Under Pressure

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With Mikaela

Mika's part wasn't all that hard. He succeeded easily on his first try when he snuck into Eren's room in the dead of night. The boy slept like a log, and Mikaela swiped the key quietly and efficiently before knocking Eren on the head, rendering him useless in alerting anybody to the absence of his key.

The blond vampire met up with his comrades in the stables, where they were all waiting on horseback. Hopping atop his own steed, Mikaela nodded to Guren before saying,

"I got the key. How do we get to Shiganshina?"

"It's a district in the very outer wall– the wall they named Maria." Shinoa answered him. "It will take us roughly a day's ride to get there– so we should be in the clear by the time the sun rises." Mitsuba nodded in agreement.

"By the time we reach the house, the Survey Corps will only just be beginning to suspect something!" Kimizuki glared at the blonde girl.

"Keep your voice down!" She glared right back at him and opened her mouth to retort before Yoichi stepped in.

"Please don't fight, we have to be quiet." Both huffed and turned their backs on each other– or as much as they could on horseback. "I'm going to miss some of these people..." When the brunette continued, Yu looked at him in surprise.

"Huh?" Yoichi looked down at the ground.

"Well, we could all connect with some of the people here. I really liked Armin, because we were both in to the same things. I could also tell that Yuu-kun seemed to connect with Eren because they both had the same burning passion to destroy something." A chuckle rippled through the teenagers of the group as Yu turned red. "The point is– I understand that we have to get home, but I'll admit that I will miss this place." Mikaela glanced over at him.

"The people here certainly are intriguing. But we can't back out now– we have already gotten the key to the basement." Mikaela locked eyes with everyone in the group before continuing. "And it's time we returned to fight our own battles." Yu nodded in agreement and raised his fist in the air.

"Let's get back to Nagoya!" And with those words, the black-haired teenager spurred his horse off into the night, disappearing into the darkness. Mikaela, Guren, Shinya, Shinoa, Mitsuba, Yoichi, and Kimizuki all stared after him, dumbfounded. Kimizuki finally spoke up.

"Idiot... Does he even know where he's going?" Shinoa shook her head.

"Nope~" Mitsuba slammed her palm into her forehead.

"What the heck is he thinking?!" Mikaela laughed, his red irises staring after his brother as he said,

"Yuu-chan is as thoughtless as ever. We better chase after him before he gets himself into more trouble than he can handle." Everyone stared at the blond in shock. He glanced back at all of his human companions, his smile fading quickly.

"What?" Shinoa stared at him, slacked jawed as Yoichi spoke up.

"Y-you... you laughed..." Mikaela turned his head away from the others, but unfortunately caught Shinoa's devious smirk.

"Mm, looks like Mikaela-san is in loooove~" Said vampire glared at her, a slight red tint in his cheeks. He couldn't believe she was provoking him in such a way.

"It was obvious," Ferid waved a hand in the air dismissively, a smirk on his face, "with the way Mika always talked about and fawned over his brother when he was young~" Mikaela glared at the older vampire.

"Enough, Ferid. Now, let's get going before we lose Yuu-chan again." Guren shook his head as the young vampire disappeared into the night.



The sun was just beginning to rise above the horizon, its rays casting a golden glow that lit up the land surrounding them. Yoichi glanced around in awe at the simple beauty that nature had created.

"Wow..." he whispered, "it's so beautiful..." Currently, the group was approaching Shigansina (or so they assumed, since they had followed the directions given to them by a civilian in town). Guren had deemed it safe for the group to slow their horses to an easy gallop, since the animals were exhausted after sprinting for hours on end. Yoichi reached forward and patted his steed on the side of her neck, and then veered closer to where Yuichiro and Kimizuki were bickering.

"Yeah, yeah idiot, but what about–?"

"I know, I know! But I will find a way to change him back!"

"It's never been done before! Don't you see that?!"  Yoichi flinched slightly at the rising volume of the salmon-haired male's voice.

   "Kimizuki-san, Yuu-kun, please stop fighting."  Both teens continued arguing with each other, completely ignoring the brunette behind them.

   "Hey, idiots!  Shut up and pay attention, we're almost to Shiganshina!"  That caught their attention, and Youchi sighed slightly.  'They're always so hard-headed...'  After shaking himself from his thoughts, Yoichi peered straight ahead, until he spotted a wall in the distance.  But this wasn't a complete picture...

   The brunette gasped as he realized that part of the wall was destroyed.

Titans Gone Vampire (Seraph of the End/ Attack on Titan Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now