But if he was, the people here would be in trouble."  The group ran faster.

   Finally making it to the section of the wall that was right above where Ferid was attacking, the Shinoa squad stopped.

   "I'll go first.  Come down about 1 minute after I land on the ground.  Use your swords to slide down the wall to slow your momentum."  Mika quickly ran ahead, preparing to jump off the side.

   "Mika, be careful."  The blond nodded to his brother to show he heard, before hurling over the side of the wall.


   Wow XD.  I have absolutely no idea how I'm going forward with this.  Sorry if I can't quite get everyone's personalities right~


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