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Atop Wall Rose

Yuichiro followed in confusion and slight wariness as Pixis lead the group to the top of the giant wall. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Mika kept one hand on the hilt of his sheathed sword, prepared to battle if the opportunity presented itself. After the group had reached their destination, they were all mildly surprised to see Guren waiting with Shinya by his side.

"Guren? What are you doing here?" The question slipped from Yu's lips before he could register the full thought in his head. Pixis looked over at him.

"Guren? I'm sorry, but I need to talk with this group privately–"

"I'm the leader of this group. Lieutenant Colonel Guren Ichinose. This is Shinya Hīragi– also a leader in this group." Commander Pixis looked him up and down before smiling kindly.

"Well alright then, Mr. Ichinose and Mr. Hīragi. Please come with us." The two said men lead the Shinoa Squad, Eren, Armin, and Mikasa behind Pixis, who stopped near a pile of boxes stacked in the middle of the wall.

"Well then," Pixis rounded on them, "who are you, and what are you doing here?" Yuichiro watched as Guren remained silent for a moment, finally deeming the older man worthy of knowing their story

   "This is the Shinoa Squad– Yuichiro, Yoichi, Mitsuba, Shinoa, Kimizuki, and Mikaela.  We come from Nagoya– which isn't around here because we don't exactly know where 'here' is."  The Shinoa Squad sat on the boxes and listened to Guren's explanation of their world– the vampires, the war, the last moment up until they found themselves in the forest of giant trees.

   Guren only left out a few details.  Yu thought about how his leader neglected to tell Commander Pixis that Mikaela was a vampire, or that Crowley and Ferid had somehow come with them.  He was alright with that– based on Pixis's subtle immediate dislike towards the bloodthirsty monsters, he wasn't sure how the older man would feel about Mika.  The Shinoa squad (except Mikaela) were very surprised at the man's patience and acceptance of Guren's tale.  His response was,

   "A man like you couldn't spin a lie that big unless you were drunk."  The skin around his eyes crinkled as he laughed lightly.  "I believe you."  Eren, however, was a different story.

   "Woah, wait sir!  You're just going to believe them just like that?!  Come on, vampires?  They're just an old wives' tale–" Mikaela glared at him, shutting him up in an instant as Yuichiro spoke up.

   "You think the Giants are hard to fight?  Our enemies have intelligence– so I'd like to see how you would do fighting someone who is faster and stronger than you.  Not to mention the fact that they feast on our blood because they don't care about us– they only think of us as livestock."  Yu's words held an underlying threatening tone.  But Mika was the only one to notice the sadness in his brother's voice, and gently set a hand in his shoulder.

   "Yuu-chan?"  All tenseness left the blackette's body instantly, and he slightly leaned into his brother's touch, sighing heavily. Mikaela continued. "He's right– they have no defense system if they're civilians– and it isn't as if the soldiers will be willing to protect each and every human individually. The race is fading."

   "..."  Pixis stayed silent along with the others.  Although many viewed him as simply a drunk old man on the outside, he was actually very perceptive.

   And that's precisely the reason he was the only one to pick up on Mikaela's use of the word 'human' as if he wasn't even one himself.


   The soldiers didn't take very kindly to Pixis's idea to use Eren– a successful experiment– in their fight to regain the Trost District.  In addition, the brunette noted how the commander of the Military Police added the successful testing of certain weapons to oppose the Titans.  Eren was still suspicious of the group– who wouldn't be?– as he believed that their story of being from a different world was a bit far-fetched.  As Pixis explained the most-likely-to-be-unsuccessful plan to the troops remaining on the ground below, Eren turned towards the outer district.

   He could see the Titans roaming the city– and he felt disgust well up in his chest at the thought of any people in their home left to die by the hands of humanity's sworn enemy.

   "Eren... are you sure about this?" The teal-eyed boy glanced over at his sister, a slight hint of irritation shining in his blue-green orbs.

"I'm fine Mikasa. Stop being so overprotective." Said girl didn't break her gaze from Eren, determination in her stance.

"Eren... don't die. Continue living on– if not for anything else, do it for me." Eren's eyes softened as he glanced over at his sister.

"I won't die Mikasa– I promise." He glanced over at Commander Pixis, who was walking towards them. "Now go." Mikasa nodded, and saluted to Pixis before heading over to her squad.

"Alright, Eren Yeager, you're up." Eren nodded, and stood, heading over to his new squad mates that would be accompanying him through the Titan-infested district.

'I will use this new ability... to kill all the Titans... No matter what it takes.'

Titans Gone Vampire (Seraph of the End/ Attack on Titan Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now