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The march through the forest was plagued by silence. Their footsteps were painfully loud to Yu as the group trudged along, everyone keeping an eye out for the Giants as well as being on alert for any moves from Ferid or Crowley. All in all, you could say the whole situation turned out to be... awkward.

It was getting dark, and the group decided to bed down for the night. It was dangerous to sleep on the ground in their current situation, but they decided to let two people guard and alert the group to any impending danger. One of these people would be Mikaela around the clock, as he didn't have to sleep anymore.

"Aww, you don't trust us to guard you~?" Ferid seemed genuinely hurt by the actions of the humans, but they all gave him a look that said, 'You really think we'd trust you with our lives? No.'

During the nighttime ever since he had been turned, Mika had had a lot of time to think. He would think about how he would stay like this forever, while Yuu-chan would grow up, hopefully get married– and maybe even have kids of his own. Mika would look like a teenager forever– and the thought wasn't exactly comforting that he had to watch his Yuu-chan grow up and live a full life without him.  As for Mikaela on the other hand...

It was around midnight when Mika woke the group. He smelled something... something that had a strange similarity to smoke. Maybe a fire?  The group followed him as he lead the way, the smell getting stronger until the humans and vampires reached the edge of the forest. They were all stunned– even Ferid and Crowley– at how close they had been to the edge. The two tag-a-long vampires looked at each other.

"Well, I guess this is where we depart~" Mika shushed them, and listened.

"You hear that?" He addressed the question to the vampires, as the Shinoa squad didn't have super-human hearing like he did. There was a faint wisp of a conversation he could hear, coming from the direction of some old abandoned buildings. There was no fire, but now that Mikaela looked more closely, he could see horses tethered right outside the buildings.

"–back.... the walls...?" 'The walls? What does that mean?'

"–yes... morning... Wall Rose...." 'What is Wall Rose? I have a bad feeling about this...'

"Hmm, it seems a new group of humans have been talking about going home~  But what's a wall rose?"  Ferid voiced the question as the humans looked at them in confusion.

   "I have a suspicion that these humans have found a way to live peacefully without interference from the Giants."  Mikaela turned towards Yu and his friends, Guren and Shinya included.  "From what I could hear, the humans were talking about heading home to a 'Wall Rose' in the morning.  I suggest we follow them."  Guren thought about the idea.

   "I don't know how kindly they'll take to strangers, especially strangers like us.  But maybe following them and possibly discovering a safe haven would be in our best interests..."  With Guren's decision, the Shinoa squad settled down at the edge of the trees while Mikaela kept an eye on the humans in the old buildings not far away.  Ferid and Crowley exchanged glances.

   "I guess this is where we part ways.  It's been fun, Mika~"  Mika silently ignored Ferid and Crowley as the duo disappeared into the night.  He was relieved when they were gone– despite the fact that they had a 'deal,' Mikaela didn't trust them one bit.  So, with senses on high alert for any sign of danger, Mika watched over the sleeping Shinoa squad, as well as kept an eye out for any movement from the unknown humans.


    "Yuu-chan, wake up."  The black-haired male sat up groggily and looked around, a bit disoriented.  Once his eyes came into focus, he spotted Mika right in front of him, shaking his shoulder.

   "Alright Mika, alright!  I'm up!"  Between his brother's bedhead and the way he was rubbing his eyes, Mika couldn't help but chuckle and pat the blackette's head.  Assured that his brother was awake, the blond went to wake the others.  Yuichiro looked up at the horizon, spotting the sun that was just beginning the rise.  Although– if he squinted hard enough– he could also see movement around some old, abandoned buildings...

   'Are they... the people Mika was taking about last night?'  Yu squinted his eyes until they were nearly closed, and could barely see the silhouettes of a group of men and women riding on the backs of horses, some pulling wagons.  The group seemed unusually small, for venturing around outside with the Giants somewhere nearby.  To Yu, it looked like they were all wearing a set of matching cloaks... Shrugging his shoulders, Yu stood up and stretched, feeling a satisfying pop in his back.  With the others awake, Mikaela pointed to the humans in the distance.

   "They're headed towards a giant structure in the distance– and I believe we should hurry and follow before we lose them."  Nodding, Guren started to jog in the same direction as their target was heading.  It would be a long day– but the group was determined to reach the safe haven by nightfall.


   Yu was surprised when they reached their destination when the sun was just beginning to set. Guren, Shinya, Mika, Shinoa, Yuichiro, Yoichi, Mitsuba, and Kimizuki came upon a giant... wall?  The blackette was a little surprised that it would be in the middle of nowhere– wasn't there the threat of the Giants all around them terrifying?

   "Wow...  I can't imagine any one of the Giants getting over a wall this big..."  Yoichi stared up at the wall with awe in his eyes.

   "It must have taken years to build this thing."  Kimizuki looked closely at the base, spotting almost no indents or scratches in the stone.

   "Well, obviously it would've taken a long time, idiots, pay attention!"  Mitsuba's voice was loud as ever as she and Kimizuki started to argue.

   "Ooh, I wonder what they thought when they first saw the Giants~  I mean, they have no reproductive parts whatsoever–"  Shinoa was cut off by Mika.

   "How is that relevant?"  Yuu was amused watching all of his friends be themselves– it was one of the things he loved most about them.  Then, the most obvious question came to his mind.

   "We're here. So what do we do now?"  Everyone became quiet at the question.  Yu snapped his head to the left at the sound of sword meeting stone.

"It's obvious, isn't it?" Guren glanced over at the teen with his usual, 'You're painfully oblivious' look. "We climb."

Titans Gone Vampire (Seraph of the End/ Attack on Titan Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now