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Just imagine the image above as the colors for the portal.

Wall Maria

   Mikaela was in pain.  A prominent stinging in chest caused his limbs to tingle, and he slowly opened his eyes to spot a blurry form above him.

   "–a?  Mika!  Mika, can you hear me?"  As his vision cleared, the vampire was finally able to make out the form of his brother hovering over him.  Mikaela's eyes dilated as his gaze locked on Yu's neck, and without mercy he leapt up and sank his teeth into the flesh.  Mika could taste the specific flavor of the blood he had always preferred on his tongue, and felt refreshed and rejuvenated.  The blood flowed into his mouth immediately, and he breathed a sigh of pleasure through his nose, feeling Yu do the same.  Eyes widening suddenly, the vampire tore himself away from his brother, reaching up to cover his mouth and lowering his gaze shamefully.

   "Y-Yuu-chan, I–"  The black-haired teen shook his head, stemming the trickle of blood with the collar of his uniform as he smiled at his brother.

   "It's fine, Mika."  His eyes clouded with anger very suddenly, and Mikaela was surprised when Yuichiro slapped him.  "Don't you ever do that again!"  Knowing that he was referring to the monster-possessing-stunt, Mika smiled lightly at the younger and pulled him in for a hug, whispering,

   "Only if you promise to never do it either."  Yu stayed silent, and Mika figured that was the best response he was going to get out of the stubborn teen right then.

   "Yuu-san, Mika-san!"  Shinoa's worried voice reached the two boys, who had pulled apart in order to face her, and spotted the purple-haired girl and the rest of their squad as the group approached them.  They gathered around their teammates just as Ferid and Crowley appeared a few paces away.

   "Well well well," Crowley raised an eyebrow, "the Seraph gene has finally awakened."  Yu's blood ran cold.

   "Seraph gene?"  Ferid smiled crookedly.

   "Of course, Yuichiro.  You didn't think you were the only experiment, did you?"  The silence was only broken by Mikaela's threatening growl, which caused Ferid to raise his hands defensively and shrug his shoulders.  "So, where's the basement?  I don't know about you, but I'm tired of this world."  Guren shook his head and gestured towards Yu.

   "Help Mikaela.  The basement is this way."  The group slowly trudged towards their destination behind Guren and Shinya, who lead the way confidently.  Soon enough, Mikaela looked on at the wreckage of a once-beautiful house before him: broken wooden beams and shattered roof tiles littered the scene along with... blood.  The blond winced and instead scanned the area with his sharpened sight to spot a huge boulder resting nearby, also covered with blood stains.

   "This is it."  Shinya nodded at the group, taking the key as Mikaela handed it to him.  The group of ten carefully picked their way through the wreckage towards a large wooden door that rested below the house.  Eventually reaching it, the silver-haired man unlocked the door cautiously, peering around the wall before stepping carefully into the room.

   The basement was quite large for a basement– stretching 7 meters long and 5 meters wide.  Mikaela glanced around, still on full alert as he leaned some of his weight on Yu. There were piles of boxes stacked randomly against the walls, and Mikaela could really determine what was so special about the space. 'It just looks like a normal basement...'

   "Everyone, look at this!"  In one corner of the room, Kimizuki stood next to a tall object covered with a long cloth.  Yanking off the cover, the salmon-blond-haired boy gasped as the room burst into sudden color, joined by the surprised outbursts of the others.  Shielding his eyes, Mikaela squinted as he stared right at the harsh light until it dimmed slightly, enough for him to lower his arm.

   Mika couldn't help but gape (but only slightly) at the sight before him.  Bright colors swirled around each other– vivid greens, reds, blues, purples, oranges, and yellows all blending together in one mass of colors.  The sight was beautiful, and the whole collage rested in a circular shape, suspended between two tall, thin poles. Mikaela glanced over at Yu to see that his brother was staring at it the same way he had been; with his jaw nearly on the floor.

Guren started forward, keeping his eyes pinned on the light as he drew his sword. Stretching out his arm, the man cautiously pushed the tip of the blade to make contact with the colors, and then withdrew his weapon. The lights shuddered for a second before a light breeze filled the room.

"I see Nagoya!" Everyone stared intently at the swirl of light at Yoichi's outburst, gasping when they, too, saw their home reflected within the depths of the 'mirror' of sorts. Guren turned to face the others.

"All right everyone, listen up. Crowley and Ferid will go first through this... portal, and you will follow in pairs. I want Kimizuki and Yoichi together, followed by Shinoa and Mitsuba. Yuichiro and Mikaela will go next, and Shinya and I will take the rear. Any objections?" Ferid raised his hand high in the air, a slight pout on his face.

"Why did you volunteer us to go first?" Guren gave the vampire a "Really?" look.

"Because, I don't trust you two. Plus, if something goes wrong, we'll know.  Now go, we'll follow." Ferid shrugged his shoulders at Crowley, who just shook his head, turned, and dashed through the portal. The once-nice breeze grew stronger, and was to the point it was whipping Mikaela's hair about as Ferid also disappeared. Yoichi and Kimizuki jumped through together, making the winds worsen.

"Is this supposed to happen, Guren?!" Yu shouted over the roar of the winds as Shinoa and Mitsuba disappeared.

"The portal's condition is worsening! It seems as if the red is taking over!" Mikaela pointed to the swirl of colors, which was now a blazing crimson with only a few other dim colors swirling in the middle. Shinya shook his head.

"We've never seen anything like this before! We don't know if it's good or bad, but I'm willing to bet it's bad!" Shinya gasped suddenly as he was swept of his feet, and after shoving his foot against the wall weakly, he flew into the portal.

"C'mon, Mika! We have to go!" The blond continued to anchor his brother as they slowly moved forward, the winds attempting to blow them off balance. Just as they were about to jump, however, the door to the basement flew open with a bang, and there stood the bloodied and bruised members of the Survey Corps.

Titans Gone Vampire (Seraph of the End/ Attack on Titan Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now