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Wall Maria

Yu couldn't believe his luck as he was clutched in the hand of the Female Giant, feeling as if he was staring straight into the eyes of death itself. He gulped, but the air was forced out of his lungs when the Giantess began to squeeze him. He screamed in pain, feeling as if his ribs were constricting in on his chest. Yuichiro faintly heard the call of his brother in the distance;

"Yuu-chan!"  His screams intensified as the Giant squeezed him harder but were cut off as Levi soared in, expertly maneuvering around the Titan's attacks in order to cut off her fingers, freeing the black-haired teen.  The world went dark for a second before he was in the arms of one of his comrades, the world coming back into full view.

   "Yuu-san!"  Shinoa's concerned voice reached his ears, and he took a deep breath, confusion flitting across his features.  The purple-haired girl landed lightly on the ground near Mitsuba, Kimizuki, and Guren; and Yoichi and Shinya could be seen racing towards the group in the distance.  Yu coughed weakly as the group gathered around him.

   "G-guys, I'm fine..."  His voice was scratchy, dry from his screaming just moments ago.  Kimizuki wasn't making any sarcastic remarks (thankfully), and a look of genuine worry adorned everyone's faces.  Yu coughed weakly once more before asking, "Where's Mika–?" The teen's voice failed him, and he broke down, coughing quietly once more.  Yuichiro's head snapped up once a chilling laugh filled the air. His stomach filled with dread as he realized who that laugh belonged to.

"Mika!" Yu flung himself forward, latching onto his brother from behind. He didn't have time to dodge when two giant wings spring from his adoptive brother's back, launching him into the air and causing him to land harshly on his side, knocking the breath out of him. He didn't care about his own condition, however, as he watched in horror as Mikaela raised into the air, the giant white wings propelling him easily upwards. The black-haired teen had to turn his head away when a foolish Recon Scout flew forward, only to get squeezed and burned to death by fire-engulfed chains protruding from the ground. The cobblestone was scattered with blood and charred remains.

"Mika!" His voice was barely louder than his normal speech, but Yu cleared his throat and tried again. "Mika!" The blond stopped, and turned towards him. Yu gaped at the emptiness in his brother's eyes, and his gaze was drawn to his single, blood-red eye that was open wide and staring at him in disgust.

"U-u-u-u-unhol-l-ly. U-u-u-u-unpure. D-d-d-d-die, e-earthling s-s-s-skum." Yu had enough sense in him to roll to the side, just before two smoldering chains pierced the ground where he had just been. He scrambled to his feet, watching as Mikaela turned back towards the Female Giant, cocking his head. The blond didn't even flinch when the She-Giant reached down and tried to smash him underneath her fist, only to fail when the vampire blocked the attack with multiple chains. "S-s-s-sinner. Die." Yu watched as Mikaela commanded the chains with his mind, sending them crawling up the legs of the Giant.

"Yuichiro!" The teen snapped out of his trance, and turned towards Guren. "We have to find that basement!" It was then that Yu noticed that the rest of his team had already disappeared.

"B-but Mika–"

"–Will take out the Giant for us! Now, start searching!" The teen couldn't move. It felt like his limbs were stuck in place by an invisible force as he continued to watch his brother wreak havoc and destruction on the surrounding area. Half the Survey Corps' force had been killed, slaughtered mindlessly by either the Titan or his own brother. 'Is this what it felt like for Mika when I–' His thoughts were cut off abruptly by Guren, who shouted to get his attention once more.

"Yuichiro! Yoichi found the basement, but Mikaela has the key! Find some way to shut him down!" Yu shook his head, trying to clear his mind of any thoughts besides that of getting the key. He would have to get close enough to his brother to do it, and the only way that was going to happen was if Mikaela was his normal self. Yu's knees wobbled as the conclusion became clear.

He would have to nearly kill his brother.

Steeling his nerves, Yu whispered, "I'm sorry, Mika," before lunging forward with his sword outstretched.


Mikaela didn't know exactly what was happening now. Suspended in the air by fire-engulfed chains within the depths of his mind, he watched, powerless, as the monster possessing his body destroyed everything around him. The blond vampire felt no pain in his wrists and ankles where the chains holding him in place made contact with his skin, but he wouldn't mind if he could feel it.

Right at that moment, hanging suspended in nothingness with no feeling whatsoever greatly unnerved the teen. If only he could feel something– anything at all. But there was nothing to feel; simply the numbness dulling his senses. He was greatly surprised when Yu crossed his vision, and Mika peered through the eyes of his own body as the monster tried to kill his Yu. Feeling rage boil in his gut, the blond yanked on the chains, only to scream in pain when the fire began to burn his wrists. Quickly stilling his efforts of resistance, the young vampire settled on yelling;

"Yuu-chan! Yuu-chan, I'm right here!" His own body refused to listen to his commands, and the boy groaned in frustration, tears beginning to swell behind his eyes. He watched, emotionless, as the monster acting as him took the Female Giant down by commanding the chains to snake up her body.

Mikaela struggled against the chains imprisoning him as he bit his lip, the pain like nothing he had ever felt before. He froze however when he sensed the monster weakening. Mika looked on as he (it) turned his head to spot his brother, tears streaming down his cheeks as he held a sword firmly in Mika's chest.

The tears Mika had been restraining until now finally burst forth, eyes closing tightly as he stifled his pitiful cries. And suddenly, he felt himself slam into his own body again, the monster gone just as quickly as it had taken over.

Titans Gone Vampire (Seraph of the End/ Attack on Titan Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now