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   The blond's eyes narrowed as he inspected the gaping chunk of stone missing from Wall Maria, leaving enough space for even 15 meter Giants to pass through.

   "Everyone, stay on high alert!  Giants could attack at any moment!"  There was a chorus of agreements, and Mikaela watched as the rest of the group excluding him, Crowley, and Ferid, drew closer to each other in caution.  Mika could feel the tension in the air, and instead he rode off to one side as Guren ordered everyone to spur their horses on faster.

   "Man, why don't these things just die?!"  Mikaela shook his head at his brother's outburst.

   "You can't expect them to just lay down and die, can you, Yuu-chan?  They're just like the vampires. They fight back."  Yu cried out in frustration as Yoichi spoke up.

   "Mika-kun is right, Yuu-kun.  If the Giants just died, then the people here wouldn't have built the walls."  Shinoa nodded in agreement, although with a smirk on her lips.

   "Yep.  As much as I wish everything I hated would just lay down and die, Yuu-san, then a lot of things would be dead and the world would be a boring place."  Mitsuba grunted and muttered something under her breath about 'idiots,' but stayed silent.

   "Idiot-Yu, you can't just expect your enemies to deliver themselves to you on a silver platter..."  Kimizuki's statement was neutral, but it was clear he was asking for a fight.  Yuichiro's eyebrow twitched and he opened his mouth to retort when Guren cut him off.

   "Giant spotted at 3 o'clock!  Mikaela, can you handle it?"  The blond glanced over at the approaching 4 meter Titan and nodded silently, preparing to angle his horse towards the threat when the creature suddenly dropped to the ground, steam rising from its corpse.  Squinting, Mikaela spotted the familiar wave of a short green cloak bearing the Wings of Freedom Insignia on the back.

   "It's the Survey Corps!  They've somehow discovered we went missing with the key!"  Guren cursed and glanced over at the faction of roughly 20 horses, gaining on their group fast.

   "Listen up!"  Guren's shout pierced the air.  "Mikaela, I want you, Ferid, and Crowley to hold this group off at the hole in the wall.  The rest of us will split up and search for the basement!  Don't kill these people– they're not vampires!"  The black-haired man directed his last words to Ferid and Crowley, the two vampires nodding carelessly.  Mikaela could tell by the glint in Ferid's eye that he couldn't wait to face the short man once more.

   "Once we have found the basement, we'll send someone to get you guys!  Stay alert!"  Mikaela nodded slightly at Shinya's cautious words and turned towards his brother as Yu, Shinoa, Mitsuba, Kimizuki, Yoichi, Shinya, and Guren maneuvered their horses through the pile of rubble gathered at the base of the breach in the wall.

   "Be careful, Yuu-chan.  Stay safe."  Yu smiled widely at the blond.

   "Since when am I ever not careful?"  Mikaela shook his head and smiled lightly before dismounting his horse and sending it inside the wall for safety.  He turned and spotted Crowley and Ferid, who had done the same and were now standing atop the pile of rubble.  Mikaela walked up between the two elder vampires and turned to face them.

   "Remember Ferid, Crowley– no killing.  Just knock them out, or come up with an alternate solution.  Got it?"  Ferid sighed loudly.

   "Well, that just takes all the fun out of it, now, doesn't it?"  Mikaela sent a sharp glare his way only to gain a shrug in response.

   "Don't worry, Ferid.  Mikaela can deal with all of the lesser humans– we can at least have a little fun with the short man, hmm?"  Crowley glanced over at his companion, waggling his eyebrow encouragingly.

   "I suppose you're right~"  Mikaela sighed and turned to face the horizon, watching as the group on horseback grew closer.  A gentle breeze swept across the plain, causing the blond's hair to sway in the wind.  His blood red eyes never strayed from his target, narrowing slightly when they spotted Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Jean, Sasha, and Connie among the group behind Levi, Erwin, and Hanji.  The leaders of the faction remained stoic-faced (excluding Hanji, of course), while Eren's face openly expressed his rage.

   Mikaela drew his sword as the group grew closer– Crowley and Ferid doing the same.  The blond glanced back at the two and raised an eyebrow.  Ferid sighed and waved his sword around carelessly.

   "Yes yes Mika, we know.  'No killing.'  But, that won't stop us from having a little fun~"  The young vampire shook his head and decided the time for normal talk was over.

   It was time for their blades to speak for them.

Titans Gone Vampire (Seraph of the End/ Attack on Titan Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now