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Inside Wall Rose

Mika landed on his feet uninjured, leaving a crater-like hole in the ground. Everyone instantly froze as he stood up, and faced Ferid.

"Oh, Mika, I'm so glad you came~" Mikaela glared at the silver-headed vampire.

"That's enough, Ferid. Leave these people alone."  The soldiers surrounding the two had matching emblems on the back of all their green cloaks, as well as matching looks of confusion.

"Aww, but Mika I was just having a bit of fun~" Mika gave Ferid a look that said, 'Don't push it.'  Ferid sighed.  "But Miiikkaaa~ They're all just like the livestock back home."  Saying the last part brought a knowing smile to the older vampire's face– one that seriously ticked the blond off.  Lunging forward, Mikaela clashed swords with Ferid, who had pulled his out of its scabbard.

"What on earth–?"  The humans surrounding the two as they fought were extremely confused– so, the first intruder was an enemy, but the second was an ally?

"Mika! Are you alright?!"  Ferid flew back a few meters after Mikaela kicked him in the stomach, and the blond glanced up. Yu was in the lead as the Shinoa squad, Guren, and Shinya free-fell to the earth.  Ten meters from the ground, the group found cracks in the wall they could stab their swords into, slowing their descent to the point where they wouldn't hurt their ankles with a hard landing.  The blond watched all of them reach the ground safely before turning back toward Ferid.

   "Everyone surround the enemy!" The new group followed Guren's order, spreading out in a lose ring around the vampire. Ferid rolled his eyes and returned his sword to its scabbard.

   "Fine... but Crowley will come here soon~" With those words, Ferid leaped away faster than lightening– leaving the group confused as to what his motives were. Mika was especially worried. 'What's he up to...'  The blond was forced back-to-back with Yu and the Shinoa squad however when the new humans surrounded them.

   "Who are you?!"  Yuichiro looked up to see a blond man standing up on a rooftop.  The first thing the black–haired teen noticed?  His eyebrows.  Yu whistled faintly, staring wide-eyed at the thick strips of yellow resting on the man's face that resembled squirrels (in a way).

   "I am Lieutenant Colonel Guren Ichinose," Yu instantly snapped out of his trance, feeling a bit embarrassed.  He hoped he hadn't been caught staring.  "This is my partner, Shinya Hīragi, and the Shinoa squad– Yuichiro, Shinoa, Kimizuki, Yoichi, Mitsuba, and Mikaela.  Who are you?"  Yu noticed how Guren kept his and the rest of the Shinoa squad's last names confidential.  'What harm could these people possibly do knowing our last names?'  Nonetheless, the teen didn't question Guren's decision.

   "I am Commander Erwin Smith," the blond-haired man answered.  "This is my associate, Squad Leader Hanji Zoe, and that is Squad Leader Levi Ackerman."  Beside the Commander, Yu spotted a middle-aged brunette with thick glasses, looking down at his group with a curious expression.  If he looked straight forward, he spotted a very short, raven-haired man with a bored look on his face, eyes glued to Guren.

   "HEELLOOOOO~!  Nice to meet you!"  The whole Shinoa jumped at the loud voice.  Seemingly coming from the brunette– Hanji, if Yu recalled– everyone was surprised when she suddenly appeared right in front of Mikaela.  Shaking his hand feverishly, the woman suddenly leaned forward and lifted Mika's lip, much to everyone's surprise.  "Oooh, what long canines you have~"

  "What the–?!"  Yu's startled reaction was nothing compared to the vampire's.  In less than a second, Hanji was thrown backward with such force that she crashed into a few other soldiers, knocking them all down.  Suddenly, Mikaela had a sword an inch away from his neck as the shorter man– Levi– stood beside him.

   "Mika–?!"  Everyone stood frozen in place, including Mika, who was glaring at the raven-haired man out of the corner of his eye.

   "What do you think you're doing, brat?"  His voice was cold and harsh, and Yu could tell he had some sort of bad experience in the past.

   "Simply defending myself.  The woman I just met was inspecting my teeth, don't you find that a bit strange?"  The blond's reply was just as cold as he stared the man down.

   "Tch."  The only reply Mika got from the man was a tsk, and the blond wondered if he had some sort of 'I-can't-and-won't-express-any-emotion-as-long-as-I-live' disorder.

   "Levi, stand down."  The sword was drawn away from Mikaela's neck at Erwin's command, albeit with an eye roll from Levi.

   "Oh my gosh!!!!  Did you see how far he pushed me back?!  This is– this is–"  Levi rolled his eyes once again at the excitement of the brunette who was once again back on her feet.

   "Calm down, Shit-Glasses.  Your excitement will kill you one day."  Fake tears appeared in Hanji's eyes.

   "So... you do care~"  The woman laughed as Levi hit her on the head.  Mikaela raised an eyebrow at the scene.

   "Hold on!"  Yu's angry voice cut through the air.  "Mika's actions were justified!  That woman just came up and started touching him without his permission–!"  The blond chucked at his brother's words.

   "Yuu-chan, calm down."  The fuming black-haired teen turned towards his brother, and took a deep breath.

   "He's right Yuu-kun, these people are just curious."  Yoichi set his arm on Yu's shoulder, as the rest of the Shinoa squad gathered around him, laughing it off.  Mika's heart lurched to see his brother laughing along with them.  Despite the fact that Yu had made it clear they were still family– just like so long ago– Mika couldn't help but feel like he as being replaced.

   "Well, Lieutenant Colonel Guren Ichinose," the booming voice of Erwin brought everyone's attention to the rooftop.  "How would you feel about coming to our base and answering a few questions?"  Yu, Mikaela, and the rest of their group watched as Guren and Erwin had a mini stare–down.

   "Lead the way, Commander Erwin Smith."

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